Petrona Gonzalez de Gardea / Petronila de Retamosa / Petrona Macias

Hello Nuestros Ranchos Forum,

i'm looking for information on the parents, and especially the mother of,
Eugenio Lozano. He married Maria Duran

On the information matrimonial it says he is the son of Joseph Lozano and
Petrona Gonzalez de Gardea. I've also seen a Joseph Lozano married to a
Petra Macias and a Petronila de Retamosa and I was wondering if these are
all the same girl and what information is known about her. Does anyone have
her ancestry?

Danny C. Alonso

Hi Danny,

I can't help you with Petrona Gonzalez de Gardea, but I can help you with
Maria Duran. The link you posted is great, because Maria is a daughter I
didn't have for Andres Duran de Aguayo and Juana de la Ascension Vasquez de
Sandoval. Andres and Juana are both mentioned in Genealogia de Nochistlan
Antiguo Reino de La Nueva Galicia En El Siglo XXVII Segun sus Archivos by
Jose Luis Vazquez y Rodriguez de Frias. There are various libraries in the
US that have this book. Very few people have personal copies as it had very
few prints. Andres and Juana had eight documented children in this book. It
may be possible that Maria is Maria Theresa, the first daughter of Andres
and Juana, but if she isn't she would be the 9th child for Andres and

As far as Andres Duran de Aguayo, his parents are Juan Ximon Duran Duque
and Regina de Aguayo Silva. Jose Luis' book suggest that Regina de Aguayo
Silva's parents are Diego De Aguayo (El Viejo) and Ysabel de Silva.

As for Juana de la Ascension Vasquez de Sandoval, her parents are Juan De
Moscoso Y Sandoval and Catalina Cortes.

If your family descends from Eugenio Lozano and Maria Duran, we are related.

Juan Carlos Aguayo Muñoz

On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 6:03 PM, Danny Alonso wrote:

> Hello Nuestros Ranchos Forum,
> i'm looking for information on the parents, and especially the mother of,
> Eugenio Lozano. He married Maria Duran
> On the information matrimonial it says he is the son of Joseph Lozano and
> Petrona Gonzalez de Gardea. I've also seen a Joseph Lozano married to a
> Petra Macias and a Petronila de Retamosa and I was wondering if these are
> all the same girl and what information is known about her. Does anyone have
> her ancestry?
> Danny C. Alonso

Hi Juan Carlos,

The parents of Regina de Aguayo, wife of Juan Duran, appear to actually be Diego de Aguayo and Geronima de Benavides. Manny Diez Hermosillo explains the relationship on this thread here with the dispensa proving the relationship:

Christopher de Cuellar

Thanks Christopher,

This must be one of many emails I haven't received from NR.

Juan Carlos

On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 9:05 PM, IChristopher

> Hi Juan Carlos,
> The parents of Regina de Aguayo, wife of Juan Duran, appear to actually be
> Diego de Aguayo and Geronima de Benavides. Manny Diez Hermosillo explains
> the relationship on this thread here with the dispensa proving the
> relationship:
> Christopher de Cuellar

Thanks Christopher,

This must be one of many emails I haven't received from NR.

Juan Carlos

On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 9:05 PM, IChristopher

> Hi Juan Carlos,
> The parents of Regina de Aguayo, wife of Juan Duran, appear to actually be
> Diego de Aguayo and Geronima de Benavides. Manny Diez Hermosillo explains
> the relationship on this thread here with the dispensa proving the
> relationship:
> Christopher de Cuellar

Hi Danny,

Joseph Lozano and Petrona González de Gardea are my 10th Great Grandparents, but, I really haven't done any research on this line. The only information I have is from the below two dispensas. I do remember a post a while back, possibly before you joined NR, where someone mentioned they had information on her and were going to start a thread, but, I'm not sure that ever happened. The below dispensa describes her as tresalva which suggests that one of her grandparents was probably indigenous. The apellidos she uses, Macias, Retamosa and Gardea, might be a clue who the other 3 grandparents are, but, I have no idea how she might connect to these families. Her husband was the son of Cristobal Lozano Martínez, who was the son of Cristobal Lozano Martínez and María de Isla. I originally had Joseph Lozano as the son of Cristobal Lozano Martínez and Mariana González de Gardea, but, it was suggested in previous posts that he was the natural born son of Cristobal Lozano Martínez, which, based on the below description as a Mestizo, makes more sense.


Aguascalientes. Ags. Noviembre 1 de 1695. Exp. 50.-Dispensa de cuarto grado de consanguinidad.- Diego de Aguayo, hijo legítimo de Antonio de Aguayo y de Elvira González, españoles de la feligresía de Teocaltiche; con Gertrudis Lozano,castiza de 22 años de edad, hija legítima de Joseph Lozano, mestizo, y de Petrona González Gardea, tresalva. vecinos de la Villa de Aguascalientes. Declaración de la contrayente: Que su abuelo paterno y la abuela del pretenso, fueron primos hermanos. 23 fojas. 

Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara Rollo
168112 OAH 2441 pt. 3. Matnmonios
Hojas Sueltas. Fechas Varias.
1 de noviembre de 1695

Aguascalientes. Ags. Febrero 6 de 1735. Exp. 49 -Dispensa de tercero con segundo grado de consanguinidad.- Inocenco Lozano, español de 29 años de edad. originario y vecino de esta feügresía de Aguascalientes en el puesto llamado Juiquinaqui. hijo legítimo de Onofre Lozano y de Doña María de Alva y Estrada: con Juana Lozano, española de 30 años de edad, originaria vecina del mismo puesto, hija legítima de Cristóbal Lozano y de María de Ruvalcaba. Declaración del pretenso: Por ser yo dicho Inocencio tío de la pretensa, porque Onofre Lozano y Joseph Lozano, fueron hermanos de padre, y de éste procedió Cristóbal Lozano, padre de dicha pretensa, y yo dicho Inocencio de Onofre Lozano, mi padre. Se otorgó la dispensa en la Ciudad de Guadalajara, en 5 de marzo de 1735. 10 fojas.

Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara. Rollo
167999 OAH 2374-2375 pt. 1. Matrimonios
Hojas Sueltas. 1735-18186 de
febrero de 1735