New Member Introduction and request for assistance on Gonzalez de Hermosillo

First of all, I want to thank all of you for all of the amazing work you've
done: when I began this project at the beginning of the summer, I saved my
maternal grandfather's ancestry for last, because I assumed it would be the
most difficult. We don't know much about our patriarch, J. Refugio G.
Hermosillo, before he crossed the border in 1926; he was 43 at the time,
and had already lived a lifetime. We had no contact with his family, his
parents and siblings dying long before we were born. All we knew was that
he was from a small town in Zacatecas called Montesa, and that, according
to him, he descended from one of the founding families. So, I wasn't
expecting to find much. But was I wrong! I started with his birth
certificate and the 3 generations named on it, and found the LDS website;
by the end of the first weekend, I had traced him all the way back to his
g2 grandparents, and only stopped, because the curas didn't list
grandparents before the late 18th Century (as you all know). But anyway, I
want to thank all of you, because I know SOMEONE had to index those
archives relative to Nueva Galicia, and I have a feeling it was YOU. MIL
GRACIAS A TODOS USTEDES, los nuevosrancheros y los somosprimoseros, for the
trailblazing work you've done and are doing, in regards to researching and
sharing the genealogy and history of Nueva Galicia and colonial Mexico in
general! (and for helping me make my 82 year-old mother and her 8 surviving
siblings very happy, learning about their colorful ancestors!)

A little background on my line: my grandfather, Jose Refugio Gonzalez, was
born in Montesa, Zacatecas, 4 Jul 1883, to Antonio Gonzalez and Susana
Sanchez. He was born with the Gonzalez surname, but some time while still
in Mexico, we figure around 1905, he changed it to "Hermosillo"; we never
knew why he changed it (we've often joked that he obviously didn't want
someone to find him…), nor why he chose "Hermosillo," but that's the name
he gave to his wife, Ana Olivas, of Juarez, as well as to their 11
children, born in California, and it's the name proudly worn by 5
generations of their descendants. "J. Refugio G. Hermosillo" was how he
always signed his name, and is the name on his death certificate and

That said, I started this endeavor not expecting to research the surname
"Hermosillo," since we assumed it had no history in the family prior to
1905 (and not even knowing the history of the surname in los Altos) - that
is, until I found the 1798 marriage record for grandfather's great
grandparents, Rafael Gonzalez & Maria Dolores de Avila, which clearly lists
the groom as:


I was floored! I was thrilled! Alli esta mi segundo apellido! Y sera
alguien de categoria! Who was this GONZALEZ DE HERMOSILLO?? What did he
do?? How are we connected to him? What didn't abuelo tell us??

And that's where my journey really began. I googled the name and was led to
Nuestros Ranchos, amongst other websites, and I began reading through the
message boards. I learned about the conquistador, and his descendants
settling in los Altos, and about Gonzalez Leal's tomes, and the 117 spanish
families identified as the first-comers (and many whose surnames appear in
my tree), and how they intermarried throughout the Spanish Mandate (as I
witnessed, in my tree). And as I continue my research and get to know my
ancestors, I begin to feel a part of that history, that I am a product of
these adventurers, these hacendados, asistentas, capitanes, peones,
esclavos, and maybe even a Tlataoni… I was hooked! I need more! This is
better than a dusty old history book or any old video game!

So here I am, hoping to learn more about who it took to make me who I am,
and how they lived their lives, and hoping to share my findings with others
with the same intention, as well as with the same love for history. Muchos
somos parientes: les mando un fuerte abrazo. Y perdoname por no escribir
en español, pero ya esta tarde y !hablo mucho!

My focus families are the following (I group them because these branches
tend to intermarry or are associated:

En Pinos & Ojuelos & Aguascalientes:

Gonzalez de Hermosillo,

Gil de Esparza

Diaz de Leon

De Avila

Carrillo Lisardi

Gonzalez Murguia



Martin de Sotomayor, Martin de Camacho, Lozano, de Ruedas y de Islas, and
associated lines

En Pinos & los Altos & Aguascalientes:

Gomez [de Sotomayor]

Tiscareño de Huerta (and the Tiscareño, Ruiz de Esparza and associated

Ruiz de Villaseñor

Sanchez de la Mejorada

Muñoz de ?

En Pinos & Aguascalientes:

Delgado (Diego & Isabel de Isla Martinez Lozano)

Delgado y Ocampo & Valensuela & Chevarria Merquelan

Gaitan & Arias de Bedolla (roots in SLP & GTO, including Cortes y Galvan)

Rodriguez de Herrera o de Jara

Other surnames I'm working on are Dominguez Samudio & Lopez del Castillo,
Candelas & Buenrostro, Bernal de la Serda, Lopez de los Reyes, Ortiz de

And again, thank all of you, for laying down the groundwork, and making it
easier for us newbies, to find our way to our ancestors. .

Gracias y saludos,

Manuel Diez Hermosillo "Manny"

Introductions aside, I have my first request for assistance:


I have his name appearing in the documents of his children, grandchildren
and widow, but I have none of his vitals. And I've seen his name using
various combinations of "Jose Vicente Ferrer Gonzalez de Hermosillo"
(though not all at the same time). The problem is, there are numerous
"Vicente Gonzalez's" living during his possible time period and living in
the communities where he most likely lived (Pinos, Ojuelos y los Altos en
general, maybe Aguascalientes). I've been constructing the trees of each
and every one of them, to see which would correspond with mine, and I've
narrowed it down to three (for now). But I'm still stalled.

Here's what I have on my G4's Vicente Gonzalez and Juana Dorothea Diaz:


b. 1734-1744. He married JUANA DOROTHEA DIAZ DE LEON, daughter of Andres
Diaz Duron and Maria Estephania Carrillo Diaz, some time between 1760-1764,
either in Pinos, Zacatecas, or in Ojuelos, Jalisco. She was born 4 June
1744 in Pinos, Zacatecas.

Their children were:

1. Ma. Josepha Ignasia Pheliciana Gonzalez de Hermosillo, b. 19 Nov
1764, Ojuelos, Jalisco.
2. Jose Vicente Gonzalez de Hermosillo, b. 11 Jun 1766, Pinos, Zacatecas
3. Julian Antonio Rafael Gonzalez Diaz, b. 16 Apr 1768, Ojuelos, Jalisco.
4. Maria Guadalupe de Santiago Gonzalez Diaz, b. 16 Jan 1771, Ojuelos,
5. Antonio Rafael Gonzalez de Hermosillo, b. 3 Mar 1773, Ojuelos,
6. Jose Romano Gonzalez Diaz, b. 12 Aug 1777, Montesa, Pinos, Zacatecas
7. Maria Josefa Ignasia Gonzalez Diaz, b. 29 Mar 1779, Montesa, Pinos,

They zigzag through those two communities, which is unusual in my lines.
The distance isn't great, but it wasn't like they could hop in the chevy
and drive to abuela's house, right? What did he do, that kept him (or her)
moving between ranchos?

Since their first child Maria Josefa Ignacia Phelicana was born on the
Buenavista in Ojuelos, in Nov 1764, I thought that might be a good starting
point for his birthplace and marriage. But again, it can be anywhere.

Juana Dorothea Diaz, widowed, would marry a second time to Francisco Xavier
Alonso, on 30 Nov 1781, in Montesa, Pinos, Zacatecas. So Vicente Gonzalez
died some time between 1779-1781, and probably in Montesa, Pinos. Juana
Dorothea was born in 1744, Vicente could've been born around the same time,
and just died tragically young. But, what if he was older, and had been
married before, and with children?

That is where I am. If anyone can lead me in the right direction, it would
be greatly appreciated, and I hope to pay it forward!

PS - On the partida for Rafael & Maria Dolores, note the padrinos: Jose
Trinidad Gil Esparza and Maria Ygnacia Gonzalez - Rafael's younger sister
and her fiance, who would marry two months later, their partida on the
opposite page: the couples took turns being each other's padrinos! Also,
Jose Trinidad was the brother of another g3 grandfather, Alexo Gil de
Esparza. I'm stuck on that line, as well: Gil's and Ruiz de Esparza's, from


So everyone can follow what you are talking about. It is the CONFIRMACION DE OFICIO: FRANCISCO HERMOSILLO MEXICO,177,N.58 1607-5-30 in Audencia de México under Archivo General de Indias found at

I do see where at the top of image 5 where it states he is "Francisco Hermosillo vecino de esta ciudad ...hijo legitimo de Juan González Hermosillo y Ana Rodríguez su legitimo mujer mis padres difuntos y nieto de Gonzalo García Hermosillo y Leonor Sánchez Parra su mujer mis abuelos paternos; de Gonzalo Magdaleno y María Hernández su mujer mis abuelos maternos"

Then on the 8th line from the bottom it talks about his brother Juan and it says "Juan González Hermosillo vecino de esta ciudad de México hijo legitimo de Juan González Hermosillo y Ana Rodríguez su mujer vecinos de esta ciudad de México...padre natural de la villa de Guadalcanal en el reino de Castilla y la dicha mi madre de esta dicha ciudad"

On image 6 I see where you it mentions what looks like the bother in law.

Image 7 is extremely interesting. At the top it says "notorio y publico de fama Juan González Hermosillo----------------------------------
en la villa de Guadalcanal a diez de este mes de febrero de mil quinientos y ochenta y
cuarto años"

I had been trying to read the documents since your first post today.

This is a great find Carlos. Congratulations on your find. It would be best to keep posts to a minumum and summarize the findings once you are done.



I'd like to add, as far as I know, the "Guadalcanal" pedigree is based on one document, which would be the aforementioned Ordenes of a great-grandson of Juan GdeH and Maria Munoz: limpiezas de sangre are NOT infallible. I recently debunked a 1651 prueba de nobleza for Geronimo Magdaleno Salceda, when this one joined the Orden de Santiago; his limpieza gives a pedigree for the Magdaleno's of Valladolid/Morelia, that totally contradicts every other document I've found at PARES and FamilySearch. After further research, I discovered that there was an industry for forged pedigrees, due to the fact that many had conversos in their immediate lines. The downside to this is, since 1651, many historians and genealogists have since used that document to establish the pedigree of the Magdaleno's of Valladolid.

That said: we need to find more documentation to support the Guadalcanal pedigree! GREAT WORK, CARLOS!

Manny Diez Hermosillo

I want to share what I was able to "read" from the mentioned "Confirmación de Oficio"

It starts on apr-20th-1606 and is made by request of Francisco González de Hermosillo who declares that he´s been "escriviente" for over 10 years. The first lines were the most difficult for me to read and I read only small pieces like :

"...... de diez años a esta parte....ha servido el oficio de escribiente..." ....."y que al presente soy de edad de veintiocho años y tengo de hacienda más de 1,500 pesos de oro común...."

