Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado and Josepha Alvarez Tostado

Hola Every one ,seeking out Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado and his first Wife Josepha Alvarez Tostado. Lorenzo was married to Josepha prior to 1725. Lorenzo's second wife was Gertrudis Efigenia Ramirez de Hermosillo april 19,1725 in Jalostotitlan located in Matrimonios 1707-1748 image #191. I was looking at the Dispensas that Claudia has given and no go . I was thinking they were probably related and needed to go through dispensation but have not found it yet. Has anyone had any luck ? I am descended to Lorenzo and his two wives.
Thank you
Ronnie Reynoso

I have a Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado married to Juana Delgadillo. I do not have his parents. Juana's parents are Diego Delgadillo y Petrona de Ysala/Isla/Isala. Is this same family that you're referring to?

There is a Lorenz Alvarez Tostado bapt 02 May 1694, Nochistlan, with parents being Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado y Juana Delgadillo. I view this baptism record but was having a difficult time translating many of the words.

Document location: Nochistlan - 1688-1718 Batismos - Image 121 of 613 (right side of page).

Juana is my husband's 8th Great Grand Aunt, sister of Isabel (Calderon) Delgadillo, married 03 Jul 1667 to Pedro Enriquez who is also his 8th Great Grand Aunt. Their sister Mariana Delgadillo bapt 23 Mar 1655 Nochistlan married to Francisco Flores de Medrano is our direct maternal ancestry.

Pat Silva Corbera
Tracy CA

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ronald Reynoso"
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2012 2:38:29 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado and Josepha Alvarez Tostado

Hola Every one ,seeking out Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado and his first Wife Josepha Alvarez Tostado. Lorenzo was married to Josepha prior to 1725. Lorenzo's second wife was Gertrudis Efigenia Ramirez de Hermosillo april 19,1725 in Jalostotitlan located in Matrimonios 1707-1748 image #191. I was looking at the Dispensas that Claudia has given and no go . I was thinking they were probably related and needed to go through dispensation but have not found it yet. Has anyone had any luck ? I am descended to Lorenzo and his two wives.
Thank you
Ronnie Reynoso

Hola Pat,I don't know if if its the same Family you refer . In the second marriage of Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado and Gertrudis Efigenia Ramirez de Hermosillo ,Los Testigos were Luis Lopez Ramirez and Juan Maldonado. Los Padrinos Francisco Enriquez and Ana Alvarez.
Ana Alvarez I would assume she is related some way, but at this time I have no way of knowing. I believe Ana Alvarez could be a source of origin.
Ronnie Reynoso

> Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2012 23:24:45 +0000
> From: PatriciaCorbera@comcast.net
> To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado and Josepha Alvarez Tostado
> I have a Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado married to Juana Delgadillo. I do not have his parents. Juana's parents are Diego Delgadillo y Petrona de Ysala/Isla/Isala. Is this same family that you're referring to?
> There is a Lorenz Alvarez Tostado bapt 02 May 1694, Nochistlan, with parents being Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado y Juana Delgadillo. I view this baptism record but was having a difficult time translating many of the words.
> Document location: Nochistlan - 1688-1718 Batismos - Image 121 of 613 (right side of page).
> Juana is my husband's 8th Great Grand Aunt, sister of Isabel (Calderon) Delgadillo, married 03 Jul 1667 to Pedro Enriquez who is also his 8th Great Grand Aunt. Their sister Mariana Delgadillo bapt 23 Mar 1655 Nochistlan married to Francisco Flores de Medrano is our direct maternal ancestry.
> Pat Silva Corbera
> Tracy CA
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ronald Reynoso"
> To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
> Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2012 2:38:29 PM
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado and Josepha Alvarez Tostado
> Hola Every one ,seeking out Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado and his first Wife Josepha Alvarez Tostado. Lorenzo was married to Josepha prior to 1725. Lorenzo's second wife was Gertrudis Efigenia Ramirez de Hermosillo april 19,1725 in Jalostotitlan located in Matrimonios 1707-1748 image #191. I was looking at the Dispensas that Claudia has given and no go . I was thinking they were probably related and needed to go through dispensation but have not found it yet. Has anyone had any luck ? I am descended to Lorenzo and his two wives.
> Thank you
> Ronnie Reynoso

Thank you Ronnie for the added information.

Pat Silva Corbera

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ronald Reynoso"
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Friday, April 6, 2012 12:18:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado and Josepha Alvarez Tostado

Hola Pat,I don't know if if its the same Family you refer . In the second marriage of Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado and Gertrudis Efigenia Ramirez de Hermosillo ,Los Testigos were Luis Lopez Ramirez and Juan Maldonado. Los Padrinos Francisco Enriquez and Ana Alvarez.
Ana Alvarez I would assume she is related some way, but at this time I have no way of knowing. I believe Ana Alvarez could be a source of origin.
Ronnie Reynoso

Adrián Márquez Padilla

Hola primo, encontre una acta de bautismo de Juana Josepha Alvarez Alvarez de fecha 27 Aug 1720, en hija de Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado y Josepha Theresa Alvarez

Por si te sirve de ayuda...


Ronnie, where is the best place to find the Dispensas?


> From: chilerey@msn.com
> To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
> Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012 14:38:29 -0700
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado and Josepha Alvarez Tostado
> Hola Every one ,seeking out Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado and his first Wife Josepha Alvarez Tostado. Lorenzo was married to Josepha prior to 1725. Lorenzo's second wife was Gertrudis Efigenia Ramirez de Hermosillo april 19,1725 in Jalostotitlan located in Matrimonios 1707-1748 image #191. I was looking at the Dispensas that Claudia has given and no go . I was thinking they were probably related and needed to go through dispensation but have not found it yet. Has anyone had any luck ? I am descended to Lorenzo and his two wives.
> Thank you
> Ronnie Reynoso

Hola Primo,you could go to www.guadalajaradispensas.com or go to face book and put guadalajara dispensas,either one will do.
Once there you could place a name in their search block or blog. I try it first to see if I hit . If its amiss then search each film one at a time going by time frame.Its has been very usefull.If you get what you want just don't forget to write the image number so you can return to it.
Tu Primo

> From: miggychino@msn.com
> To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
> Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012 14:41:54 -0700
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado and Josepha Alvarez Tostado
> Ronnie, where is the best place to find the Dispensas?
> Miggy
> > From: chilerey@msn.com
> > To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
> > Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012 14:38:29 -0700
> > Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado and Josepha Alvarez Tostado
> >
> >
> > Hola Every one ,seeking out Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado and his first Wife Josepha Alvarez Tostado. Lorenzo was married to Josepha prior to 1725. Lorenzo's second wife was Gertrudis Efigenia Ramirez de Hermosillo april 19,1725 in Jalostotitlan located in Matrimonios 1707-1748 image #191. I was looking at the Dispensas that Claudia has given and no go . I was thinking they were probably related and needed to go through dispensation but have not found it yet. Has anyone had any luck ? I am descended to Lorenzo and his two wives.
> > Thank you
> > Ronnie Reynoso
> > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
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