Hello Nuestros Ranchos Forum,
Could someone help me and tell me what this says about my ancestor Antonio
Escoto y Tovar. The writing on the Jalostotlilan records are very hard to
Danny C. Alonso
Hi all,
Here is what I was able to come up with:
Antonio Escoto Tovar, español, Jalostotitlán
En Jalostotitlán en ocho de marzo de mil seiscientos y ochenta y tres años, murió y se enterró, con posas, vigilia y misa cantada, Antonio de Escoto Tovar, casado que era con Inés Ortiz, de esta jurisdicción, español. Murió en este pueblo, confeso y llevándole el viatico al llegar a la puerta de la casa dijeron “aprisa que se muere”…< ¿? > absolví por la < boca? > y encomendé el alma. Y luego expiro. No testo porque, aunque se le advertí, acabándole de confesar dijo que < aun? > no era tiempo que había y < ¿? > a llamar, a un y lo supo. Y lo ahogo el mal. Fabrica al mayordomo = siete pesos y cuatro
Best regards,
Austin Perez
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En Xalostitlan en ocho de marzo de mill siescientos y ochenta y tres = Murio
y se enterro con pocas vigilia y misa cantada, Antonio de escoto tovar
aulado (al lado?) ?? era con ynes ortiz desta hac(ienda) espl (espanol)
murio en este pueblo, confeso y llebandole el viatico a llegar a la pta
(puerta) de la casa, dixieron aprisa que se muere. y lo ? ????, y lo
encomende el alma y en eso espiro; no testo porque anuque se lo adverti,
acabandole de confesar dixo que aun no era tiempo que avia y auviado a
llamar a un y lo suyo y lo ago(t)o el mal = fabrica al mayorodomo = siete
(?) y quatro (?) de la sera del altar =
En Jalostitlan on the eighth of March of sixteen eighty three = (Antonio de
Escoto Tovar) Died and was buried with a small wake and sung mass, Antonio
de Escoto Tovar (buried) to the side of (?) Ynes Ortiz of this Hacienda a
Spaniard he died in this town, confessed and as the Eucharist arrived at the
door of his house, I was told to hurry as he was dying, and I (????) as I
entrusted his soul he died; He did not make a testament although I advised
it, upon finishing his confession he stated that it was not time, that they
would have to call a ? and his and the illness fatigued him = (fabrica) to
the butler (mayordomo) = seven (?) and four (?) from the (base?) of the
Best I could do,
-----Original Message-----
From: Danny Alonso
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 6:35 AM
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Antonio Escoto y Tovar
Hello Nuestros Ranchos Forum,
Could someone help me and tell me what this says about my ancestor Antonio
Escoto y Tovar. The writing on the Jalostotlilan records are very hard to
Danny C. Alonso
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Creo que Ines Ortiz era su mujer
Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 12, 2015, at 10:50 AM,
> En Xalostitlan en ocho de marzo de mill siescientos y ochenta y tres = Murio y se enterro con pocas vigilia y misa cantada, Antonio de escoto tovar aulado (al lado?) ?? era con ynes ortiz desta hac(ienda) espl (espanol) murio en este pueblo, confeso y llebandole el viatico a llegar a la pta (puerta) de la casa, dixieron aprisa que se muere. y lo ? ????, y lo encomende el alma y en eso espiro; no testo porque anuque se lo adverti, acabandole de confesar dixo que aun no era tiempo que avia y auviado a llamar a un y lo suyo y lo ago(t)o el mal = fabrica al mayorodomo = siete (?) y quatro (?) de la sera del altar =
> En Jalostitlan on the eighth of March of sixteen eighty three = (Antonio de Escoto Tovar) Died and was buried with a small wake and sung mass, Antonio de Escoto Tovar (buried) to the side of (?) Ynes Ortiz of this Hacienda a Spaniard he died in this town, confessed and as the Eucharist arrived at the door of his house, I was told to hurry as he was dying, and I (????) as I entrusted his soul he died; He did not make a testament although I advised it, upon finishing his confession he stated that it was not time, that they would have to call a ? and his and the illness fatigued him = (fabrica) to the butler (mayordomo) = seven (?) and four (?) from the (base?) of the altar.
> Best I could do,
> -Angelina-
> -----Original Message----- From: Danny Alonso
> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 6:35 AM
> To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Antonio Escoto y Tovar
> Hello Nuestros Ranchos Forum,
> Could someone help me and tell me what this says about my ancestor Antonio
> Escoto y Tovar. The writing on the Jalostotlilan records are very hard to
> read
> https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:9392-FM9R-2Y?i=65&wc=3J4Y-DP8%3…
> Danny C. Alonso
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Thank you Austin. and Thank you Angelina and Simona and everyone for all
your help. I really appreciate it. this one was very hard for me to read.
Danny C. Alonso
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Danny you're right it is very difficult but here is what I could read from it.
...8 May 1683 died and was buried with ??? Antonio de Escoto Tovar and was buried on the other side of Ynes Ortiz of this (Hacienda)Espanoles. He died in the pueblo and was conferred and also "el viatico ??? (the following sounds as if they tried to save him and took him somewhere but by the time the cura arrived he was going fast. He did not leave a testament even though the Cura warned him to do so, but Antonio said it was not time yet (I don't know what it continues to say but the Mayordomo arrived or was called and expired.
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Hello Nuestros Ranchos Forum,
I'm trying to see if anyone knows the parents of Antonio de escoto y Tovar
or has any information on his origin. I think he was born around 1620 in
jalostitlan or San Juan de los Lagos. He was married to Ines Ortiz de rodas
and had at least 11 children. Ive seen some people say he was the alcalde
ordinario and mayordomo but I don't know. There's a don Pedro de escoto y
Tovar that's receives some kind of appointment to the royal audience in
1669 but I don't know his connection. Does anyone have any information on
Antonio de Escoto y Tovar?
Danny C. Alonso
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Antonio de Escoto Tovar