Looking for Clemencia Rubalcaba 1892-1939 or Eugenio Serna b.Abt 1870

"Hello, I'm researching the families of my grandparents Placido SERNA Vargas & Clemencia RUBALCABA who I believe at least my grandfather lived at Rancho El Ocote, AGS. My father was partially raised there. I remember hearing we had a lot of family in San Luis Potosi, and at Presa de los Serna, Zacatecas, Mexico. A cousin of mine visited Presa De Los Serna & took video of the Serna family there. I do not know their connection in lineage as of yet. My SERNA Lineage far as I can find in search records thru baptisms & Marriage records in Villa Hidalgo, Jalisco so far are;

1. PLACIDO SERNA christened on 12 October 1886 at La Santísima Trinidad, Villa Hidalgo,Jalisco, Mexico. Placido married my grandmother Clemencia Rubalacava (Rubalcaba) somewhere in Mexico.
I never met any grandparents on my father’s side. I can't find any other info. on Clemencia Rubalcaba Serna besides family search records for the census in 1930 where the family resided in a mining town in Arizona & where she passed per death record registered in Arizona State Board of Health state file No. 451 registered in Ray Pinal Sonora, Arizona United States on 03/14/1931. . According to those records she was born in Mexico 1893 and immigrated 1910 to Arizona. Her parents were Nestor Rubalcaba and Anselma Rubalcaba. I would like to find where CLEMENCIA RUBALCABA came from and who her family was.
Placido's parents’were;

2. PABLO SERNA b.Abt.1859 & MARIA DE LA ASCENSION VARGAS Ruiz. They married on 25 Nov 1881 at La Santisima Trinidad, Villa Hidalgo, Jalisco, Mexico according to parish Records. She was born 15 August 1865 & was christened 16 August 1865 at LA SANTISIMA TRINIDAD, VILLA HIDALGO, JALISCO, MEXICO. Asuncion's Parents ANTONIO VARGAS & NESTORA RUIZ GALLARDO were also married there 23 Jan 1864 at La Santisima Trinidad, Villa Hidalgo,Jalisco. Pablo & Asuncion had at least 3 children. PLACIDO b.Abt.12 Oct 1886, Murcio christened 18 May 1889,& Siriaca(Ciriaca)Serna Christened 19 Jun 1890 all at La Santísima Trinidad, Villa Hidalgo. I am still researching the siblings (&families)of Placido. I do not know if any of them ever married or came to the U.S. to PABLO SERNA'S parents were;

3. JOSE TIBURCIO SERNA RUBALCAVA was Christened Abt. 15 AUG 1830 La Santisima Trinidad,Villa Hidalgo,Jalisco,Mexico. He was married 30 Jan 1851 to FELIPA MONTOLLA(Montoya).
Tiburcio's parents were;


5. Eugenio De La Serna b.Abt. 1770 and Maria Paula (Pabla) De Soto also b.Abt. 1770.

These surnames are registered at SANTISIMA TRINIDAD, VILLA HIDALGO, JALISCO and come from a rancho called El Ocote, Aguascalientes close to Jalisco. And some of the names are registered in El Sagrario, Aguascalientes, Ags. Specifically I'm mainly interested in my Grandparents Clemencia Rubalcava (Serna) and my great, great, great grandparents Eugneio De La Serna b.Abt. 1790 and his spouse MARIA PAULA (PAUBLA) DE SOTO ,b.Abt 1790.

Since my father was born in Sonora Penal, Arizona, USA and was raised in El Ocote, Aguas., I'm speculating my Grandparents might have come to U.S.A. several times in between 1910-1940 and possibly crossing in Juarez/El Paso. There are stories about them living there for a short time in Texas. That is where my parents married before finally settling 1st Santa Maria, Santa Barbara, California & ended up in Stockton, San Joaquin, California United States.

Does anyone else have any of these names in their family line?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance."
Mary Lou Serna