Then Francisco refers to another informacion made by his brother Juan González de Hermosillo 9 years earlier:

"En la Cd. de México en la Nva España 16 días de Enero de 1597.......Pérez de Vivero corregidor de esta Cd. por su magestad y en presencia de mí Juan Pérez de Rivera, notario público de número de la dicha Cd. por su magestad. Juan González de Hermosillo El Mozo, expresó el pedimento de la información original de que se hace mención. Juan González de Hermosillo vecino de esta ciudad de Mexico hijo legitimo de Juan González de Hermosillo y de Ana Rodríguez Magdaleno vecinos de esta Cd de Mexico, el dicho mi padre natural de la villa de Guadalcanal en los reinos de Castilla y la dicha mi madre de esta dicha Cd. de Mexico, digo que a miderecho conviene averiguar lo mi derecho y de mis hermanos y hermanas, hijos e hijas de los dichos mis padres, a vuestra merced pido y suplico se me reciba la información............"

" perpetuam presentó en la dicha villa de Guadalcanal a pedimento del dicho mi padre sobre la limpieza de su persona y dicha información se me dé traslado autorizado"

"...........Primera: Si conocen al dicho JG de H y a Ana RM, mis padres V de esta Cd de Mexico y a Francisco Hermosillo y a Fray Gonzalo de Hermosillo de la órden de San Agustín y a Doña Catalina de Hermosillo mujer legítima de Diego Rodríguez de León vecinos de esta dicha ciudad y a doña María de Hermosillo mujer de Luis de León, notario público y de número de ella, y si conocieron a Leonor de la Parra difunta, mujer que fue de Jua Rodríguez de León vecino de esta ciudad de Mexico y a Gonzalo Magdaleno y María Hernández su mujer, difuntos, vecinos que fueron de esta ciudad, naturales de la villa de Guadalcanal, padre y madre de la dicha Ana Rodríguez Magdaleno mi madre..."

"Iten, si saben que los dichos JGdeH y ARM vecinos de esta cd de mexico son marido y mujer......procrearon a mí el dicho Juan G de H que hago este pedimento y a los dichos Francisco Hermosillo, doña Catalina, doña María, mujeres legítimas de los dichos ......y Leonor de la Parra, difunta, mujer que fue de Juan Rodríguez de León.....que si lo saben"

"Iten, si saben que el dicho Juan G de H El Viejo, padre de mó Juan G de H y mis hermanos, recebió la perpetuam pressentó en la dicha villa de Guadalcanal por poder el dicho Juan G de H envió para el dicho efecto ...que es de esta cd de mexico la cual información se muestre a los dichos ..y saben así mismo si el dicho mi padre hizo.....información y los dichos digan si conocen a los dichos de ella de escrivanos e que tienen de ella autoridad, digan si lo saben..."

"Iten, si saben que yo el dicho Juan G de H y los dichos mis hermanos, padres y abuelos, asó de padre como de madre contenidos en la primera pregunta y en la dicha información somos y fueron cristianos viejos, gente honrada límpia de toda raza judíos o nuevamente convertidos a nuestra santa fé católica ni ninguno de ellos ni nosotros hemos sido ni fueron penitenciados por el santo oficio de la inquisición pública ni secretamente y siempre somos y fueron habidos y tenidos como reputados assí en la dicha villa de Guadalcanal como en esta Cd de México por tales Cristianos Viejos..."

In image 7/46 I read the following:

"En la villa de Guadalcanal a diez día del mes de febrero de 1584 ante el regidor Gonzalo Xuárez de Ortega alcalde ordinario se presentó Francisco Ramírez vecino de esta villa en nombre de Juan G de H por el poder que sigue:

Sepan cuantos esta carta .....yo Juan G de H natural de la villa de Guadalcanal en los reinos de Castilla y vecino de esta cd de MMexico otorgo todo mi poder ......a Fco de Silva(¿?)(Oliva¿?) y a Fco Ramírez mi primo vecinos de la dicha villa.......escrito en la Cd de Mexico a 20 días del mes de Octubre de 1583 años..."

"........Felipe .....notario público de número de esta cd por su magestad dieron fe conocer al otorgante........Diego Rodríguez de León, notario público......los escribanos que aquí firmamos testificamos y damos fe"

"Francisco Ramírez vecino de esta villa de Guadalcanal en nombre de Juan H de H vecino de la cd de Mexico por virtude del poder que tengo del que hago presentación conviene averiguar y probar que se me reconoce como cristiano viejo que no desciende ni de moros ni de judios ni reconciliados...."

Image 8/46 has the following:

" conocen a Juan G de H y si conocieron a Gonzalo García de Hermosillo y a Leonor Sánchez parra, su mujer, padres del dicho Juan y si saben que el dicho Gonzalo G H y la dicha Leonor SP fueron marido y mujer legitimamente casados y procrearon al dicho ....que es natural de esta y residente en la cd de mexico..."

Image 9/46 has :

"En la villa de Guadalcanal a 10 de febrero de 1584 .........presentó a Juan de Almonte.....conoce a Juan G de H y conoció a Gonzalo García de Hermosillo y a Leonor SP de vista, trato y conversación.......que es de más de 60 años y que no es pariente de ellos..."


"....por testigo a Pedro Yáñez El Viejo.......que es de más de 65 años..."


"...11-feb-1584....a Juan Sáenz, médico de esta más de 66 años y que no es pariente de ninguno...."


".....13-feb-1584 ....a Juan de Ortega Zorro ......vecino de más de 75 años...."


".....Alonso Yáñez ....65 años.."

16/46 :

"......Sáncho de más de 60 años....."


"....14-feb-1584....a Fraspán ? MM Galavies ? de 58 años....."


".....16-feb-1584..... Francisco González Fox.....60 años es pariente...."


" perpetuam de Juan G de H El Mozo 17 de Enero de 1597.......a Alonso .......natural de la villa de Guadalcanal...que estuvo casado con una sobrina hija de su hermano que es de edad de 45 años e que como tiene dicho fue casado con prima hermana de Juan González de Hermosillo El Mozo pero que se presenta para decir verdad..........que Juan G de H y Ana R M hacen vida maridable en una susodicho Francisco Ramírez , a Francisco de Silva? Oliva?, cuñado de Juan G de H El Viejo para hacer la dicha información para Fray Gonzalo de Hermosillo su hijo se ordenase y predicase......y se hizo la dicha información..."

"....a Cristóbal de Salvatierra natural que dijo ser de la villa de Gudadlcanalde más de 50 años de edad...."


".....a Juan Gobea residente en esta y natural de la villa de Guadalcanal de 60 años más o menos...."


" inicio ....Francisco di Frecoliva (¿?) .....que el uno es primo y el otro cuñado..........Francisco López , natural de Guadalcanal de 32 años...."


"......a G. Sánchez Caballero natural de la villa de Guadalcanal 32 años de edad...."


"......López de 60 años....."


.......en 1607 un testigo dice que conoció a Juan y a ana y que son difuntos.

What I understand of the mentioned document is that it is an "Información" that refers to other two previous "informaciones", and "gestiones"

Francisco González in 1606 declares to be 28 years of age and refers to another información made by his brother Juan in 1597.

In the información of 1597 is inmediately referred the previous información of 1584 that the father of Francisco and Juan El Mozo, called there Juan G de H El Viejo.

This Juan El Viejo gave Poder in 1583 to his cousin Francisco Ramírez and his brother in law
Francisco de Silva ? vecinos de Guadalcanal to request the "Información de Limpieza..."

We see that a good number of witnesses is required in that informacion made in Guadalcanal in 1584.

Later in the document we see the witnesses presented in 1597 in Mexico City that were "naturales" of Guadalcanal and that for that reason are able to testify about this family.

One of the important points of the document (I think) is the fact that the three sisters of Juan G de H "El Mozo" married to apparently three brothers Rodríguez de León and that these three brothers were prominent persons in Mexico City.

Another thing that I think is written there is that some people declare that in 1597 Juan El Viejo and Ana Rodríguez were alive and together in Mexico City, so my theory is that Ana died in that year and that Juan El viejo went to Nueva Galicia and married Ana Muñóz .

But what doesn´t fit at all is the request made in 1582 of Gonzalo García Hermosillo to have his brother given permission to come to Nueva Galicia ???

I think we have a very interesting puzzle here.

Best regards


Your theory still doesn't fit and the theory that Sergio Gutiérrez first proposed is the one that does fit. Since Juan González de Hermosillo y Sánchez Parra was in Mexico City with a wife and children from 1558 through 1597 then he was not in Guadalcanal in 1581 through 1582 with wife and children when the brother of our Juan González de Hermosillo sent for him on 12 October 1581.

The first child of Juan González de Hermosillo y Sánchez Parra and Ana Rodríguez de Madaleno was Leonor and she was baptized 15 June 1559

These are two different families. They are probably related due to the fact that they both use the García Hermosillo and González de Hermosillo surnames and they are all originally from Guadalcanal. But Juan González de Hermosillo y Sánchez Parra and the Juan González de Hermosillo married to María Muñoz are two different people.


By Sergio Gutierrez

I ordered them on Monday and they arrived today.

Vol I Padron 1649, p29

Casa y Estancia de Diego Alonso del Pedroso, está de la cabecera 5 leguas: Diego Alonso del Pedroso español, Paula de Torres española su muger, Alonso Ramirez su hijo solt. 20, Paula, 5.

Padron 1650, p74
Casa y Estancia de Diego Alonso, que está de la cabecera 6 leguas: Diego Alonso español, Paula de Torres española su muger, Alonso Ramirez su hijo solt. 22, Paula, 7.

There are other children listed, as well, and slaves & indian criados.

Paula de Torres la madre is looking good as madrina for the 1645 wedding, and Alonso Ramirez would've been 16-17.

There are 2 Alonso Ramirez listed in the 1679 Jalostotitlan Padron, from "Historia de nuestra señora de San Juan de los Lagos," by Alberto Santoscoy, p44:

c. est.a Polonia de Torres Alonso Ramirez ++ Francisca de Torres Juan Perez

But he is likely the one on p 351 (right after the entry for Nicolas Ramirez de Hermosillo):

est.a Alonso Ramirez “ Gracia magdalena esc. “ Nicolas Perez “ Cristobal de Torres esc.” Maria Vasquez “ Angela Vasquez ‘ Catalina de Campo Verde.

Manny Diez Hermosillo

​Hola familia,

Regarding "Alonso" being part of the surname, as opposed to the given name:

I went back and looked at my notes, to see what led me to this conclusion, and there's enough material to make a convincing case, specifically, the 29 Dec 1666 confirmations for Melchor Gonzalez de Hermosillo and his brother, Sebastian, sons of Diego Alonso & Luisa de Nava, on which they are listed as "Melchor Alonso" and "Sebastian Alonso" (right image, their sister Maria Gonzalez is also listed):…

That was in Teocaltiche, by the way. This shows us that children other than the Diego's used "Alonso." Also, the Spanish children on this page are listed with their surnames, therefore establishing "Alonso" as a possible surname for this branch (if you look in the left image, you'll see Andres Alonso, son of another Diego Alonso and Francisca Sanchez. He's probably an Hinojos, anyone?).

