Does anyone know where the Esquibia brothers, Lorenzo and Francisco hail
from? They show up in the Nochistlan area (Mesquiticacan--is that an
early version of Mexticacan?) in the 1660s. Lorenzo and his wife Juana
Yanez del Monte are my 8ggpts. I've not located a mg record, but have
located 5 children between 29 Aug 1667 and 20 Jun 1677, Maria, Antonia,
Juan. Lorenzo, and Nicolasa.
One baptismal record stated that they were "laborios todos". Does that
just mean they were all manual laborers, or does it mean more? They are
consistently labeled as espanoles.
Thanks for any help or clarification.
Prior to 1774, Mexticacan fell under the jurisdiction of Nochistlan, Zacatecas and at other times it fell under the jurisdiction of Yahualica, Jalisco.
From: Raquel Ruiz
Sent: Saturday, December 1, 2012 12:28 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Help with origin of the Esquibia family, Mesquiticacan, and laborios
Does anyone know where the Esquibia brothers, Lorenzo and Francisco hail
from? They show up in the Nochistlan area (Mesquiticacan--is that an
early version of Mexticacan?) in the 1660s. Lorenzo and his wife Juana
Yanez del Monte are my 8ggpts. I've not located a mg record, but have
located 5 children between 29 Aug 1667 and 20 Jun 1677, Maria, Antonia,
Juan. Lorenzo, and Nicolasa.
One baptismal record stated that they were "laborios todos". Does that
just mean they were all manual laborers, or does it mean more? They are
consistently labeled as espanoles.
Thanks for any help or clarification.
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Alicia, thanks for responding but want I wanted to confirm that
"Mesquiticacan" is an earlier name for the same place.
On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 4:34 PM, Alicia Carrillo
> Raquel,
> Prior to 1774, Mexticacan fell under the jurisdiction of Nochistlan,
> Zacatecas and at other times it fell under the jurisdiction of Yahualica,
> Jalisco.
> Alicia
> ________________________________
> From: Raquel Ruiz
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, December 1, 2012 12:28 PM
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Help with origin of the Esquibia family,
> Mesquiticacan, and laborios
> Does anyone know where the Esquibia brothers, Lorenzo and Francisco hail
> from? They show up in the Nochistlan area (Mesquiticacan--is that an
> early version of Mexticacan?) in the 1660s. Lorenzo and his wife Juana
> Yanez del Monte are my 8ggpts. I've not located a mg record, but have
> located 5 children between 29 Aug 1667 and 20 Jun 1677, Maria, Antonia,
> Juan. Lorenzo, and Nicolasa.
> One baptismal record stated that they were "laborios todos". Does that
> just mean they were all manual laborers, or does it mean more? They are
> consistently labeled as espanoles.
> Thanks for any help or clarification.
> Raquel
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In early days, I have found it spelled with various different spellings, again, it all depended on who was writing it and also taking into consideration that prior to the Bourbon reforms, there wasn't a standard spelling format.
Sorry if I misunderstood your earlier question.
From: Raquel Ruiz
Sent: Saturday, December 1, 2012 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Help with origin of the Esquibia family, Mesquiticacan, and laborios
Alicia, thanks for responding but want I wanted to confirm that
"Mesquiticacan" is an earlier name for the same place.
On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 4:34 PM, Alicia Carrillo
> Raquel,
> Prior to 1774, Mexticacan fell under the jurisdiction of Nochistlan,
> Zacatecas and at other times it fell under the jurisdiction of Yahualica,
> Jalisco.
> Alicia
> ________________________________
> From: Raquel Ruiz
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, December 1, 2012 12:28 PM
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Help with origin of the Esquibia family,
> Mesquiticacan, and laborios
> Does anyone know where the Esquibia brothers, Lorenzo and Francisco hail
> from? They show up in the Nochistlan area (Mesquiticacan--is that an
> early version of Mexticacan?) in the 1660s. Lorenzo and his wife Juana
> Yanez del Monte are my 8ggpts. I've not located a mg record, but have
> located 5 children between 29 Aug 1667 and 20 Jun 1677, Maria, Antonia,
> Juan. Lorenzo, and Nicolasa.
> One baptismal record stated that they were "laborios todos". Does that
> just mean they were all manual laborers, or does it mean more? They are
> consistently labeled as espanoles.
> Thanks for any help or clarification.
> Raquel
- Inicie sesión para enviar comentarios
Hola Raquel,
Mesquiticacan is the early spelling an pronunciation of Mexticacán. The
name, derived from the Nahuatl, is composed of the following words:
Mezquitl = mezquite, itic = dentro, and can = lugar. So the word means
"lugar entre mezquites" or "lugar rodeado de mezquites" which translates
into "a site surrounded by mesquites". If you live in Northern Mexico or
the Southwestern United States you already know that mesquite is a deciduous
tree about 20-30 feet high that grows in these areas. It is found
everywhere in Texas.
