i found this doucment, and i wonder if he's a grandson of hernan gonzales and maria cid. i'm having a hard time reading this, can anyone give me more details about what this doucment is about.
I don't know if they mention other family members since the document is long and hard to read, but he was from an important family since his father was an "oidor" or judge.
On image 475 it says that when Juan González Cid arrived to the kingdom very poor since "coming to take over his post he had a storm in the sea by the Campeche coast and lost all the goods he had, escaping just with his life and his family". It seems that because of that he has not been able to get two of his daughters married (I guess he can not pay the corresponding dowries).
Victoriano Navarro
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El Bachiller Don Francisco Sid, presbitero domiciliario de este obispado, como mas me convenga, digo que para ocurrir ante su Majestad y _ su Real Consejo de Indias me es necesario hacer informacion de como soy hijo legitimo del señor _ _ Don Juan Gonçales Sid, oidor mas antiguo de esta Real Audiencia y de la Señora Doña Ana de Esponosa su legitima mujer....
He is requesting a "canongía en una de las iglesias catedrales de esta Nueva España", so he is applying for a post in a Cathedral.
Victoriano Navarro
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does the doucment mention any other family members besides his parents? some part of the whole doucment(it starts on page 471 and ends on the left side of page 495). one confusing part when someone (not sure who) was refered to as poor, which is confusing since i thought only those from wealthy family could become clergy men back then
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i found a priesthood