I went back and checked the frequency with which "Diego Alonso" is used, without "de Hermosillo" or "Pedroso":

Confirmation for Diego, hijo de Diego Alonso y de Luisa de Nava, 06 Jan 1654 Teocaltiche:…

Confirmation for Tomas, hijo de Diego Alonso and Luisa de Nava, 29 Dec 1666, Teocaltiche:…

Baptisms for children of Diego Alonso and Juana de Alderete, in Teocaltiche:

Sebastian 11 Feb 1674…

Padrinos for Gertrudis, espanola, hija de Francisco ? padrinos Diego Alonso y Juana Alderete, 28 Jul 1677 Teocaltiche…

Rosa Maria 05 Sep 1680…

Diego 10 Nov 1682:…

Cayetano 20 Mar 1687…

There is also the 1650 Padron for Jalostotitlan, on which Diego Alonso del Pedroso (I) is listed as "Diego Alonso" (the image & transcription can be viewed in Sergio Gutierrez's "Jalostotitlan Padrones Parroquiales Vol I." I recommend to anyone who has lines from this parish to purchase these books).

Perhaps I'm being naive (and I say that with sincerity), but the common practice was to include the surnames of Spaniards in these documents. If "Alonso" isn't the surname, I can think of no other case, in which the omission of the paternal surname of a prominent Spanish family was so recurrent, and in multiple generations, and in 2 different parishes. To attribute it to casual error or brevity is to ignore the obvious, i.e., that in line with the notarial practices of the era, "Alonso" is the de facto surname, short for "Alonso del Pedroso" and "Alonso de Hermosillo." If no researcher has suggested this, then this branch obviously hasn't been thoroughly researched, and one can only presume that others have not seen the 1666 Teocaltiche confirmations, nor considered the frequency with which "Diego Alonso" appears in these primary source records. Why don't we see "Diego de Hermosillo"?

To me, it makes perfect sense, "Alonso de Hermosillo" falls in line with other branches using "Ramirez de Hermosillo" "Garcia de Hermosillo," etc, but in this case, apparently, only those named "Diego" would use the surname into adulthood, so it became extinct, once that name fell out of fashion.

Everything I know about this line has been non-primary source, and it's not corresponding with what I'm seeing on the ground. I am in no way an expert on colonial naming or notarial practices, and there are surely documents I haven't seen, but I know enough to recognize when something seems out of place. According to the cited records, "Alonso" is the surname, and there is nothing in them that says different.

Gracias y saludos,

Manny Diez Hermosillo

Btw, looking at the 29 Dec 1666 Confirmaciones en Teocaltiche: I misread the Andres Alonso entry: Francisco Sanchez is the padrino, the mother isn't listed. This is likely Andres Munoz de Hermosillo.

Left image, midpage:…

Manny Diez Hermosillo

Hello Nuestros Ranchos Forum,

My ancestor Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo is married to Maria Munoz and lookin through old posts i saw this and needed help explaining it. It says theres a Gonzalo Garcia de Hermosillo who is the father of Maria Munoz's husband Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo and also on here theres a Gonzalo Garcia de Hermosillo who has a wife name Leonor Parra Sanches. Are the Gonzalo Garcia de Hermosillo's the same people? possible the same people? Dad and son? or not the same people at all? I tried lookin on the internet but that just made it worse. theres to many trees that don't match each other and that don't match here on the forum. Also is the oldest Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo that's married to Catalia Ramirez not part of the tree anymore or is he probably the father of one of these Gonzalo Garcia de Hermosillo;s. Thanks Everybody

Danny C. Alonso

Hi Daniel,

At this time, things are inconclusive.

I think Armando’s post from 2 feb 2015 says it best:

“…Juan González de Hermosillo y Sánchez Parra was in Mexico City with a wife and children from 1558 through 1597 then he was not in Guadalcanal in 1581 through 1582 with wife and children when the brother of our Juan González de Hermosillo sent for him on 12 October 1581.
The first child of Juan González de Hermosillo y Sánchez Parra and Ana Rodríguez de Madaleno was Leonor and she was baptized 15 June 1559
These are two different families. They are probably related due to the fact that they both use the García Hermosillo and González de Hermosillo surnames and they are all originally from Guadalcanal. But Juan González de Hermosillo y Sánchez Parra and the Juan González de Hermosillo married to María Muñoz are two different people.”

Manny Diez Hermosillo

Thank you Manny. This is kinda confusing but If the 2 Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo's are not the same and the 2 Gonzalo de Hermosillo's are not the same, but we know our Juan Gonzales de Hermosillo's father is name Gonzalo de Hermosillo and the father of the other Juan Gonzales de Hermosilo who is married to Ana Rodrigues Magdaleno is named Gonzalo de Hermosillo, could the older Gonzalo de Hermosillo be the father of our Gonzalo who is the father of our Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo. Also is the Magdaleno married to the other Juan related to our Magdaleno's?

Danny C. Alonso


We need to be careful with speculating on the family of either Gonzalo García de Hermosillo.

First of all, we don't have any documentation that our Gonzalo Garcia de Hermosillo was ever in Mexico. Since we descend from the Juan González de Hermosillo that went to Mexico in 1582 all we have is the letter by his brother Gonzalo García de Hermosillo asking for Juan González de Hermosillo, his wife, and children to be given a license to go to Mexico from Guadalcanal, Spain and the subsequent license. It states that the father of Juan González de Hermosillo is Gonzalo García Hermosillo. Lookup Juan González de Hermosilla and INDIFERENTE,2060,N.138 in the Búsqueda Avanzada at The father is named on page 5. We don't have the mother or grandparents of our Juan González de Hermosillo.

Since Sergio Gutierrez shared the testimony of Domingo de Lomelín that states that " Juan gonzales de hermosillo y de ana [maria] munos su mujer naturales de guadalcanal" then we know they are the couple that were from Guadalcanal and not the couple that was from Mexico City nor the son of that couple since he was also from Mexico City and not from Guadalcanal and he would have been too young to have been our ancestor.

That means that we have no idea how Juan García de Hermosilla, que pasó a Nueva España en 1535 that is mentioned in the link above is related to our Gonzalo García de Hermosillo or to the other Gonzalo García de Hermosillo.

Thank you Armando. I guess i got over excited trying to find out who Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillos parents are and I guess I thouht people with the same names have to be related but i guess its harder than that. I'll look at other places on my tree for now.

Danny C. Alonso


Here's some more info even though you are already looking at your other lines.

He might be the Juan de Hermosilla son of "Hernán Pacheco y de Inés de Hermosilla, vecinos de la villa de Escalona" that went to Peru in 1537. CONTRATACION,5536,L.5,F.18V(2) so he doesn't even look to be from Guadalcanal.

There was also a Juan de Hermosillo from Burgos, son of Alonso de Hermosillo y de Catalina González, that went to Mexico in 1515. The license for passage is at CONTRATACION,5536,L.1,F.406(1)

For a long time many thought that Juan de Hermosillo was the ancestor of the Juan González de Hermosillo that married Ana Rodríguez Magdaleno but the CONFIRMACION DE OFICIO: FRANCISCO HERMOSILLO from 1607 MEXICO,177,N.58 shows that they aren't related, at least not in the way they once thought they were. I would still like to get a hold of Jaime Holcombe's sheets on that family to see what he had.

Coincidentally, Ana Rodríguez Magdaleno was the daughter of Gonzalo Rodríguez Magdaleno and María Hernández. They were the parents of María Magdaleno Hernández who married Cristóbal Pérez López and they were the parents of María Pérez the wife of Cristóbal de Villalobos and they were the parents of the following -

Francisco de Villalobos y Pérez 1595 casado el 22 de mayo 1640 con María Vásquez de Retamosa

Tomás de Villalobos y Pérez de Nava 1604- casado alrededor de 1634 con Catarina Macías Valadez y Villegas

Those two brothers are the ancestors of almost all of the Villalobos from Los Altos de Jalisco and Aguascalientes.

Thank you Armando, this is great information. I saw on one of the old posts someone say that Alonso de Hermosillo and Catalina Gonzalez was where they got the Gonzalez de Hermosillo but I guess thats not true. There seems like a lot of made up trees on geni about the Hermosillo's. Thank you for the villalobos's, I have a couple villalobos's in my tree to. I'll see if I can connect my ancestors to these new villalobos's.

Danny C. Alonso

Hola primos,

Here are the ordenes for Diego Yldephonzo Gonzalez de Hermosillo; he was still using the name "Diego Alonso de Hermosillo," and his father had already passed away by 24 Oct 1701.

24 Oct 1701, primera tonsura y cuatro grados:…

12 Feb 1703:…

All I can say is, I'm happy he decided he didn't have a vocation... or else, many of us wouldn't be here....

Manny Diez Hermosillo

Hola primos,

This is the dispensa for Luis Flores de la Torre and Teresa Muñoz de Hermosillo. 17 Apr 1720, Jalostotitlan, who were are 4o grado, descending from two sisters: Francisca de Torres and Paula de Torres, daughters of Nicolas Ramirez and Polonia de Torres:…

The genealogy given:

Paula de Torres-1-Francisca de Torres
Juana Ramirez-2-Miguel Hermosillo
Juan Flores-3-Cristobal Muñoz
Luis Flores-4-Teresa Muñoz

Relevant to this thread is Paula de Torres, who was married to Diego Alonso del Pedroso y Hermosillo.

“Juana Ramirez” appears in none of the padrones for Jalostotitlan between 1649 and 1679, and I believe the name is incorrect in the dispensa. In the padrones, she was called “Maria de Hermosillo,” and this would be her burial record from 09 Nov 1659, which I think I posted earlier in this thread (right image, bottom, and continues on next image):…

I’ve inverted and tweaked the image enough to make out: “en el puesto que es de Paula de Torres en nuebe dias del mes de noviembre del año de mil seis cientos cinquenta y nuebe murio /next image/ Maria de Hermosillo española muger que fue de Pedro Flores Habiendo confesado…”

We see enough to know 2 things: 1) the puesto now belongs to Paula de Torres, so Diego Alonso has already passed away, and 2) Maria de Hermosillo was married to Pedro Flores (who were the parents of Juan Flores de a Torre, also of Nicolas Flores, as established in this dispensa for Baltasar Arias and Ana de Anda 27 May 1707, Jalos:…).

Paula de Torres appears on all of the padrones through 1673, but not in 1679; only their son, Alonso Ramirez, is left on the estancia with some slaves and criados. So she died between 1673-1679.

That said, here’s what I have for the family group of Diego Alonso del Pedroso and Paula de Torres, the birth years of their children are calculated from those given in the 1649 & 1650 padrones of Jalos:

Diego Alonso del Pedroso y Hermosillo b ? - died 1650-Nov 1659, Jalostotitlan, Jalisco.
Paula de Torres b. ? Aguascalientes; died - 1673-1679, Jalostotitlan, Jalisco.

1. Diego Alonso de Hermosillo, m. Luisa Muñoz de Nava, 23 Feb 1645, Teocaltiche, Jalisco.
2. Capitan Agustin Garcia de Hermosillo, b. 1624, Jalostotitlan, Jalisco; m. Maria Muñoz de la Barba.
3. Mathias Gonzalez de Hermosillo, b. 1626, Jalostotitlan, Jalisco
4. Alonso Ramirez, b. 1628, Jalostotitlan, Jalisco
5. Maria de Hermosillo, b. 1630 - d. 9 Nov 1659, Jalostotitlan, Jalisco; m. Pedro Flores de la Torre.
6. Nicolas Ramirez de Hermosillo, b. 1633, Jalostotitlan, Jalisco; m. Francisca Muñoz de la Barba.
7. Paula de Torres, b. 1645 - d. 18 Oct 1688, Jalostotitlan, Jalisco.