I don't know where Lorenzo de Esquibias was born, but I do know that he was
español and lived in Mexticacán, where he died on 20 Dec 1691. His son Juan
de Esquibias married his distant relative Marcela de Iñiguez y Cuevas on 26
Jan 1693 in Nochistlán. The following is an extraction from the book
"Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara..." by Luz Montejano Hilton:
251 "Nochistlán, Zac. Enero 1 de 1693. Exp. 110.- Dispensa de cuarto grado
de consanguinidad.- Juan de Esquibias, español de 22 años de edad, vecino de
Mesticacán, estante en el pueblo de San Miguel de Acachico, feligresía de
Nochistlán, hijo legítimo de Lorenzo de Esquibias, español difunto, y de
Juana Yáñez, difunta española; con Marcela Iñiguez, española de 18 años de
edad, vecina de dicho partido, hija legítima de Antonio Iñiguez, difunto y
de Jacinta de Cuevas. Declaración del pretenso: Porque Lorenzo Yáñez, abuelo
del pretenso, y María de Benavides, abuela de la pretensa, fueron primos
hermanos, y del dicho Lorenzo Yáñez, vino Juana Yáñez, su hija, madre del
pretenso, y de María de Benavides, vino Jacinta de Cuevas, madre de la
pretensa. 13 fojas."
Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara. Rollo 167980 OAH 2345 pt. 2. Matrimonios Hojas
Sueltas, 1690. 1 de enero de 1693.
You can find more information about Lorenzo de Esquibias in "Genealogías de
Nochistlán" by José Luis Vázquez Rodríguez (Chap. 27)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Raquel Ruiz"
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2012 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Help with origin of the Esquibia family,
Mesquiticacan, and laborios
Alicia, thanks for responding but want I wanted to confirm that
"Mesquiticacan" is an earlier name for the same place.
On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 4:34 PM, Alicia Carrillo>wrote:
Prior to 1774, Mexticacan fell under the jurisdiction of Nochistlan,
Zacatecas and at other times it fell under the jurisdiction of Yahualica,
From: Raquel Ruiz
Sent: Saturday, December 1, 2012 12:28 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Help with origin of the Esquibia family,
Mesquiticacan, and laborios
Does anyone know where the Esquibia brothers, Lorenzo and Francisco hail
from? They show up in the Nochistlan area (Mesquiticacan--is that an
early version of Mexticacan?) in the 1660s. Lorenzo and his wife Juana
Yanez del Monte are my 8ggpts. I've not located a mg record, but have
located 5 children between 29 Aug 1667 and 20 Jun 1677, Maria, Antonia,
Juan. Lorenzo, and Nicolasa.
One baptismal record stated that they were "laborios todos". Does that
just mean they were all manual laborers, or does it mean more? They are
consistently labeled as espanoles.
Thanks for any help or clarification.
- Inicie sesión para enviar comentarios
Thanks for the reply and confirmation re Mesquiticacan and the Nahautl
I have looked at both the books. I guess I should have indicated that in my
initial inquiry.
I do need to figure out how Lorenzo Yanez and Maria de Benavides are
cousins. Do you know?
- Inicie sesión para enviar comentarios
Hi Raquel,
Unfortunately, I don't know how Lorenzo Yáñez and María de Benavides are
related, but have a strong suspicion that it is through the Benavides line.
We now that Lorenzo Yáñez was the son of Gonzalo Yáñez del Monte and
Gerónima de Benavides. María de Benavides (Marcela's grandmother) could be
the daughter of Gerónima's brother or sister. That would make Lorenzo
Yañez and María de Benavides first cousins. Maybe someone in this forum
knows the answer to your question.
Best regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Raquel Ruiz"
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2012 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Help with origin of the Esquibia family,
Mesquiticacan, and laborios
Thanks for the reply and confirmation re Mesquiticacan and the Nahuatl
I have looked at both the books. I guess I should have indicated that in my
initial inquiry.
I do need to figure out how Lorenzo Yanez and Maria de Benavides are
cousins. Do you know?
- Inicie sesión para enviar comentarios
I have not personally researched it, but I note that Retonos lists Geronima
as the only issue of Luis de Benavides, with the mother unnamed. I don't
have parents for Gonzalo Yanez del Monte. There is the possibility that a
sibling of his married someone of the Benavides line, either male or
female. As we know, a child sometimes used the surname of the mother.
Hopefully someone has more info and will enlighten us.
On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 9:16 PM, Bill Figueroa
> Hi Raquel,
> Unfortunately, I don't know how Lorenzo Yáñez and María de Benavides are
> related, but have a strong suspicion that it is through the Benavides line.
> We now that Lorenzo Yáñez was the son of Gonzalo Yáñez del Monte and
> Gerónima de Benavides. María de Benavides (Marcela's grandmother) could
> be the daughter of Gerónima's brother or sister. That would make Lorenzo
> Yañez and María de Benavides first cousins. Maybe someone in this forum
> knows the answer to your question.
> Best regards,
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Raquel Ruiz"
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2012 2:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Help with origin of the Esquibia family,
> Mesquiticacan, and laborios
> Bill,
> Thanks for the reply and confirmation re Mesquiticacan and the Nahuatl
> deriviation.
> I have looked at both the books. I guess I should have indicated that in my
> initial inquiry.
> I do need to figure out how Lorenzo Yanez and Maria de Benavides are
> cousins. Do you know?
> Thanks.
> Raquel
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Help with origin of the Esquibia family, Mesquiticacan, and labo