I found a copy of the 2nd edition of this book at Harvard University Libraries in Cambridge and will be viewing it next week. I can't check it out, but will have access to a scanner and copier.
If you are interested in information from this book, let me know and I will do my best to look for and scan anything I find. I will only be there for one week, so let me know as soon as you can so I can write it down in my notes.
Rosalva Jordan
Rosalva, I can't see the attachment mentioned in the "Books and Articles" section for this book, I wonder if it is just me (my browser), but I can see the description and also other attachments in other titles. Would you be so kind to let me know? Thank you very much for your time.
RJ Quiralta
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Jorge Gonzalez if you still have files of this book am interested in reading anything related to nochistalan zac. thanks
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Rosalva. en mi investigacion del apellido Araiza me detuve en 1784 abt. por no poder encntrar el nexo de Martin De Araiza padre de mi Chonzo Jose Valentin de Araiza quien fue su hijo natural con Catarian Piña...Aunque este apellido es muy comun en el bajio ya tengo tatnos nombres que puedo determinar varias lineas, peor en el caso de Jose Valentin de Araiza estoy atorado. Aparecen personas con el paellido Araiza en ese libro de Nochistan de Zacatecas?...Se agradecerá cualqueir dato de preferencai de los años 1700's hast amediados de el siglo 19.
Si llegas a publicar el indice, seria fabulos poder verlo
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Thank You Rosalva,
If you come across any mention of the European origins of the Duran and Aguayo Familes that settled in Nochistlan in early 1600's that would be great.
I am specifically interested in Juan Simon Duran born around 1604 and his wife Regina de Aguayo born around 1607. All their children were born in Nochistlan in the early 1600's.
I alson noticed you have Duran in your user name, I wonder if we are related.
Thank You
Ruben Rojas Delgado
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Hi Ruben,
We might just be related! I am searching for my Duran family roots as we speak! Being fairly new to this, I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Currently, I've hit a road block. I'm looking for a marriage record for Jose Florencio Duran and Maria Marselina Rodriguez, my 4x great grand parents. I've found a birth record for one of their children but no marriage record. They are listed as the paternal grand parents on some of their son's, Jose Atilano Duran Rodriguez (born 1782 in Tlachichila, spouse: Maria Juana Marques) children's baptism records.
Any names sound familiar?
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I found a marriage record for a Joseph Florensio Duran and Maria Magdalena Rodriguez. You can look at the link, record on bottom of page. This may be same record you are looking for. It does not mention Florensio's parents so I could not make a match to my tree. I will keep looking.
On under family trees my database is rojasdelgado. You can see more Duran members there from my tree.
I also sent you a link of other names you mentioned.
Good Luck
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Alicia Avelar Olmos de Carrillo
According to Clotilde Evelia Quirarte on page 110, referring to the colonial period in Nochistlan, there were 12 founding families with the surnames of Sandoval, Ruvalcaba, Ruiz, Frias, Mejia, Duran and Chavez, these are just some of the 12 families and this would be according to the author, Arrequi in the book he wrote sometime around 1619. He states that Juchipila, Jalpa and Mexticacan were primarily indian communities with 4-6 Spanish families in each of the towns and he highlights that during that same time, Nochistlan had about 12 founding Spanish families.
The parish archives begin in 1622 with the visit of Fray Francisco de Rivera. It's not until 1627 that several Spanish surnames can be found in the archives of the baptismal records such as Don Gaspar de Casareal y Ulloa, Juan de Sandoval, Juan Pèrez Delgadillo, Juan de Chàvez, Juan de Carvajal, Juan Rodriguez, Carvajal, Juan Iñiguez, Domingo Lomeli and Carlos de Lomeli.
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Alicia Avelar Olmos de Carrillo
Some of the first baptismal records from Nochistlan have the following surnames, Ximenez, Guzman, Fernàndez, Ledesma, Juan y Alejandro Duràn, Ana Ruiz, Ana Duràn, Ana de Aguayo, Julio de Irungaray, Julio y Lorenzo Yañez, Matheo de Rovalcava, Gertrudis de Amaràs. Also the surnames of Mendoza, Martinez, Garcia, de Torres, Pèrez de la Mora, Mexia, Ramirez, Lozano, de Vargas and Muñoz. Beginning in 1660 we found Luis Lemos Benavides, Antonio de Legaspi, Josè de Orozco and Tomasa de Nungaray. In 1672 we see the death of Juan Rodriguez de Frias who died at the age of 80 and soon thereafter, the death of Juan Duràn who was more than 80 years old, he was the owner of an "Hacienda"
I hope this helps some of you with ancestors from Nochistlan.
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Hi there Rosalva, thanks for offering this opportunity, that is a book I always wanted to see but have no copies close to where I live. I wonder if there is and index within the book that can tell us the contents (then I would either keep pursuing it or just leave it along) I'm mostly interested in the "Rodriguez de Santa Ana" "Lozano" and "Quirarte (Quiralta or Quiralte)", I am pretty sure the Lozanos are going to be there but I don't know about the other two surnames. Thanks for any info you may find, and enjoy it for us :D
RJ Quiralta
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Good idea. I'll scan the index if the book has one.
Does anyone know how I can upload it or attach it to a message for everyone to see while I'm still there? I will have a flash drive for scanned copies.
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Rosalva, may be the space in this website for "Books and Articles" under the "Files" tab can be a good place to attach any information you may want to share, there all people can use it as a reference, then we can just link it in this topic. Thank you.
RJ Quiralte
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Hi Rosalva,
If you find any mention of the Ariza y Medina family that would be awesome!
With the help of others here on Nuestros Ranchos we have traced the origin of the family to early 1600s Zacatecas with the patriarchs being Fernando de Araiza and María de Guzmán, parents of Juan de Araiza y Medina I, whose will we found in Aguascalientes.
Sergio Salés
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Sure! I also requested the book: Historia genealógica de las familias mas antiguas de méxico
escrito por Don Ricardo Ortega y Perez Gallardo.
We'll see what I find…
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Sergio: Podemos ntercambiar informacion del apellido Araiza...?
Mi origenes son de Asientos de Ibarra, Aguascaleintes entre los años 1700 - 1860 luego se mudaron para San Pedro Piedra Gorda Zacatecas para separarse de las familias y llegar a Chihuahua en 1915
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Claro que sí, Rubén. Dame un par de días pues no tengo tiempo hoy. Si no te contesto para el fin de semana, por favor recuérdamelo.
Lo que te puedo decir en corto es que conecté a los Araiza partiendo del siglo XIX en Autlán de Navarro, Jal. pasando antes por Tecolotlán, Jal. y originando en Aguascalientes en el siglo XVII. El genearca de los Araiza del sur de Jalisco fue de Zacatecas, llamado Fernando de Araiza casado con María de Guzmán.
Sergio Salés
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