Diego Alonso de Hermosillo II appears in none of the Jalos padrones, since he had already moved to Teocaltiche by 1645.

Mathias Gonzalez de Hermosillo, I have nothing on. He appears only on the 1649 & 1650 padrones, and then he disappears. Does anyone know if & whom he married, and whether he had issue?

Alonso Ramirez appears on all of the Jalos padrones, 1649-1679, and apparently inherits the estancia after his mother, Paula de Torres, dies. No spouse is ever listed, so I don’t think he married.

Paula de Torres, the youngest daughter, died without having married; she was around 25 years old, and had been “sin juicio,” perhaps due to an illness or to a condition.

Gracias y saludos,
Manny Diez Hermosillo

Hola primos,

This is the capellania for Beatriz Muñoz de Nava, daughter of Francisco Muñoz de Nava & Maria Sanchez, founded 18 May 1667, in Teocaltiche:…

This is relevant to this thread, because her albaceas were her brother-in-law, Diego Alonso de Hermosillo (m. Luisa de Nava), and Pedro de Guelbes. Since Beatriz had no descendants, the patronage of this capellania passed down through the descendants of Diego Alonso and Luisa de Nava, through their son, Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo (m. Antonia Alvarez Tostado).

I haven’t had a chance to pick it clean, but here’s a summary:

This capellania establishes:

1. That Beatriz Muñoz de Nava was the sister of Luisa Muñoz de Nava (m. Diego Alonso).
2. Properties owned by Beatriz Muñoz de Nava (including homes in Teocaltiche proper, located between those of Diego Alonso and her father, Francisco Muñoz de Nava.
3. That Diego Alonso de Hermosillo-Torres was born before Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo-Torres.
4. It also establishes the genealogy of some of the descendants of Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo-Nava and Antonia Alvarez, as well as those of Diego Alonso and Juana de Alderete, and how they’re related to each other.

The sons of Diego Alonso and Juana Alderete (Sebastian Gonzalez de Hermosillo, Diego Alonso de Hermosillo and Cayetano Gonzalez de Hermosillo) contest the patronage on 16 Dec 1708, claiming that it should have passed down through their father, Diego, since he was the oldest son of Diego Alonso and Luisa de Nava:…

It also speaks of a capellania founded by their sister, Feliciana Gonzalez de Hermosillo-Nava, and one founded by Francisco Muñoz de Nava.

Manny Diez Hermosillo

Hi Danny,

That is a really good question, with a really complex answer. The best answer I’ve seen is from this page, which you should bookmark:

“(1) Chaplaincy of masses established for the soul of a deceased person or persons on a principal sum of money or the value of real property. Its yield of five (5) percent annual interest was paid to the cleric who said the masses. (2) chaplaincy, subsidized by the crown, at a presidio or military headquarters. The beneficiary (priest) was a capelldn or cura castrense.”

In this case, definition (1). From what I can make of it, it was used like a trust fund, for descendants who joined a religious order, to help cover expenses and pay for one’s education. It was one of the methods the Church used to sustain itself.

Relative to our interests, there might be hundreds of pages, with entries made over decades, regarding ownership and administration of a capellania. They are useful in that they are usually passed down amongst family members, so you get a record of relationships.

I hope that’s helpful. Perhaps someone has a clearer answer?

Manny Diez Hermosillo


My Spanish dictionary says that a capellania is a "chaplaincy", I guess where a chaplain lives.

Port Orchard, WA

> Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2015 15:31:14 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Capellania of Beatriz Muñoz de Nava
> Hello Manny what is a Capellania mean?
> Danny C. Alonso

Hola primos,

These are various capellanias related to the Diego Alonso del Pedroso line. Thanks to Katy Brecht, for indexing these!

Alonso Ramirez de Hermosillo: the mysterious son of Diego Alonso del Pedroso and Paula de Torres, who appears in all of the Jalos padrones between 1649-1679. As far as I can tell, he never married nor had issue, so descendants of his siblings would be capelanes. Establishes that he is brother of Augustin Garcia and Nicolas Ramirez.…

This is regarding a capellania founded by Josepha Ramirez de Hermosillo, linked to her brother Cristobal Ramirez de Hermosillo. They were children of Nicolas Ramirez de Hermosillo and Francisca Munoz de Barba. On img160 is the testamento of Josepha Ramirez; on img200, there is a great genealogy given:…

These are capellanias founded by children of Diego Alonso de Hermosillo and Luisa de Nava:

Capitan Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo-Nava (m. Antonia Alvarez Tostado)…

Francisco Muñoz de Hermosillo-Nava…

Melchor Gonzalez de Hermosillo-Nava…

Manny Diez Hermosillo


No, it isn't certain but additional proof would be needed, but there are no records whatsoever that I, or Manny, can find that show Diego Alonso del Pedroso ever used the Ramírez surname, as Manny had pointed out. In order to make that assumption we would need to find a document that does that. Unfortunately, most documents from Jalostotitlán from that period no longer exist. Supposedly they were lost in a fire. There is a book by Sergio Gutiérrez with the padrón from 1650 you can buy at Amazon that supposedly has Diego Alonso del Pedroso with his wife and six of seven of his children. Search for Jalostotitlán at Amazon to find it. Another record to search for is a Cofradía from 1627. Until then the Ramírez surname should be taken off of Diego Alonso del Pedroso because otherwise it is a presumption. Yes, descendants of Diego Alonso could've used Muñoz as descendants of María Muñoz but there are no indications whatsoever that he ever did so his descendants that did use it was because of Luisa Muñoz, therefore the only person we would attach Muñoz to are the people that have a mother with the surname Muñoz making it their maternal surname.

Yes, Diego Alonso González de Hermosillo and a Diego Ildefonso Ramírez de Hermosillo married to Luisa Muñoz are the same person. Alonso and Ildefonso are first names used interchangeably during that period.


I'm trying to determine what is the correct origin of the González de
Hermosillo. Elsewhere on the forum I've see this:

· Pedro Fernández de Hermosilla
· Alonso de Hermosilla casó a Catalina González hija de Tomás González
· Juan González de Hermosillo c Catalina Ramírez
· Juan González de Hermosillo c Isabel de Escobar hija del Conq. Juan de
· Juan González de Hermosillo. Casó a María Muñoz Cabeza de Vaca hija de
Francisco Muñoz y de aquí nació la línea alteña.
Then it seemed as though Juan González de Hermosillo and Ana Rodríguez
Magdaleno were agreed upon as the parents of the Juan González de
Hermosillo that married María Muñoz. But lately, I've seen several websites
list Gonzalo García de Hermosillo as the origin of our González de

Since, my Diego Ildefonso Ramírez de Hermosillo uses Ramírez, it makes
sense that the line would travel through Catalina Ramírez and Juan González
de Hermosillo, but I don't know.

Is there anyone in the forum that has a theory?

Paige Herrera

Hi Paige, My name is Robert Gonzalez, I am a direct descendent of Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo, he and Maria Munoz are my 10th great grandparents.

All the research I've done as of late shows Gonzalo Garcia de Hermosillo as Juan's father. ( And a brother of the same name )

I've been working with a very nice gentleman from Spain who is helping me with such questions, but it's been slow going. As you may be aware, Juan was from Guadalcanal, perhaps some of the confusion comes from the origins of the de Hermosilla line. It appears (at the moment ) that the family origins are indeed from the province of Burgos, specifically Ona\Briviesca, of which Hermosilla is a part of. Before of course they made their way south to Guadalcanal. I don't want to jump the gun and give bad info, I need to sort out names and dates, but the line may include members of the military orders of Santiago and the so called Caballeros de Banda de Castilla. I've come across spelling variations, Gunsaliz,Gonzalis,Gonsales and of course there are many Lopez,Fernandez,Ramirez,Alonso's to sort out as well. I have seen a website with some of those names, the farthest back is Pedro Fernandez de Hermosillo with a birthdate of 1450 in Spain. I don't know who posted that info,I haven't run across those names as of yet. It does concern me that names are listed as "Hermosillo" as opposed to "Hermosilla" as the name was known in Spain.

Perhaps Armando can help shed some light on all this as well. I've been meaning to contact him and share what I have with him as well as my other primos who share this lineage.



Hi Paige,

There’s been some confusion regarding the origin of the Gonzalez de Hermosillo who proliferated throughout Nueva Galicia. As Robert mentioned, it’s been determined that the line originated with Juan Gonzalez de Hermosilla & Maria Muñoz, from Guadalcanal, Sevilla, and he was the son of Gonzalo Garcia de Hermosilla.

Here’s a link to one discussion on that topic: views:

If you descend from the Diego Alonso’s, then the “Ramirez” probably comes from Nicolas Ramirez, whose daughter Paula de Torres married Diego Alonso del Pedroso y Hermosillo. Their offspring used “Ramirez de Hermosillo.” There were 5 Diego Alonso’s, in a direct line, here’s the first four:

Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo & Maria Muñoz m. Guadalcanal, Sevilla antes de Extremadura, España.
Diego Alonso del Pedroso & Paula Ramirez Torres
Proof of genealogy…
Diego Alonso de Hermosillo & Luisa Muñoz de Nava m. 23 Feb 1645…
Proof of genealogy…
Diego Alonso de Hermosillo & Juana de Alderete m. 19 Feb 1669 Teocaltiche…
Proof of genealogy…
Diego Ildefonso Gonzalez de Hermosillo & Lorenza Manuela Cabrera m. 13 May 1716 Asientos…
Información Matrimonial…
Vicente Gonzalez de Hermosillo & Juana Dorothea Díaz de Leon married about Jan 1764
Información Matrimonial…
Rafael Gonzalez de Hermosillo & Maria Dolores de Avila m 25 Nov 1798, Pinos.…
Juan Gonzalez & Asuncion Gil de Esparza, b. 02 Apr 1805, Aguascalientes; m3 Asuncion Gil Esparza, c. 1829, probably in Pinos.……
Antonio Gonzalez & Susana Sanchez, m. 20 Jun 1869, Pinos…

Andres Munoz de Hermosillo and Lorenza? Tiscareno also had a son named Diego Alonso de Hermosillo. So, the name appears in various lines, in different generations & places.

Who was your Diego Ildefonso married to, and where did your people live?

And Robert, I'd love to be part of your call-up, Gonzalez de Hermosillo being my main interest. I have some new findings regarding the Diego Alonso line that I'd like to share.

Manny Diez Hermosillo


As Robert and Manny have told you, the paternal line of the González de Hermosillo line in Jalisco, which also spread to nearby Aguascalientes and Zacatecas, begins with Juan González de Hermosillo and María Muñoz from Guadalcanal, Sevilla which is now part of Andalucía, España. The father of Juan González de Hermosillo was Gonzalo García de Hermosillo based on a combination of two different documents that Sergio Gutiérrez very kindly commented on in two different threads pointing out the proof. Manny provided the link to one of those threads which is the one I had on Ana Rodríguez Magdaleno. So you don't have to go looking for it again the link is

The reason for me posting this information is so you can understand how those documents prove the ancestry and where in that thread the proof is found even though the full thread is good to have and understanding of how and when the actual genealogy was fully understood by us.

The two documents that provide the proof of the origins of the González de Hermosillo line are a petition for Priestly Major Orders and a petition for a license for to go to the Indies (America). Both of those documents are paleographed in the above thread under the post titled Solicitud Para Ordenes Mayores de Gonzalo de Hermosillo en 1655.

The petition for Priestly Major Orders was for Gonzalo Ramírez de Hermosillo on 15 July 1665. In the document Domingo de Lomelín provides testimony of the ancestry of Gonzalo Ramírez de Hermosillo. The portion that pertains specifically to his González de Hermosillo ancestry states that he was "hijo legitimo de Sebastian Ramírez y de Maria de Hermosillo....Juan de Aceves Rascón y a Beatriz de Hermosillo padres de la dicha Maria de Hermosillo y abuelos del dicho Gonzalo de Hermosillo [the petitioner] y que el dicho Juan de Aceves era natural de la ciudad de México y la dicha Beatriz de Hermosillo era de esta jurisdiccion hija legitima de Juan González de Hermosillo y de Ana Muñoz su mujer naturales de Guadalcanal y sabe que los susodichos los unos y los otros son cristianos viejos sin tener raza de moros ni de judios."

That above means that Juan González de Hermosillo y de Ana Muñoz were originally from Guadalcanal and they had Beatriz de Hermosillo as a legitimate daughter who married Juan de Aceves Rascón from Mexico City and they had María de Hermosillo who married Sebastián Ramírez who had Gonzalo Ramírez de Hermosillo as a legitimate son.

The petition for a license to go to the Indies (America) was started by Gonzalo García Hermosillo, a brother of Juan González de Hermosillo, 12 Oct de 1581 while he was living in Zacatecas and he asked to have his brother sent for. That information is found in a thread at in a post by Guillermo Tovar de Teresa titled El genearca de los González de Hermosillo but his post has erroneous information as far as the name of the brother and of the father of Juan González de Hermosillo. The correct names are towards the end of this post.

The original documents can be downloaded from by going to Búsqueda Avanzada then putting in INDIFERENTE,2060,N.138 under FILTRO POR SIGNATURA then click Buscar then click Indiferente General then click on Juan González de Hermosilla then on ver imágenes. Then you can download the documents from there.

Once Juan González de Hermosillo was sent for he put in his petition for a license in 1582. On the first page of that document it states "Juan González de Hermosilla labrador vzo (vecino) de la villa de Guadalcanal dice que el tiene un hermano en la Nueva España en las minas de las Zacatecas y a enviado a llamar para hacerle algun bien porque el aca padece necesidades suppco a.v. ala [suplico a vuestra alteza] le haga merced de dar licencia para que pueda pasar con sus muger hijos atento y que no es de los prohibidos para pasar aquellas partes y en ello recibiran merced y que puedan llevar una una moça para su servicio"

So in that part we see that Juan González de Hermosillo was sent for by his brother in the mines of Zacatecas and that he was already married with kids in Guadalcanal and asked to go to Nueva España with his family and a young female servant.

The third image of the petition names his brother as Gonzalo García de Hermosilla.

The fifth image is the letter from Zacatecas which states "Sepan cuantos esta carta vieren, como yo, Gonzalo García Hermosillo... para que en mi nombre podaiís ir a la villa de Guadalcanal que es en los reinos de Castilla a traer de dicha villa a mi hermano Juan González de Hermosillo, mi hermano, hijo de Gonzalo García de Hermosillo..... que es hecho en las minas de los Zacatecas a once días del mes de octubre de mil quinientos ochenta y un años..."

So here we see that Juan González de Hermosillo and Gonzalo García Hermosillo are calling each other brothers and Gonzalo states that the father of Juan González de Hermosillo is named Gonzalo García de Hermosillo. We can assume that since all three use the surname Hermosillo that the two brothers had the same father.

In summary there are two different documents 83 years apart that maintain the Juan González de Hermosillo and María Muñoz were from Guadalcanal, Spain. One of those documents verifies that they were married with kids in 1582, while in Guadalcanal, which means it is impossible for that Juan González de Hermosillo to have had anything to do with the Juan González de Hermosillo b. 8 de Julio de 1571 en Asunción, Cd. De Méx who was the son of Juan González de Hermosillo cc Ana Rodríguez Magdaleno.

Hopefully this post makes it clear so that all of the trees that have erroneous information can be corrected.


Armando, Manny, Robert,

That was an exhaustive amount of information that clearly proves the
lineage of the Juan González de Hermosillo married to María Muñoz. Gonzalo
García de Hermosillo is definitely the origin of our González de

Do we know who this Juan is or how he's connected to our González de

No, we don't know. The fact that he had the same name and assumed to be living in the same time period in Mexico caused people to think that he was the one that was the patriarch of the lineage in Los Altos. In reality they weren't both living in Mexico the whole time. Our Juan González de Hermosillo was living in Spain since his birth sometime before 1562 and 1582. We don't know what happened to the Juan González de Hermosillo born in Mexico City on 8 July 1571.

If you notice in my thread I had provided to you previously at I ask about Ana Rodríguez Magdaleno, the wife of Juan González de Hermosillo. That is the exact same couple that are the parents of the one that you have a link to in your post. If you go further down in my thread on Ana Rodríguez Magdaleno you will see the information by Daniel much of which you also posted in your first post of this thread that said -

· Pedro Fernández de Hermosilla
· Alonso de Hermosilla casó a Catalina González hija de Tomás González
· Juan González de Hermosillo c Catalina Ramírez
· Juan González de Hermosillo c Isabel de Escobar hija del Conq. Juan de Burgos
· Juan González de Hermosillo b. 8 de Julio de 1571 en Asunción, Cd. De Méx. Casó a María Muñoz Cabeza de Vaca hija de Francisco Muñoz y de aquí nació la línea alteña.

If you look at the date and place of 8 de Julio de 1571 en Asunción, Cd. De Méx that is the exact same document you are asking about and it is actually the son of Juan González de Hermosillo and Ana Rodríguez Magdaleno and not the son of Juan González de Hermosillo c Isabel de Escobar hija del Conq. Juan de Burgos.

By the way, I edited my previous post due to an error of mentioning Isabel de Escobar and the wording needed improvement.


Also, in my post on 2011-10-04 at I answered Daniel that Guillermo Tovar de Teresa had the parents of Juan González de Hermosillo as Juan González de Hermosillo y Ana Rodríguez Magdaleno (o Madaleno o Ana Hernández) and that he thought that Juan González de Hermosillo was from Guadalcanal based on his post at

It wasn't until Sergio's post that I understood that they were different people. In that post he says "Si Juan Glz de Hermosillo es originario de Guadacanal, segun las declaraciones en el documento, como es posible que el haya sido bautizado en Mexico DF en 1572. Creo son homologos y no la misma persona."

Which mean "If Juan Glz de Hermosillo is originally from Guadalcanal, per the declarations in the document, how is it possible that it is the same person that was baptized in 1572. I believe they are of the same name but not the same person."



I understand now. I was a little confused. I had previously read some of
the earlier posts but wasn't quite sure who was being referred to. Also, I
erroneously assumed, that since Juan González de Hermosillo born July 8th,
1571 used the same compound surname that he must be connected to our line.

I had mentioned about some of the Hermosillos use of Ramírez and where that
might have originated from and there was a mention earlier on the
thread about Ramírez coming through Paula de Torres, but, doesn't Paula de
Torres' husband Diego Alonso del Pedroso also occasionally use Ramírez,
which would suggest it originates earlier on the Hermosillo line?



I just realized that there is a marriage record that has important information. Diego Alonso del Pedroso and Paula de Torres had a son that also went by Diego Alonso. He married Luisa Muñoz de Nava 23 Feb 1645 in Teocaltiche and the padrinos were none other than Alonso Ramírez and Paula de Torres.

So now we have a document that show that Diego Alonso del Pedroso married to Paula de Torres did actually use the Ramírez surname, as has been stated by other researchers, and therefore, the use of the Ramírez surname isn't necessarily due to the surname of the father of Paula de Torres.

Unfortunately, there aren't any baptisms of the children of Diego Alonso del Pedroso and Paula de Torres to see which surname he uses in those records. There is also no baptismal, marriage, or death/burial record of Diego Alonso del Pedroso to see which surname was used in those records. None of the other children of Diego Alonso del Pedroso and Paula de Torres have a marriage record that has been found. Supposedly Diego Alonso del Pedroso was buried 11 Feb 1673 in Teocaltiche but I haven't found that record.

There still might be other types of records we haven't seen that other researchers have seen that show Diego Alonso del Pedroso using the Ramírez surname.


You know, Armando, I thought the same thing, that their padrinos were his parents. But lately, I'm thinking the madrina, Paula de Torres, might be Diego II's sister. who died a spinster, 18 Oct 1668, in Jalostotitlan:…

I don't know who Alonso Ramirez is.

Here's my take, on the name:

Note, in the header of that marriage record, he is listed as "Diego Alonso" and she as "Luisa de Nava," while in the body, he is listed as "Diego Alonso de Hermosillo." The same formula is used for their son's marriage to Juana Alderete:…

From the few primary source documents I've seen (I have none for the 1st), the Diego's are usually listed as "Diego Alonso de Hermosillo," or just "Diego Alonso." I haven't seen them listed as "Diego de Hermosillo," so "Alonso" is the logical surname, and only the Diego's use this name.

I have yet to see any primary source documents with "Pedroso," but it's obvious that the ancestral name is "Diego Alonso del Pedroso, who was likely a maternal ancestor of either Juan GdeH or Maria Munoz.

"Ramirez" seems to appear only in secondary source documents, as an add-on by later generations, who needed to establish parentesco. The name is appropriate, but I haven't seen any primary source documents with either of them using this name.

It's not until the 4th Diego Alonso that we see "Gonzalez" appear in the name:

In Sep 1704, he was an acting notary on some IM's in Pinos, Zacatecas; he signed his name, "Diego Alonso de Hermosillo":…

On his 1718 IM, when he married Lorenza Manuela Cabrera, he is already going by "Diego Yldephonzo Gonzalez de Hermosillo" (his father is also given "Gonzalez" in this IM, though I have no other record with him listed thus):…

The 5th Diego would drop "Alonso" altogether, and went by "Diego Gonzalez de Hermosillo":…

So that where I'm at, as far as the name & surname.

What is interesting to me, is how this line migrated: Diego Alonso II married Luisa de Nava in Teocaltiche; did he move there with his parents, or alone? His sister Paula de Torres, died 1668 in Jalostotitlan, where her widowed mother was living, so I'm inclined to think Diego II made the move by himself. Anybody?

Diego Alonso III (married to Juana Alderete), probably died in early summer 1708, in Teocaltiche, since most of his children moved to Ojuelos, Jalisco, by Aug 1708. Juana Alderete died on Ojuelos and was buried 19 Feb 1723, in Pinos, Zacatecas:…

I have some excellent documentation on Diego Alonso IV, which I'll post here, as soon as I have a minute.

Manny Diez Hermosillo


After going back over Retoños de España Tomo VI Volumen 2 pg. 732 it does say in the first paragraph that the Ramírez de Hermosillo surname was taken up due to the marriage of a member of the González de Hermosillo family marrying a daughter of the Ramírez family.

I had concentrated on the Retoños de España Tomo VI Volumen 2 pg. 733 where it states Paula de Torres married "Diego Alonso Ramírez del Pedroso, conocido también con los apellidos González de Hermosillo y del Pedroso y Hermosillo hijo de Juan González de Hermosillo y de María Muñoz, vecinos de la jurisdicción de Jalostotitlán" I had expected Mariano González Leal to have mentioned that the surname Ramírez started with his sons and not with him in that portion if that was the case. However, as I had stated above the first paragraph in on pg. 732 clarifies that it did start with the sons. It sure is strange that Mariano decided to mention he had an alias that included the surname Ramírez when it's the surname given to his children.

As far as Alonso being a surname I can't agree with that.

The body of the marriage document stating that it is "Diego Alonso de Hermosillo" is what helps provide the proof that he is an Hermosillo. That is why that record has been used by other researchers. What shows up in the header is not proof that Alonso is his surname especially since many times there are errors in that portion.

Alonso has never been interpreted as a surname for this line by any researcher and I truly doubt that it is in this case. The names Diego Alonso and Diego Ildefonso are a first and second name used together through many generations. If you remember, I gave you the link to the IM of Diego Yldephonzo Gonzalez de Hermosillo and Lorenza Manuela Cabrera so I was already of aware of that record. The fact that his name and his father's names are Diego Yldephonzo Gonzalez de Hermosillo shows us that Diego and Ildefonso was used as a first and second name in more than one generation and it has been used in conjunction with the compound surname of González de Hermosillo. This tells me Diego Alonso was used in the same manner as Diego Ildefonso, as a first and second name.

For more information on the use of the names we need to find the Cofradía document of 1627 and the padrón of 1650 that mention Diego Alonso del Pedroso and the document the death record of his son and husband of Luisa Muñoz 11 Feb 1673 in Teocaltiche as well as the will of his second wife María de Rentería y Orozco to see how they are mentioned in those records. All of those records are mentioned in Retoños de España Tomo VI Volumen 2.


Manny, Armando and the rest of primos

I´m also a descendant of Juan González de Hermosillo and have been trying to clarify the ascendants of Juan while with no succes, but at least I have a theory that I would like you to see.

Looking through GENI and some other sites and complementing with PARES information, some other nodes of this forum and even with Wikipedia, I would propose the following:

Pedro Fernández de Hermosillo born around 1440 who was the father of

Alonso de Hermosillo born around 1465, who married Catalina González around 1485 that´s where the compound last name begins.

This couple is mentioned in the document of 1515 of Juan Gonzáles de Hermosillo to come to Indias where he states to be 20 years old, so he was born around 1495.

For now I suppose that this Juan González de Hermosillo married Catalina Ramírez del Pedroso around 1518 and that they had the folowing children :

Gonzalo González García de Hermosillo bca 1520 married ca1550 Isabel Escobar
Diego González Vega de Hermosillo bca 1525 married ca1550 María Rubio
Catalina García Hermosillo b1521 married ca 1540 Diego Gavilán

From Gonzalo and Isabel Escobar descend :

Gonzalo García Hermosillo bca 1550 who asks permission to bring his brother :
Juan González de Hermosillo bca 1555 married ca 1585 Ana María Muñóz

This last couple had the following children:

Juan bca 1591
Diego Alonso bca 1598 (Alonso was the name of his gggrandfather)
Francisco bca 1599
Leonor bca 1590
Cristóbal bca 1600
Theresa b 1589
Beatríz b 1593

From Diego González Vega descend :

Diego González de Hermosillo bca 1560 married ca 1585 Beatríz de Villegas
María Gutiérrez Rubio bca 1565 married ca 1590 Carlos Muñóz Aceves
Francisco Gutiérrez Rubio bca 1551 married ca 1576 Ana González Florida I

From Catalina García de Hermosillo descend :

Juan González de Hermosillo b 1541 married ca 1560 Ana Rodríguez Madaleno b30-I-1541
this last information is in :

This last couple were the parents of :

Gonzalo González de Hermosillo y Rodríguez Madaleno bca 1560 who made his vows to be a priest on 22-may-1583 and become Bishop of Nueva Vizcaya on 27-feb-1620 (Wikipedia;PARES)


Leonor González Madaleno b15-jun-1559 Mex,DF
Catalina González Madaleno b29-mar-1561 Mex,DF
Juan González de Hermosillo bjul-1571 Mex,DF

I´m thinking that the link between the Gutierrez de Hermosillo and de González de Hermosillo may be the "Floridas" women becaues we have :

María Gutiérrez Rubio González Florida bca 1565 who marries Carlos Muñóz Aceves

and the brother of this María Gutiérrez (Florida):

Francisco Gutiérrez Rubio bca 1551 marries ca 1576 Ana González Florida (I) bca 1555

I know this is not a valid genealogy but may push some interest to do more research

Best regards


The genealogy you posted is the incorrect genealogy. That is what my posts have been about. The person that married María Muñoz was married and living in Guadalcanal, Spain in 1582 when Gonzalo García Hermosillo asked to bring his brother. He could not have been born 8 Julio 1571 en Cd de Mexico to Juan González de Hermosillo and Ana Rodriguez de Madaleno. This was pointed out by Sergio Gutiérrez and it is also pointed out by in the 2011 edition of Retoños de España Tomo IV Vol. 1 pages 209-211.

Please reread my previous posts in this thread and the links contained in the posts and download the original documents so you can see that the genealogy you posted is the incorrect genealogy.

To clarify, if he was married and living in Guadalcanal, Spain in 1582 how could his paternal grandparents have been Gonzalo González García de Hermosillo bca 1520 married ca1550 to Isabel Escobar if the parents of Gonzalo González García de Hermosillo bca 1520 were Juan González de Hermosillo and Catalina Ramírez del Pedroso and the document states that Juan González de Hermosillo came to the Indies in 1515 meaning he was already in the New World and that is where had descendants? If a person is living in the Spain and asking for permission to go to the New World it should be understood that his parents were born in Spain. If the parents were born in Spain then the parents can't be González García de Hermosillo bca 1520 unless he had gone back to Spain to marry Isabel Escobar and have children there apart from children in Mexico. That is way too complicated of a situation to be realistic.

The two families might be related but, if so, more distantly related.



I´ve seen all the previous posts and I agree that Juan González de Hermosillo the one who marries Ana María Muñóz IS NOT the son of Juan González de Hermosillo and Ana Rodríguez Magdaleno.

I´m saying ,based in the fact that we already know that the granfather of OUR Juan González was named Gonzalo González de Hermosillo, and that he must have been born around 1520, that this is THE GONZALO THAT MARRIED ISABEL DE ESCOBAR around 1550, and they were able to have:

Gonzalo GARCÍA DE HERMOSILLO bca 1550 (who asks permission for his brother Juan to come to America)
Juan bca 1555 who comes to America in 1582)

Now, I propose that the parents of the first Gonzalo González de Hermosillo were the conqueror Juan González de Hermosillo (who came in 1515) and Catalina Ramírez del Pedroso married ca 1518.

Besides Gonzalo González de Hermosillo they are the likely parents of :

Catalina GARCÍA HERMOSILLO born 1521 who married Diego Gavilán; Catalina García de Hermosillo would be then Aunt of GONZALO GARCÍA DE HERMOSILLO the brother of OUR Juan..........we must notice that they both USE THE LAST NAME "GARCÍA"

What is CLEAR about this last couple is that they are the parents of the BISHOP of Nueva Vizcaya : Gonzalo González de Hermosillo y Rodríguez Madaleno bca 1560, whose approval as bishop is dated 27-feb-1620 (PARES).

This bishop had the following siblings :

Leonor b 15-jun-1559
Catalina b 29-mar-1561
Juan b jul-1571

About the ancestors of the bishop what I think is interesting is that I saw in the web that he has the last name González de Hermosillo NOT BECAUSE OF HIS GRANDFATHER but through his GRAND MOTHER who is named Catalina García de Hermosillo born 1521 (not circa but 1521) who married ca 1540 Diego Gavilan......THIS ARE THE GRAND PARENTS OF THE BISHOP !!! and I think someone must have seen the "merits" of the bishop to be able to name the GRANDPARENTS !!

The chronology fits what is not clear is how the first Juan González who came to Indias in 1515, married ca 1518 and have his three children (Gonzalo, Diego and Catalina probably in Cuba), managed to send his children back to Spain, but that is not a crazy thing to have been done because he was to come to conquer Mexico with Cortés and he couldn´t bring his family with him to that risky enterprise.

So the generation born in the 20´s went to Spain and they grew and marry there between 1540 and 1550 and their children came to Mexico because their grandfather had earned lands and riches (I remember have seen some Estancias and or encomiendas given to Juan and Ruy González in the first half of the XVI century)

I tried to see the "merits" of the bishop but in the website of PARES only the "face" of the document is shown.

I made a mistake in one paragraph and the correct form should say :

Catalina GARCÍA HERMOSILLO born 1521 who married Diego Gavilán; Catalina García de Hermosillo would be then Aunt of GONZALO GARCÍA DE HERMOSILLO the brother of OUR Juan..........we must notice that they both USE THE LAST NAME "GARCÍA"

What is CLEAR about this last couple is that they ARE THE GRANDPARENTS of the BISHOP of Nueva Vizcaya : Gonzalo González de Hermosillo y Rodríguez Madaleno bca 1560, whose approval as bishop is dated 27-feb-1620 (PARES).


Your hypothesis still does not fit with the information that we have. I will try and clarify why that is, without using caps.

First of all, we don't know what the name of the grandfather of OUR Juan González de Hermosillo was named. We only know that his father was named Gonzalo González de Hermosillo.

We know that our Juan González de Hermosillo was married with children in 1582 therefore he was married at least 20 months prior to 1582. Since most people marry past 18 years of old even back then he is at least 20 years old making his birth year between 1532 and 1562. Therefore, his father Gonzalo García de Hermosillo was born in Spain anywhere between 1500 and 1544.

That is all we know about our Juan González de Hermosillo. We don't have any idea who his mother was or who his grandparents were. There is absolutely no evidence that the "Gonzalo González de Hermosillo" that married Isabel de Escobar was the grandfather of our Juan González de Hermosillo. Asserting that is pure supposition.

What makes your hypothesis even more unlikely, than it already was, is that the husband of Isabel de Escobar was "Juan Ramírez the legitimate son of Juan de Hermosillo, conquistador, and Catalina Ramírez" per Retoños de España Tomo IV Vol. 1 pg. 206. So her husband wasn't even named Gonzalo González García de Hermosillo to begin with.

No, we mustn't notice that they both use the last name "García" because that is a very common surname and there are no other documents at all that show that there is a close family tie.

