Looking for birth record for Jose Ynes Rodriguez born @1866 in Zacatecas, Mexico

Hello, I'm needing help to find Jose Ynes Rodriguez's birth and death record. I found his marriage document in Zacatecas, Mexico on 9 November 1888. He was a shoe maker in Zactecas, Zacatecas. His father is Juan Rodriguez and mother is Franscisca Santos who I am also looking for who were both deceased by 1888. This is the link https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1942-22164-19088-79?cc=1916240…. In a Baptism document of his Granddaughter Rosa Rodriguez their name are listed different as Juan Alva and Fran. Ca Alva. I am not sure why ? Here is the link: https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1-15529-94487-18?cc=1410092&wc…. I have search record on Family search but may have over looked them since the writing is sometimes hard to read. Thank you so much, Monica Torres-Rice

I found My GGF Jose Ynes Rodriguez and Geronima Ramirez's marriage in the Civil Registeration of Zacatecas,Zacatecas Anos 1888-89. Under the number 842 it reads their names and the word "Evangelicos."Does this mean they were not married in the catholic church ? Thank you for any insight. Monica


Is there a Catholic church marriage for Jose? If so, then there should be a matrimonial investigation. Sometimes matrimonial investigations will have baptismal information, ocassionally even a specific citation for the baptismal record (volume and number or page).

George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA