Juan Gonzales de Hermosillo

Thank you all who contributed to the discussion of Juan Gonzales Hermosillo and Ana Gonzales Florida. These gems bring people to life.
However, as I was reading and comparing my notes I discovered that I had falsely combined two persons:
1. Juan Gonzales de Hermosillo, married to Ana Gonzales Florida, and parents of:
Catherine, Leonor, Melchor, Maria, Ana, Theresa, Miguel, and Juan.

2. Juan Sebastian Gonzales de Hermosillo (deceased 24 June, 1699) and married to Leonor Carabajal.

And which Juan is the son of Juan Gonzales de Hermosillo and Maria Beatris Munoz.

I've tried numbering or giving them nicknames, but I still get confused with so many people with the same name. Any ideas for dealing with this would be welcome.

Thank you, Deedra Corona

Hi Deedra,

I usually include their maternal surnames, separated by a hyphen (though, for the first two, I use the nicknames):

Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo El Viejo
Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo El Mozo
Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo-Gonzalez Florida

Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo-Munoz de Nava
Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo-Etcetera

Works for me!

Manny Diez Hermosillo