Retoños de España only mentions two children of Juan González de Hermosillo and Catalina Ramírez. They were the above mentioned Juan Ramírez who lived his whole life in Nueva España and Catalina García de Hermosillo who married Diego Gavilán with whom they had children in Mexico City.

Most of the conquistadores stayed in Mexico because they were given land grants and they could live much better in Mexico than going back to Spain. Some told their sons to continue fighting on the frontier so they would have something to talk about once they grew older. These were not the type of people that would send their children to Spain, they raised them in Mexico.

So not only do the names and dates not fit your hypothesis the situation of the children going back to Spain is also unsubstantiated so the location also doesn't fit.


Hi Armando,

Thank you for the clarification, I don't want to lead anybody down the wrong path. I should have mentioned, my "Alonso" surname theory is conjecture, based on documents I've seen. I haven't had access to "Retonos," some day I need to make arrangements. I was totally unaware that Diego Alonso de Hermosillo also married Maria de Renteria y Orosco.

This is regarding the IV, Diego Yldephonzo Gonzalez de Hermosillo, who was married to Lorenza Manuela Cabrera:

I've found the following at Acervos Coloniales Siglos XVII A XIX (

On 20 Aug 1721, while living in Asientos, Aguascalientes, Diego Yldephonzo Gonzalez de Hermosillo and Lorenza Manuela de Cabrera sold el Puesto de Atenguillo, in Cuquio, Jalisco, to Alejo Plasencia (along with a lot in Cuquio), for 270 pesos. Atenguillo was owned by Lorenza Manuela's father, Antonio Cabrera, and they sold it on behalf of his heirs: Lorenza and her 2 brothers, Clemente Manuel Cabrera and Cayetano Cabrera, and her two half-brothers, Pedro Mercado and Cristobal Mercado.

There is a Concesion de Fianzas, dated 6 Jan 1724, in Asientos, Aguascalientes, with capitanes Diego Yldephonza Gonzalez de Hermosillo and Juan Nolasco Urbina, both residents and merchants in Asientos, providing bail(?) for a fellow merchant, who apparently couldn't pay his tribute in time (I assume, I am not yet familiar with the judicial lingo). We learn that Diego Yldephonzo was a merchant, and it's the only time I've seen him with the "capitan" title.

On a document from 3 Oct 1724, also in Asientos, Manuel Ugarte gives Diego Yldephonzo "poder especial."

Some day, I'll get around to transcibing these documents, but they can be found at the aforementioned website (there is another Diego Idlefonso de Hermosillo, in the Aguascalientes acervos, but he is the son of Andres Munoz de Hermosillo and Lorenza Tiscareno).

Diego Yldephonzo Gonzalez de Hermosillo was a notary public in San Matias, Pinos, Zacatecas, between 1728 and 1732, and his signature can be found on various IMs throughout those years:…

He passed away and was buried 5 Jun 1735, in Pinos, Zacatecas; he was "found dead in the fields."…

Lorenza Manuel de Cabrera was buried 24 Sep 1748, also in Pinos:…

Manny Diez Hermosillo

Armando, Manny

I must be suffering from information overload because I've seen that
marriage of Diego Alonso Ramírez de Hermosillo and Luisa Muñoz before and
never noticed the padrinos were his parents. Or, individuals with similar
names. I don't know when the sister was born, so I couldn't say for sure. I
did however notice the margin just said Diego Alonso and did at one point
think that might be part of the surname. For whatever reason, I quickly
dismissed that idea.



I am no longer considering the padrinos to be the parents, even though Paula could be the mother, since Retoños de España does say the the Ramírez surname was taken up by due to the marriage with Paula de Torres, which means her husband never actually used the surname.



Is it certain that Alonso Ramírez is not Diego Alonso Ramírez del Pedroso.
I was looking at the records and the couple Paula de Torres and Diego
Alonso Ramírez del Pedroso seem to fit as padrinos. Even if the Ramírez de
Hermosillo was created by the union of Paula de Torres and Diego Alonso
Ramírez del Pedroso, that doesn't eliminate the possibility that Diego
Alonso also could be a Ramírez. Just as the Muñoz González de Hermosillo
was created by the union of Luisa Muñoz de Nava and Diego Alonso González
de Hermosillo, but, in theory, Diego Alonso could've used Muñoz himself as
a descendant of María Muñoz.

Also because the names get confusing, I wanted to check something. I've
seen Luisa Muñoz de Nava married to both a Diego Alonso González de
Hermosillo and a Diego Ildefonso Ramírez de Hermosillo, are they the same


Hi Paige,
I do believe the Paula de Torres mentioned is the wife of Diego Alonso del Pedroso. If you look at this site:…  the younger Paula de Torres is listed as being born in 1643. Even If you just try to piece together when everyone was born based on their marriages and such and you look at all their children, including, Nicolás Ramírez de Hermosillo and Agustín García de Hermosillo that married the two Muñoz de la Barba sisters, and Juana Ramírez de Hermosillo that married Pedro Flores de la Torre, as well as, Diego Alonso himself that married Luisa Muñoz de Nava, I doubt the younger Paula de Torres, was born any earlier than 1640. My guess is she was too young to be madrina at a wedding in 1645. Therefore, I think the Paula de Torres mentioned is most likely the wife of Diego Alonso del Pedroso. As for the Alonso Ramirez mentioned, Armando would be better able to answer that.

Also, Diego Alonso González de Hermosillo and Diego Ildefonso Ramírez de Hermosillo are the same person. I think there were several given names used in colonial times that were used interchangeably, including Ildefonso and Alonso. I don't think any differentiation is made between the two. I've seen them used interchangeably on numerous people with the name Ildefonso.
I've also noticed the same with their female equivalents Yldephonsa and Aldonsa. An example, being the marriage of Aldonsa Delgado and Juan de Dios Bernal:…
And the defuncion of the same Aldonsa, now listed as Yldephonsa Delgado, viudo de Juan de Dios Bernal:…
Christopher de Cuellar


The only other books that I know of at Amazon pertaining to our region of research are also by Sergio Gutiérrez. If you have ancestors from Lagos de Moreno and are interested in the books by Mario Gómez Mata you can contact him through Facebook (Gomez Mata Mario) or I can send you his email. The books that he has for sale are:

1.- La Alcaldía Mayor de Lagos, conquista y colonización de Pechititán

2.- Bautismos, defunciones y matrimonios del primer siglo de Santa María de los Lagos (1583-1663) que contiene todos los nombres y apellidos de españoles, indios, africanso y castas que nacieron, casaron y murieron en Lagos, hasta antes del año 1663.

3.- Iglesias virreinales de Santa María de los Lagos, con cuatro estudios de los que su servidor es autor del correpsondiente al templo del Rosario. Edición de lujo con papel lustre y fotografáis a color

4.- La esclavitud en Santa María de los Lagos siglos XVI-XIX.

5.- Relevo patronal en lagos. De san Sebastián a Nuestro Padre Jesús del Calvario. es un estudio sobre la religión católica y las imágenes que han venerado los laguenses a través de sus cofradías y hermandades en la villa de Lagos, y tres pueblos indígenas de La Laguna, Buenavista y Moya.

6.- Patronos y mártires alteños con varios estudios de los que uno es mío. en inglés y español.

7.- Efemérides de Lagos de Moreno desde la fundaicón hasta lesiglo XX.

Boderlandbooks used to have some that dealt with our region but there aren't many left and the ones that are left are expensive. The site is at



I´m sorry I mixed terms in my proposal (not assertion), I meant to say that now is clear that the name of the father of OUR Juna González is Gonzalo, and then I (based on other websites) suggested that the wife of that Gonzalo was Isabel de Escobar Burgos.

Now I´ve seen that the husband of Isabel de Escobar was Juan Ramírez as you say is mentioned in "Retoños", but also in a very interesting "información" that the "Escobar" brothers raised in 1577 where they declare they are the children of Juan de Burgos and that they are poor in spite of their father being a "conquistador" who contributed largely to the conquest; the información explains that Juan de Burgos was owner of a Navío full of "bastimentos" with which he helped greatly to the conquest.

In that información is clearly mentioned the name of the husband of Isabel as Juan Ramírez.

I just found another very interesting document which I´m trying to read and is another INFORMACION asked by Francisco González de Hermosillo the son of Juan González de Hermosillo and Ana Rodríguez Magdaleno to be admitted as escribano de la ciudad de México.

In this information he names who his parents were, and most importantly....the name of his GRANDPARENTS !

From what I´ve been able to understand so far, he states that his father was Juan González de Hermosillo BORN in la villa de GUADALCANAL and that his mother was born in Mexico.

Francisco says the names of both his paternal and maternal grandparents and says tha his P Grandparents were Gonzalo Sr de Hermosillo and Leonor Sánchez Parra and the maternal were Juan Rodríguez de León (Magdaleno) and María Hernández vecinos de la cd de México but originarios de la VILLA DE GUADALCANAL.

The document has a lot more information but so far is what I´ve been able to understand, I know here in nuestros ranchos there are several skilled persons to do the paleography and hopefully we´ll have new facts about this family

The información I just mentioned is a little bit confusing and I think the right name of the parents of Ana Rodríguez Magdaleno are Gonzalo Rodríguez Magdaleno and María Hernández.

I mean, on page 5 of the document those are the names mentioned, later in the same document it seems to me that they mix the names of the brother in law of Francisco González de Hermosillo (Juan Rodríguez de León married to Leonor G de H known as "de la Parra" ) with María Hernández.


Precisely in the información I´m talking about, is attached an información that was previously gestioned by Juan González de Hermosillo (brother of Francisco)know there as "El Mozo" , son of Juan G de H and Ana R Magdaleno, that información was made "por poder" en la villa de Guadalcanal in 1584 and one of the two "apoderados" of Juan was Francisco Ramírez who is declared as "primo" of "El Mozo".

I have to correct the name of the grandfather of Francisco an Juan and now I clearly see that the correct name was Gonzalo García de Hermosillo.

I´m almost sure so far that this "Mozo" is the one that went to Nueva Galicia, and that he s not the same that was baptized on 1571 by the same parents because he couldn´t be doing that información in 1584 at 13 years of age; I think for some reason there´s another Juan in 1571 or the date is erroneous and should be 1541.

My take on the document is changing continously as long as I read it.

Th informacion of Francisco was betweeen 1606 and 1607 but it contains another información made on 1584 and it was made on behalf of Juan González de Hermosillo "El viejo" not "El Mozo". It is so because the witnesses are questioned if they knew Gonzalo garcía de Hermosillo and Leonor Parra parents of Juan, and that Juan was born in Guadalcanal but is "vecino in 1584" of Mexico City.

