I am just finding out new information and just realized that Pedro De Huizar and Maria Magalena Navarette of Valparaiso had two sons that married into my Madera ancestors:
In 1760, Maria Leocadia De Huizar with Francisco Madera
In 1784, Justo De Huizar with Polonia Casilda Madera
Polonia Madera is the daughter of Lazaro Madera/Juana Micaela Perales. Lazaro Madera is the brother of Francisco Madera both of whom are in Rancho De Los Maderas at that time. Maria Leocadia de Huizar resided in Rancho Ximulco.
Here is a copy of the marriage between Justo De Huizar (Valparaiso) and Polonia Casilda Madera (Rancho De Los Maderas):
And in the census (Padrones) of 1828, Polonia Madera was 66 years old and also lists some of the people with "Huizar" surnames right under her name. This is from Rancho De Los Maderas:
So then Marcelo Madera, who is the son of Lazaro Madera/Juana Micaela Perales, is the brother of Polonia Madera. He is listed first on the list.
I meant son and daughter of Pedro De Huizar and Maria Magdalena Navarette
I also found a clue here that when Polonia Madera got married with Jose Justo De Huizar in 1784, it mentions that Pedro De Huizar and Maria Magdalena Navarette were already passed away:
I am interested in researching Pedro Huizar and Maria Magdalena Navarette since they were at Valparaiso at the time of Conde Don Fernando De La Campa Y Cos. See if there was any contact between them.
But the records on file at the family search website for the town of Valparaiso doesn't have any records in the 1700's to search for bautismos or matrimonio records.
But there is the posibility they had moved to Huejuquilla and could be have been recorded in the Defunto Records of Huejuquilla which do date back to the 1700's.
So I would have to look prior to 1784 for Pedro Huizar or Maria Magdalena Navarrette. I definetly would like to see who there parents are.
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Two Offspring of Pedro De