Leonor de Valderrama, Diego Sotelo, Cristobal Onate, Martin Cortes conspiracy

Re: the Sotelo family, the Martin Cortes conspiracy

In a comment to Lawrence Bouett's post about the parentage of Francisca Gabay, I provided a link to a text where there is interesting information about Diego Sotelo and his family. Below is the title of the text, which I should have included in my comment:

"Noticia histórica de la conjuracion del marques del Valle. Años de 1565-1568. Formada en vista de nuevos documentos originales, y seguida de un estracto de los mismos documentos"


The text is provided through archives.org, an internet site supported by, among others, the National Science Foundation and the Library of Congress.

If you are interested in Leonor Valderrama Moctezuma and Diego Sotelo and their fate in the 1560's, you might find parts of this text interesting. For example, Diego's family was living in Michoacan while he was on trial - by that time, Leonor was dead and he had married Dona Maria Tramuel.Diego's parents and where they came from in Spain are also named in the text (under testimony by his brother Baltasar).

If you are a descendent of Cristobal Onate and Catalina Salazar, there is a section on him as well, as he was one of those accused of being part of the Martin Cortes conspiracy.

There are other cases (persons) in this text, but these two are the ones I focused on...

Denise Fastrup