Genealogía de Nochistlán antiguo reino de la Nueva Galicia en el siglo XVII según sus archivos parroquiales

I noticed many members requesting or looking for the book "Genealogía de Nochistlán antiguo reino de la Nueva Galicia en el siglo XVII según sus archivos parroquiales"

I recently received copies of a couple of chapters and posted them on this site under Files and "Reference Materials" under "Genealogia Nochistlan Capitulos"

It is not many, but it's a start to help some of us.

I want to thank Alicia for taking time and providing the information to me.


To the keepers of this website, if it is illegal to post pages from Copyright Books, let me know and I will delete the pages.

Hola primos,

I recently discovered that my copy of "Genealogía de Nochistlán antiguo reino de la Nueva Galicia en el siglo XVII según sus archivos parroquiales" by José Luis Vásquez y Rodríguez de Frías is missing. It was stolen.

Suffice it to say, I discovered it was stolen along with a priceless binder of my most treasured certificates and pictures I kept in a large bag. I have gone crazy looking for them but they are gone. This was an act of pure evil.

If anybody here in NR has a "nice" copy "Genealogía de Nochistlán", could we make a deal or make a trade for an out-of-print book from my collection? These are some of the out-of-print books I have in my personal library.

1. "Ameca: Protofundación Mexicana" - Jesús Amaya Topete [1951, 1983]
2. "Los Protocolos de Rodrigo Hernández Cordero, 1585-1591: Escribano público de Guadalajara" - Jorge Palomino y Cañedo [1972]
3. "Genealogical Journal", Volume I [1994], SHHAR press
4. "Genealogical Journal", Volume II [1995], SHHAR press
5. "Genealogical Journal", Volume III [1996], SHHAR press
6. "Genealogical Journal", Volume IV [1998], SHHAR press
7. "Genealogical Journal", Volume V [2003], SHHAR press

I am trying to rebuild what I have lost from the beginning and I am saddened by the scope of it all. Sorry, but I am desperate and I am hoping someone here could help me recover a copy of "Genealogía de Nochistlán". Please, I humbly request your help.

You may contact me at (or to make arrangements.


Hello Steve,

I am sorry that your book and other genealogy material was stolen. I won't part with my copy of the book but I can provide information from the book.

I know how it feels to lose valuable information that was accumulated only after many hours of research.

To make up for losing such valuable material, I will be sending you an email with very valuable information from my unfinished book.

Hopefully the email will cheer you up,

Rick A. Ricci

Thank you very much Rick. And thanks for the email. Very interesting stuff there.

And I would never never ask you to part with your Nochistlan book, not for a second...not for a minute. What I was asking for was a complete copy, from somebody. Just a copy. Later I could just bind it together (plastic comb binding).

In exchange I would provide a complete copy of one of my old books. That is all.

De nuevo...gracias Rick y Alicia.
Steven H.

Is it not available through InterlibraryLoan? I once had a copy of a book I really wanted that was out of print, but a University in Arizona had a copy. When it arrived, I took it to Staples and copied hundreds of pages, then returned the book to the library to send back to the University. Emilie GarciaPort Orchard, WA
> To:
> From:
> Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2015 17:29:33 -0700
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Libro de Genealogia de
> Thank you very much Rick. And thanks for the email. Very interesting stuff
> there. And I would never never ask you to part with your Nochistlan book, not
> for a second...not for a minute. What I was asking for was a complete copy,
> from somebody. Just a copy. Later I could just bind it together (plastic comb
> binding). In exchange I would provide a complete copy of one of my old books.
> That is all. De nuevo...gracias Rick y Alicia. Steven H.