Help in reading this document??

Im having a hard time reading the side part and the whole document.I can read the name s of the parents but not the padrinos can anyone help me?…

The individual being baptize is Santiago Delgadillo.

Indeed Araujo it is not a common name, that's why I labeled it instead as "not strange". I have met people with that surname. By the way, the padrinos not were always a married couple. Sometimes they were brother and sister, or mother and son, or completely unrelated to each other. I've seen examples of each of those cases (in the ancient records as well as in my own modern family).
Best regards,
Victoriano Navarro

Hi Abram,
Araujo is not a strange surname here in Mexico.
I don't think one can say for sure Cristobal Delgadillos' parents are Juan Delgadillo and Antonia de Araugo. Juan may be Cristobal's father, uncle, brother or cousin.
Best regards,
Victoriano Navarro


I don't think it's as common as Gonzalez,Garcia,Guzman,ect.And it seems to be that the last name Araugo or Araujo is Portuguese and Spanish how interesting.You might be right it could be either father , uncle or cousin.I tries looking for record images for Juan Delgadillo and Antonia Araugo(Araujo)but i didnt find anything.

I haven't looked, but have you tried under Arango?

On Sun, Apr 1, 2012 at 11:38 AM, wrote:

> Victoriano,
> I don't think it's as common as Gonzalez,Garcia,Guzman,ect.And it seems to
> be that the last name Araugo or Araujo is Portuguese and Spanish how
> interesting.You might be right it could be either father , uncle or
> cousin.I tries looking for record images for Juan Delgadillo and Antonia
> Araugo(Araujo)but i didnt find anything.


Thank you Victoriano.Wow what a strange last name Antonia has,i wanted your opinion do you think Cristobal Delgadillos' parents are Juan Delgadillo and Antonia De Araugo?