Marriage certificate info help

I was hoping that someone with more experience in early 1800s marriage log translation could help me out with some terminology/abbreviation.

In the margin of the church log it states the name of the couple to be married, followed by the abbreviation "esp." in lower case cursive. What does that mean?

Also in the body of the text it reads "Para el matrimonio... (then it looks like a lower case q with a lower case e or l above it) the next word looks like conmq (& again the lower case q has what looks to be an n above it.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!


Can you provide us with the URL address of the image of the marriage entry
in question? The URL is in the address bar at the top of the browser and is
unique to that image. Seeing the entry will allow someone here to transcribe


On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 7:51 PM, wrote:

> I was hoping that someone with more experience in early 1800s marriage log
> translation could help me out with some terminology/abbreviation.
> In the margin of the church log it states the name of the couple to be
> married, followed by the abbreviation "esp." in lower case cursive. What
> does that mean?
> Also in the body of the text it reads "Para el matrimonio... (then it looks
> like a lower case q with a lower case e or l above it) the next word looks
> like conmq (& again the lower case q has what looks to be an n above it.
> Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks.
> Monica -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
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Unfortunately there is no URL I got the information from film that I ordered and viewed at the LDS church, and the image was very bad so it did not print well. I transcribed what I could and took a picture of the computer screen. I will try and upload those images but they are not very clear either. I just thought someone might have an idea, or be familiar with these terms/abbreviations.

Monica Ochoa

What's the number of the film?


On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 11:13 AM, wrote:

> Unfortunately there is no URL I got the information from film that I
> ordered and viewed at the LDS church, and the image was very bad so it did
> not print well. I transcribed what I could and took a picture of the
> computer screen. I will try and upload those images but they are not very
> clear either. I just thought someone might have an idea, or be familiar with
> these terms/abbreviations.
> Thanks, Monica Ochoa

The film # is 1155497. I have posted a picture of the image in a file folder attachment as well, although it is not very clear it is the best I could do.


Monica Ochoa

I found the image online at…

The portion you are asking about says: "...para el matrimonio que
contrajeron Santos Cervantes español originario y vecino de esta

We are related through the paternal grandmother of Santos de Avalos/Dávalos
and maybe through some of your other ancestors. I haven't been able to find
the grandparents of Bacilio Valadez González de Rubalcava the maternal
grandfather of Santos.


On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 5:16 PM, wrote:

> The film # is 1155497. I have posted a picture of the image in a file
> folder attachment as well, although it is not very clear it is the best I
> could do.
> Thanks
> Monica Ochoa

This is to correct an error -

I meant "We are related through the paternal grandmother of Santos through
de Avalos/Dávalos..."


On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 8:48 PM, Armando wrote:

> I found the image online at
> The portion you are asking about says: "...para el matrimonio que
> contrajeron Santos Cervantes español originario y vecino de esta
> feligresía...."
> We are related through the paternal grandmother of Santos de Avalos/Dávalos
> and maybe through some of your other ancestors. I haven't been able to find
> the grandparents of Bacilio Valadez González de Rubalcava the maternal
> grandfather of Santos.
> Saludos
> Armando
> On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 5:16 PM, wrote:
>> The film # is 1155497. I have posted a picture of the image in a file
>> folder attachment as well, although it is not very clear it is the best I
>> could do.
>> Thanks
>> Monica Ochoa


WOW, Thanks so much for your help!

How is it that you found that image on-line, and why is it that I had to order the film? When I looked it up, it specified "image not available on-line" what am I doing wrong? I am sorry to bombard you with questions, but what a lead you have given me! I don't have the information past (Jose de los) Santos Cervantes and you have info on his grandmother...its amazing, exciting, and wonderful. Please tell me more, or tell me where I can view your ancestry.

Thanks again so much, really appreciate it.
Monica Ochoa


I have found so many that have said not available online but i just look up the film number and find what roll its in and I have had 98% success in finding them online.
Armando is awesome at transcribing!!!

Amalia Hernandez Arias

Hello Monica,

This should answer questions from various messages you have posted.

In this case when it specifies image not available online it just meant they
haven't linked the search result to the page of the image. In order to find
out if the image is actually online or not you need to look up the name of
the film from the film number at
This will give you a list of all film numbers for the same parish. Look for
your film number in that list which will give you your film name. That film
name will be found in the list of films online under the parish. I have an
index of film numbers, film names, and dates found in them at…
The index can help find within which pages the image should exist although
at times they records can be a few pages later.

