Would someone be able to translate a marriage record for me? I can pick out pieces of it, but don't know enough Spanish to translate the entire thing. I could not download it as it says that it is too big in size. It is on the familysearch.org website. In the browse records section for Senor San Jose, Calvillo, Aguascalientes. Matrimonios 1772-1813. page 126. The right top page for the marriage of Ygnacio Rodriguez and Maria Orencia Briceno.
Thank You!
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The majority of the record is the typical language of a marriage record. Here are the pertinent genealogical details:
The groom is Jose Ygnacio Rodriguez, yndio (indio), origo (born) y vecino (resident) de esta (this place) en San Nicolas (the specific rancho/location). He is the son of Juan Manuel Rodriguez and Maria Teodora (deceased).
The bride is Maria Orencia Briseno, yndia, born at Juanacatique in the jurisdiction of Tavasco (Tabasco), and resident since she was a small child at Llano de Santiago. She is the daughter of Torivio Briseno and Maria Juliana Ortis.
The padrinos were Feliciano Medrano and Maria Jose, yndios of this jurisdiction at Pena Blanca. The witnesses appear to be Don Pablo Gonzales and Don Dionicio de Velasco, vecinos of this congregation.
I hope this helps!
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Thank You Rosalinda!!! The abbreviations get me messed up sometimes. I could not make out the Tabasco jurisdiction. This will definitely help me while reading others. Thanks again!
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The jurisdiction of Tabasco.... would this be the town of Tabasco just west of Calvillo in Zacatecas or is it referring to the state of Tabasco?
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I couldn't say definitively, Jessica, but I would say probably the town in Zacatecas rather than the state. Also, Tabasco is now known as Villa del Refugio.
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Hi Jessica,
Will you please post the web address for the record? It makes it much easier for us to look at it.
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link for translation