Hi there everyone,
I just found this document about my ancestor Francisco De Villalobos, and i really want to know what that document says but I have not reach to the lvl of reading this type so if anyone can please help me.
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Francisco De Villalobos
I basically went to that website and I entered his name in the search box,then I clicked on Audiencia De Mexico and his name popped out "Confirmacion De Oficio:Francisco De Villalobos, but yet again we are not sure of that is my Francisco De Villalobos that we are talking about.Yes i'm aware of that thank you for that.
Here is the link again.
Francisco De Villalobos
The link from PARES still doesn't work. The links normally don't work.
I was able to find the document in question by searching on Francisco De Villalobos then clicking on Audiencia De Mexico then clicking on Confirmacion De Oficio:Francisco De Villalobos
Using an explanation like the above is the best way to let people know which document you are referencing apart from using the link to the search page
The document does not name the parents of Francisco De Villalobos so there is no way to know if it was your ancestor.
The document is for the confirmation of a Francisco De Villalobos as regidor of Valladolid, Michoacán which is now known as Morelia, Michoacán.
The naming of Francisco De Villalobos took place in 25 Feb 1619. Your ancestor was baptized 31 July 1595. If he was named regidor in 25 Feb 1619 he would have been 23 years old which in my opinion would have been too young to have been a regidor. For this reason I don't believe this is your ancestor. I could be wrong though.
Help Reading a document
By the way, your ancestor Francisco de Villalobos was
born in Mexico. If the document in question is about a Francisco de Villalobos from Spain then it involves someone that isn't your ancestor.
Your ancestor Francisco de Villalobos was the brother of my ancestor Tomás de Villalobos.
Since Villalobos was the maternal surname of my grandfather I studied this family well. I was also the one that pointed you to this Francisco being your ancestor.
Help Reading a document
The link doesn't work. Can you provide more information on the record that you found or what you clicked on to arrive to the document that you found?