Hello Everyone
Does anyone know what the lines and dashes mean in the 1759 Padron of Tepatitlan?
I'm guessing that Po. and Pa. mean Parabulo/a and CC might mean cassado, but there are some people with one C and three C's. I can't figure out what the lines and dashes mean as some people have two dashes others have one, and some have no dashes. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!
I believe the hash tags make crosses. 1 cross meaning they took confession and 2 crosses that they also took communion. I'm basing this on what I learned from the Padron de Jerez. Deedra Corona
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Thank you! That makes a lot of sense now. Any idea what the c's could mean? Thank you for your help I really appreciate it!
Richard Ibarra
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Here is a link to a discussion on the topic of abbreviations in padrones:
Victoriano Navarro
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Lines and dashes