Hello i would like to invite you all to test your grandparent male or father male or the oldest member of your family.
According to my dna i am 30 % native american and northen jalisco was 100% native america on 1700. So it would be good to have the dna for every family in the database to find dna connections of our tribes.
Its 100USD and its only saliva.
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Adn de Jalisco
There is also a DNA project at FTDNA for the states of Jalisco, Aguascalientes, and Zacatecas at https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/nueva-galicia-dna/about
Getting autosomal tests at all of the companies helps to understand the process a bit better and see the strengths and weaknesses of each of them as well as find as many relatives as possible. 23andme is the best when it comes to ethnicity.
FTDNA is the best for determining the direct paternal and maternal lines and the Family Finder test can still be helpful even though not as accurate as 23andme.
None of the companies will help determine which indigenous tribe from Jalisco a person belongs to.
Adn indigena
Sorry i just want to learn, i been told about this web page that states that they can identify the tribes. You seem to be an expert on the subject so please let me know your opinion.
I am trying to contact 23 and me to have then join the data base. And to include the results or offer the result for extra charge.
Adn indigena
i'm not sure if dnatribes is that good of a dnatesting company
Adn indigena
I have no idea how accurate they are for Mexican indigenous ancestry. From what I have seen of the other results they could easily cause confusion even though they state the following in an FAQ at http://www.dnatribes.com/faq.php
Your top matches reflect the populations in our database where your DNA profile is most common. A match with a particular ethnic or national population sample does not guarantee that you or a recent ancestor (parent or grandparent, for instance) are self-identified “members” of that ethnic group. However, a match does indicate a population where your combination of ancestry is common, which is most often due to shared ancestry with that population.
Another problem is that you need a lot of people to compare to and it doesn't seem they have sharing or a forum setup for that.
Why are you trying to contact 23andme? To join which database? To include results in which database? DNAtribes uses autosomal STR markers and 23andme uses autosomal SNP markers and they aren't compatible.
They can share the raw data
well i am not an expert on the subject. All i am interested is for them two share the raw data. And for 23 and me to show the results of the tribes company analysis in their system for a fee. 23 and me has a better set up to communicate with other people and have better labs to do raw data analysis. And since i am interested in the interpretation of the data by the tribes company.
In another words i am interested in 23 and me to sub contract tribes company to show their interpretation of the raw data in our 23 account for a fee.
They can share the raw data
They are both for-profit companies. They have no desire to share raw data even if the databases were compatible.