Looking for members who have ancestors from Los Portales Jalisco close to Jalostotitlan, San Miguel el Alto

I was looking at some old postings on nuestro ranchos and saw that Irma Gomez Lucero and John Gonzalez both descend from people from Los Portales Jalisco. Los Portales is so small that almost everyone that descends from its inhabitants are relatively closely related. Miguel Gutierrez is another nuestro rancho member with Los Portales ancestors. Santo Toribio Romo Gonzalez is related all of us that have Los Portales ancestors.

I was hoping to find out what other nuestro ranchos members have los Portales ancestors.

My Portales ancestors were Romo, Gutierrez, Gonzalez, Perez, Franco, Jimenez, Martin del Campo

R A Ricci

My direct paternal family comes from Los Portales. I visited the ranch in August, during my summer vacation. During that stay in Jalos, I presented my genealogy book, Los Gutierrez del Rancho El Molino. As I found during my research, these Gutierrez from El Molino are the same that lived in Los Portales for many centuries. I could essentially change the title of the book to "Los Gutierrez de Los Portales" and still be accurate. Saludos.

Sergio Gutierrez

Do you have any Gutierrez in Ocotlan and surrounding areas? I would like
to buy your book but would have to wait till next August/September as I am
presently a missionary with few funds. I kind of hope to have a branch
leading to your tree.

Esther Jordan Lopez

On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 6:23 PM, wrote:

> My direct paternal family comes from Los Portales. I visited the ranch in
> August, during my summer vacation. During that stay in Jalos, I presented
> my genealogy book, Los Gutierrez del Rancho El Molino. As I found during my
> research, these Gutierrez from El Molino are the same that lived in Los
> Portales for many centuries. I could essentially change the title of the
> book to "Los Gutierrez de Los Portales" and still be accurate. Saludos.
> Sergio Gutierrez

He'll Sergio
The Gutierrez and Romo families from Los Portales intermarried over and over again even as many moved to Jalostotitlan. Many of these Gutierrez and Romos lived long lives so I was able to meet many of the great uncles and even some great great uncles.
my great great grandfather Eligio Romo Jimenez was married to Francisca Gutierrez Gonzalez. Eligio is the father of emeterio romo Gutierrez who was married to Serapia Franco Barba. My great grandfather Emeterio romo Gutierrez was kidnapped by Pancho Villa who gave him his freedom after he trained/broke that famous horse of his (Siete Leguas). Pancho Villa offered freedom to anyone that could train the horse and that was one thing that my great grandfather excelled at. my grandfather Hermenegildo Romo Franco and doctor Rito Romo Franco are sons of Emeterio y Serapia.

I believe I am related to you through Francisca Gutierrz Gonzalez.
I plan on ordering your book soon.

Hello Sergio,

What college did you attend. I cousin of mine just texted me that you are his friend from college. If you are the same Sergio then the information I shared with you takes on an added significance.
R. A Ricci