Hi everyone,
I'm so excited because I found my great great grandmother's baptismal certificate, now we move into Huejucar, Jalisco, when just about everyone else was from Zacatecas.
This is her baptismal certificate (bottom left side):
Toribio Galvan
Margarita Marquez
Paternal grandparents:
Leon Galvan
Leonides ??
Maternal grandparents:
Antonio Marquez
Nasaria Villegas
However, her parents' marriage record looks to have different names (upper right).
Paternal grandparents:
Leon Galvan
Leonora ??
Maternal grandparents:
Antonio Marquez
Nasaria Flores??
Also, this appears to be Toribio's second marriage, he's a widower of Anacleta Sandoval?? Are the people at bottom the padrinos and witnesses?
Maternal grandpatents:
Leon Galvan
Leonides Lamas
Padrinos: Francisco Acosta y Juana Marquez
Marriage Record:
Leon Galvan
Leonor Lamas
Antonio Marquez
Nazaria Flores
Toribio Galvan 37 years old he's widower Anacleta Sandoval 7 years
Margarita Marquez 23 years old
Padrinos Juan Jose Galvan y Maria Ignacia Galvan
Witness Pascual Cabral y Eleuterio Leon
On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 12:10 AM,
> Hi everyone,
> I'm so excited because I found my great great grandmother's baptismal
> certificate, now we move into Huejucar, Jalisco, when just about everyone
> else was from Zacatecas.
> This is her baptismal certificate (bottom left side):
> https://familysearch.org/pal:/**MM9.3.1/TH-1-18455-33928-21?**
> cc=1874591&wc=12506361
> Parents: Toribio Galvan
> Margarita Marquez
> Paternal grandparents:
> Leon Galvan
> Leonides ??
> Maternal grandparents:
> Antonio Marquez
> Nasaria Villegas
> However, her parents' marriage record looks to have different names (upper
> right).
> https://familysearch.org/pal:/**MM9.3.1/TH-1-18688-39540-92?**
> cc=1874591&wc=12506867
> Paternal grandparents:
> Leon Galvan
> Leonora ??
> Maternal grandparents:
> Antonio Marquez
> Nasaria Flores??
> Also, this appears to be Toribio's second marriage, he's a widower of
> Anacleta Sandoval?? Are the people at bottom the padrinos and witnesses?
> Thanks!
> Laura
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