I´m not yet done with that "información" but so far I have the following :

Gonzalo García Hermosillo married Leonor Sánchez Parra and were the parents of

Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo born in Guadalcanal who travels to Mexico in 1582
and "por poder" asks an "información" to be made by his cousin Fco Ramírez 1584
this Juan marries ca 1558 Ana Rodríguez Magdaleno and thay have the following children :
Leonor 1559
Catalina 1561
Gonzalo 1562 (Bishop)
Juan 1571
María ca 1565

Then in a second wedding in Nueva Galicia :

Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo born in Guadalcanal who travels to Mexico in 1582
and "por poder" asks an "información" to be made by his cousin Fco Ramírez 1584
this Juan marries ca 1589 Ana María Muñóz and thay have the following children :

Theresa b 1589
Leonor bca 1590
Juan 1591
Beatríz b 1593
Diego b 1598
Francisco bca 1599
Cristóbal bca 1600

Regarding the padrinos of the marriage for Diego Alonso de Hermosillo and Luisa de Nava: as has been noted, we can't be sure that the padrinos, Alonso Ramirez and Paula de Torres, are the parents of the groom (Paula de Torres, still a possibility). I did an indexed search at FamilySearch for an "Alonso Ramirez" who'd fit the place & timeline, but nothing comes up in Teocaltiche, or early enough to consider. This will require sifting through the Teocaltiche and nearby parishes, to see if "Alonso Ramirez" appears anywhere else.

Armando: In "Retonos," does Don Mariano have siblings for Nicolas Ramirez, who was married to Polonia de Torres? Is Alonso Ramirez possibly his brother? Or even another son of Nicolas Ramirez and Polonia de Torres?


Regarding the 1668 burial of Paula de Torres, hija de Paula de Torres, that I shared in an earlier post:…

I do not have this confirmed as the wife and daughter of Diego Alonso de Hermosillo; this is based on assumption: the father is not mentioned, and the only other reference is to Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo, who could be be "El Mozo." More research needs to be done. My assumption was that Diego Alonso de Hermosillo had already passed, since no father is mentioned, but if he married Maria de Renteria y Orosco en segundos, he would still have been alive.

As a note, I've seen "doncella" used on burial records for older women, who couldn't be younger than 40, so some notaries did use "doncella" for "soltera" or "spinster" (I've also seen "adulto" used for 14 year old's, and "parbulo" used for late teens 18-19). So, we need to keep that in mind, and that she could have been born earlier.

Manny Diez Hermosillo


I had abandoned the padrino Alonso Ramírez as also being the father of Diego Alonso de Hermosillo some time ago. He was probably a sibling or other relative of Paula de Torres. However, the dates are a better fit for the madrina being the mother of Diego Alonso de Hermosillo.

The Diego Alonso de Hermosillo that married Maria de Renteria y Orosco en segundas nupcias was the widower of Luisa Muñoz.

There isn't an Alonso Ramirez mentioned in Retoños de España as a sibling or other to Paula de Torres but there are lots of records missing so it is possible that he was a sibling to Paula de Torres.



I agree that the Paula de Torres that died 18 Oct 1668 in Jalostotitlán would have been too young to have been a madrina at her brother's wedding in 1645, not just because of the date on Geneanet but also because the record states that she died a doncella which means young maiden or young virgin. Since a lot of women didn't marry until the mid-twenties at that time the term doncella would have still been valid. The Paula de Torres at the wedding of Diego Alonso de Hermosillo in 1645 was definitely the mother.


Wow you're research is amazing! Welcome to Nuestros Ranchos and you are obviously a wonderful addition.
Linda Castanon-Long in B.C.

From: Manny Diez
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 8:17 AM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] New Member Introduction and request for assistance on Gonzalez de Hermosillo

First of all, I want to thank all of you for all of the amazing work you've
done: when I began this project at the beginning of the summer, I saved my
maternal grandfather's ancestry for last, because I assumed it would be the
most difficult. We don't know much about our patriarch, J. Refugio G.
Hermosillo, before he crossed the border in 1926; he was 43 at the time,
and had already lived a lifetime. We had no contact with his family, his
parents and siblings dying long before we were born. All we knew was that
he was from a small town in Zacatecas called Montesa, and that, according
to him, he descended from one of the founding families. So, I wasn't
expecting to find much. But was I wrong! I started with his birth
certificate and the 3 generations named on it, and found the LDS website;
by the end of the first weekend, I had traced him all the way back to his
g2 grandparents, and only stopped, because the curas didn't list
grandparents before the late 18th Century (as you all know). But anyway, I
want to thank all of you, because I know SOMEONE had to index those
archives relative to Nueva Galicia, and I have a feeling it was YOU. MIL
GRACIAS A TODOS USTEDES, los nuevosrancheros y los somosprimoseros, for the
trailblazing work you've done and are doing, in regards to researching and
sharing the genealogy and history of Nueva Galicia and colonial Mexico in
general! (and for helping me make my 82 year-old mother and her 8 surviving
siblings very happy, learning about their colorful ancestors!)

A little background on my line: my grandfather, Jose Refugio Gonzalez, was
born in Montesa, Zacatecas, 4 Jul 1883, to Antonio Gonzalez and Susana
Sanchez. He was born with the Gonzalez surname, but some time while still
in Mexico, we figure around 1905, he changed it to "Hermosillo"; we never
knew why he changed it (we've often joked that he obviously didn't want
someone to find him…), nor why he chose "Hermosillo," but that's the name
he gave to his wife, Ana Olivas, of Juarez, as well as to their 11
children, born in California, and it's the name proudly worn by 5
generations of their descendants. "J. Refugio G. Hermosillo" was how he
always signed his name, and is the name on his death certificate and

That said, I started this endeavor not expecting to research the surname
"Hermosillo,"  since we assumed it had no history in the family prior to
1905 (and not even knowing the history of the surname in los Altos) - that
is, until I found the 1798 marriage record for grandfather's great
grandparents, Rafael Gonzalez & Maria Dolores de Avila, which clearly lists
the groom as:


I was floored! I was thrilled! Alli esta mi segundo apellido! Y sera
alguien de categoria! Who was this GONZALEZ DE HERMOSILLO?? What did he
do?? How are we connected to him? What didn't abuelo tell us??

And that's where my journey really began. I googled the name and was led to
Nuestros Ranchos, amongst other websites, and I began reading through the
message boards. I learned about the conquistador, and his descendants
settling in los Altos, and about Gonzalez Leal's tomes, and the 117 spanish
families identified as the first-comers (and many whose surnames appear in
my tree), and how they intermarried throughout the Spanish Mandate (as I
witnessed, in my tree). And as I continue my research and get to know my
ancestors, I begin to feel a part of that history, that I am a product of
these adventurers, these hacendados, asistentas, capitanes, peones,
esclavos, and maybe even a Tlataoni… I was hooked! I need more! This is
better than a dusty old history book or any old video game!

So here I am, hoping to learn more about who it took to make me who I am,
and how they lived their lives, and hoping to share my findings with others
with the same intention, as well as with the same love for history. Muchos
somos parientes: les mando un fuerte abrazo.  Y perdoname por no escribir
en español, pero ya esta tarde y !hablo mucho!

My focus families are the following (I group them because these branches
tend to intermarry or are associated:

En Pinos & Ojuelos & Aguascalientes:

Gonzalez de Hermosillo,

Gil de Esparza

Diaz de Leon

De Avila

Carrillo Lisardi

Gonzalez Murguia



Martin de Sotomayor, Martin de Camacho, Lozano, de Ruedas y de Islas, and
associated lines

En Pinos & los Altos & Aguascalientes:

Gomez [de Sotomayor]

Tiscareño de Huerta (and the Tiscareño, Ruiz de Esparza and associated

Ruiz de Villaseñor

Sanchez de la Mejorada

Muñoz de ?

En Pinos & Aguascalientes:

Delgado (Diego & Isabel de Isla Martinez Lozano)

Delgado y Ocampo & Valensuela & Chevarria Merquelan

Gaitan & Arias de Bedolla (roots in SLP & GTO, including Cortes y Galvan)

Rodriguez de Herrera o de Jara

Other surnames I'm working on are Dominguez Samudio & Lopez del Castillo,
Candelas & Buenrostro, Bernal de la Serda, Lopez de los Reyes, Ortiz de

And again, thank all of you, for laying down the groundwork, and making it
easier for us newbies, to find our way to our ancestors. .

Gracias y saludos,

Manuel Diez Hermosillo "Manny"

Introductions aside, I have my first request for assistance:


I have his name appearing in the documents of his children, grandchildren
and widow, but I have none of his vitals. And I've seen his name using
various combinations of "Jose Vicente Ferrer Gonzalez de Hermosillo"
(though not all at the same time). The problem is, there are numerous
"Vicente Gonzalez's" living during his possible time period and living in
the communities where he most likely lived (Pinos, Ojuelos y los Altos en
general, maybe Aguascalientes). I've been constructing the trees of each
and every one of them, to see which would correspond with mine, and I've
narrowed it down to three (for now). But I'm still stalled.

Here's what I have on my G4's Vicente Gonzalez and Juana Dorothea Diaz:


b. 1734-1744. He married JUANA DOROTHEA DIAZ DE LEON, daughter of Andres
Diaz Duron and Maria Estephania Carrillo Diaz, some time between 1760-1764,
either in Pinos, Zacatecas, or in Ojuelos, Jalisco. She was born 4 June
1744 in Pinos, Zacatecas.

Their children were:

  1. Ma. Josepha Ignasia Pheliciana Gonzalez de Hermosillo,  b. 19 Nov
  1764, Ojuelos, Jalisco.
  2. Jose Vicente Gonzalez de Hermosillo, b. 11 Jun 1766, Pinos, Zacatecas
  3. Julian Antonio Rafael Gonzalez Diaz, b. 16 Apr 1768, Ojuelos, Jalisco.
  4. Maria Guadalupe de Santiago Gonzalez Diaz, b. 16 Jan 1771, Ojuelos,
  5. Antonio Rafael Gonzalez de Hermosillo, b. 3 Mar 1773, Ojuelos,
  6. Jose Romano Gonzalez Diaz, b. 12 Aug 1777, Montesa, Pinos, Zacatecas
  7. Maria Josefa Ignasia Gonzalez Diaz, b. 29 Mar 1779, Montesa, Pinos,

They zigzag through those two communities, which is unusual in my lines.
The distance isn't great, but it wasn't like they could hop in the chevy
and drive to abuela's house, right? What did he do, that kept him (or her)
moving between ranchos?

Since their first child Maria Josefa Ignacia Phelicana was born on the
Buenavista in Ojuelos, in Nov 1764, I thought that might be a good starting
point for his birthplace and marriage. But again, it can be anywhere.

Juana Dorothea Diaz, widowed, would marry a second time to Francisco Xavier
Alonso, on 30 Nov 1781, in Montesa, Pinos, Zacatecas. So Vicente Gonzalez
died some time between 1779-1781, and probably in Montesa, Pinos. Juana
Dorothea was born in 1744, Vicente could've been born around the same time,
and just died tragically young. But, what if he was older, and had been
married before, and with children?

That is where I am. If anyone can lead me in the right direction, it would
be greatly appreciated, and I hope to pay it forward!

PS - On the partida for Rafael & Maria Dolores, note the padrinos: Jose
Trinidad Gil Esparza and Maria Ygnacia Gonzalez - Rafael's younger sister
and her fiance, who would marry two months later, their partida on the
opposite page: the couples took turns being each other's padrinos! Also,
Jose Trinidad was the brother of another g3 grandfather, Alexo Gil de
Esparza. I'm stuck on that line, as well: Gil's and Ruiz de Esparza's, from