When the film number isn't listed just assume it is in the film that has
corresponding dates. Such as Ana Getrudis Valdés Gómez baptized 18 December
1744 is in the film Bautismos 1738-1745. This won't always work but it does
most of the time after 1700. I see now where Jonathan's post makes sense for
the ones that aren't easily found.

I found that I had a mistake with the maternal grandfather this error on
Saturday but I didn't have time to post. You'll see the correction to the
mistake below.

Santos parents Visente Ferrer Cervantes de Ávalos and Ana Getrudis Valdés
Gómez married 10 November 1761…

Visente Ferrer Cervantes de Ávalos was baptized 10 November 1725 in Lagos de
Moreno. He was from the [Hacienda] La Laja (This is the hacienda where my
Cervantes ancestors were from)…

Vicente's parents were Pedro Joseph Cervantes and Getrudis de Abalos who
married 14 October 1721 in Lagos…

Getrudis de Abalos was baptized 31 July 1700 in Lagos…

Getrudis parents were Antonio de Abalos and Juana Ayala y Guzmán who married
19 May 1694 in Lagos
I descend from this couple through their son José Antonio born
16 November 1705 married 7 January 1732 to María Josefa de Cervantes Avila

Santos mother was Ana Getrudis Valdés Gómez baptized 18 December 1744…

Her parents were Bacilio Valdés and Maria Manuela Gómez married 20 August

Bacilio Valdés López was baptized 9 February 1710…

His parents were Luis López Valdés and Ana López de Lara

I don't have more than that. Hopefully someone here can help with anything I
have missing.

I put all of this info on my geneanet page at…

Since Santos and María del Rosario Madaleno Guzman had a dispensa de cuarto
grado we might be able to find more ancestors if that dispensa can be found.
They are probably related through Guzman. If you want to search for it try
the matrimonios del Diócesis de Guadalajara around the year of their
marriage at…


On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 11:01 PM, wrote:

> Armando,
> WOW, Thanks so much for your help!
> How is it that you found that image on-line, and why is it that I had to
> order the film? When I looked it up, it specified "image not available
> on-line" what am I doing wrong? I am sorry to bombard you with questions,
> but what a lead you have given me! I don't have the information past (Jose
> de los) Santos Cervantes and you have info on his grandmother...its amazing,
> exciting, and wonderful. Please tell me more, or tell me where I can view
> your ancestry.
> Thanks again so much, really appreciate it.
> Monica Ochoa

Estimado Armando,

Me interesa este tema sobre los Valdés en Santa María de los Lagos. Desciendo de unos Valdés pero no sé existe un vínculo con los que mencionastes López Valdés. Los míos tengo lo siguiente:

· D. Juan Basilio de Valdés casó Da. María de Aguilar ca. 1715 en Lagos
· D. Joseph de Valdés y Aguilar nació hacia 1718 en Lagos y falleció el 12 de julio de 1783 en Aguascalientes casó Da. Águeda de Salas y Bonilla hacia 1740 en Lagos.
· D. José Gregorio de Valdés y Aguilar bautizado el 18 de marzo de 1759 en Aguascalientes casó Da. María Josefa Jacoba Alonso de los Hinojos el 25 de junio de 1788 en Aguascalientes.
· Da. María Marcelina de Valdés y Aguilar nació el 2 de junio de 1796 en Aguascalientes casó a D. Joseph Antonio Martínez de Sotomayor el 26 de mayo de 1826 en Aguascalientes.
· Da. María de los Dolores Martínez de Sotomayor nació hacia 1829 en Aguascalientes casó al Lic. D. Eugenio de Camino, (mi cuarto bisabuelo por dos líneas) el 11 de julio de 1849 en Calvillo.

Los que mencionas son López Valdés pero los míos son Valdes y Aguilar quienes pasaron de Santa María de los Lagos a la ciudad de Aguascalientes donde pronto los descendientes enlazaron con miembros de la élite local: Ruiz de Esparza, Loera, Alonso de los Hinojos, Martínez de Sotomayor, Camino.

Aver si puedes ayudarme o guiarme en una manera. Me interesa estos Valdés y la familia Salas y Bonilla, y Aguilar.

Un saludo amigo,

Daniel Mendez-Camino

Estimado Daniel,

Si han de ser parientes. Explicaré como llegué a deducir eso.

