about records not available on familysearch

Is there anyway to view either a digital copy or at least an index with parents names for records in towns such as colotlan, jerez, tepetongo, huejucar, or tlaltnenango. For example, there's record gaps in jerez and tlaltnenago.

In jerez there's no baptism records between 1840-1866,1720 's (-ish)-1745,1785-1796,1801-1805,1816-1818 or 1829-1835, but yet you can find baptism records between mid 1600's-early 1700's, 1746-1749,1755-1758, 1761-1784,1797-1800, 1806-1815,1819-1828, 1836-1840, and 1867-1960. Another example would be how there's no marriage records from 1705-1712 in the tlaltenango matrimonios 1626-1723.

i'd also like to see more marriage records in tepetongo pre-1819(there's only a few select marriage records from 1770's in one of the tepetongo baptism record collection),pre-1720 colotlan marriage records, or pre-1765 baptisms and marriage records in huejucar.

to add onto this post, here's a list of people i want to find baptism or marriage records for i can remember right off the bat.

-simona torres: most likely born in jerez at around 1847(a 'natural' child); parents are eduardo torres and juliana villegas
-seferina osuna: most likely born in jerez at around 1818; parents are jose neri & petra osuna escobar
- ursulo ceballos: most likely born in jerez(birth year uncertain but he got married in 1836);father is andres ceballos and mom is guadalupe caldera.
-refugio acuna: probably born between 1801-1805; mother is dolores acuna

-francisco estevan villaneda (son of andres villaneda & micaela (alias candelaria) cabral) & maria felipa geronima (not sure if her last name is montes, dominguez, or sotelo. i hope to find their marriage record someday in hopes it will clear this issue up): in tepetongo before 1789.
-jesus arceo & maxima torre: tepetongo
-felix nestor arceo & ursina olivos: tepetongo
-martin enriquez & isabel ulloa : in either tlaltenango, colotlan, or jerez in early 1700's
-juan de la torre & clara chavez: same possible locations as in bullet point above, but marriage year is probably in 1680's
-juan marquez de los olivos & jsoefa baptista robalcava
-phelipe quezada & maria de la torre
-pedro velasco & antonia de la torre
-mateo carrillo & francisca de la torre
-faustino banuelos & isabel jacinta garcia
-celedonio fernandez & marcela pereria (alias castaneda)
-tomas de casas & bernarda rosales