Parece que Joseph de Valdés y Aguilar fue bautizado como Joseph Mateo el 19
Oct 1712 nacido en La Mololoa que parece que parece que también era conocido
como Rio de Santa María por los bautismos de otros Valdés y Aguilar y Valdés
Gómez aparte de otras familias que en alguna ocasiones los hijos habían
nacidos en uno u otro de estos dos lugares. Tengo planeado hablar, un día de
estos, a un señor de Lagos amigo de un tío, e hijo de un compadre de mi
abuelo, que según esta escribiendo un libro sobre los ranchos de Lagos, para
verificar esto. En la página se
encuentra lo siguiente:

*El análisis de las primeras mercedes o repartos de tierra a los
conquistadores y los registros sacramentales que se resguardan en las
antiguas Notarias Parroquiales de la Región, nos permiten afirmar que por un
determinado tiempo el Rio de la Mololoa, llamado por los Españoles "Rio de
Santa María", y parte de la Sierra del Tequán, sirvieron como uno de los
límites naturales, primero entre la parroquia de Teocaltiche erigida en
1550, de indios Caxcanes y la parroquia de Jalostotitlán, segregada en 1572
para atender a los indios
entre la parroquia de Jalostotitlán y la parroquia de la Villa
Española de Santa María de los Lagos, para servir en el siglo XVIII de
límite entre las recién creadas parroquias de San Juan en 1769 y la de
Nuestra Señora de la Encarnación en 1778.
En algunos registros bautismales de los hermanos de Joseph Mateo la madre
aparece como María de Regla y en el de Catarina como Maria Regla de Aguilar.
En el registro bautismal de Antonio su padre aparece como Juan Lopes Baldes.
Entonces Juan ha de haber sido hermano de Luis López Valdés cuyos hijos
también eran de La Mololoa en fechas cercanas. Deberías ver todos los
bautismos para ver si puedes encontrar algo mas.

Por las fechas existe la posibilidad que tu ancestro D. Juan Basilio fue
hijo de Bacilio Valdés e Inés González de Rubalcava bautizado el 20 de
febrero 1698. Inés fue bautizada en Lagos el 4 de marzo 1661 hija de
Sebastián Pérez de Ornelas y Leonor González de Ruvalcaba y Franco de

Un saludo amigo

2011/10/4 Daniel Mendez de Torres

> Estimado Armando,
> Me interesa este tema sobre los Valdés en Santa María de los Lagos.
> Desciendo de unos Valdés pero no sé existe un vínculo con los que
> mencionastes López Valdés. Los míos tengo lo siguiente:
> · D. Juan Basilio de Valdés casó Da. María de Aguilar ca. 1715 en
> Lagos
> · D. Joseph de Valdés y Aguilar nació hacia 1718 en Lagos y falleció
> el 12 de julio de 1783 en Aguascalientes casó Da. Águeda de Salas y Bonilla
> hacia 1740 en Lagos.
> · D. José Gregorio de Valdés y Aguilar bautizado el 18 de marzo de
> 1759 en Aguascalientes casó Da. María Josefa Jacoba Alonso de los Hinojos el
> 25 de junio de 1788 en Aguascalientes.
> · Da. María Marcelina de Valdés y Aguilar nació el 2 de junio de
> 1796 en Aguascalientes casó a D. Joseph Antonio Martínez de Sotomayor el 26
> de mayo de 1826 en Aguascalientes.
> · Da. María de los Dolores Martínez de Sotomayor nació hacia 1829 en
> Aguascalientes casó al Lic. D. Eugenio de Camino, (mi cuarto bisabuelo por
> dos líneas) el 11 de julio de 1849 en Calvillo.
> Los que mencionas son López Valdés pero los míos son Valdes y Aguilar
> quienes pasaron de Santa María de los Lagos a la ciudad de Aguascalientes
> donde pronto los descendientes enlazaron con miembros de la élite local:
> Ruiz de Esparza, Loera, Alonso de los Hinojos, Martínez de Sotomayor,
> Camino.
> Aver si puedes ayudarme o guiarme en una manera. Me interesa estos Valdés y
> la familia Salas y Bonilla, y Aguilar.
> Un saludo amigo,
> Daniel Mendez-Camino

I am not sure if its the same Bacilio Balades/Baldes. But the info I have is as follows:

Jose de los Santos Cervantes son of
Ana Gertrudis Balades/Baldes (& Vicente Cervantes married 1761) daughter of
Bacilio Balades (& Maria Manuela Gomes married 8/20/1730 Sta Ma. de los Lagos Moreno) son of Luis Baldes & Ana Lopes.

I hope this is info relevant to your search. If we are related please tell me ho so I can incorporate any info I am missing


Monica Ochoa

esp. means espa~ol (spanish); it means that they were either spaniards or from spanish ancestors. the other notes i dont know, maybe if i see the document'
hope this helps!

A. Bugarin

Every bit helps, Thanks!
I really appreciate it.

I will try and upload the images I have, but they are not very clear.

Monica Ochoa