In this dispensa there are two contreras mentioned of which I am searching the parents of Nicolas Contreras 1640 of Teocaltiche who married luebana and elvira luisa delgado tiscareno but the records do not have his parents.
Nicolas aside, this dispensa has the parents of maria de ulloa as mariana de ulloa vdo de Pedro (can't read the shorthand) and Francisco Contreras circa 1579 (there is a record in Tlaxcala for a francisco contreras born). the parents of Francisco Villa (not sure it is villasenor or something else) married to Beatris de Contreras. The following is the Dispensa
If someone with a much better eye can either confirm or correct the names that I think I read, I would be much appreciative. Oh and if you can include where they are from.
Mariana de Ulloa's familysearch ID is L2NH-VVF. There is a record of mariana and a pedro contreras married but it is in 1679 too late for this one, but it could be a mistake need to locate marriage record of 26 Augu 1679 to confirm it is correct date.
Thanks for the help, Simona
Hi Simona,
Below is the information that I was able to decipher:
Francisco Velloso, [mas de veintinueve años] natural de la villa de Carmona en los Reinos de Castilla, hijo legitimo de Fernando Velloso de Ojeda y de Beatriz de Contreras, vecinos de la dicha villa dijo yo quiero contraer matrimonio...con Maria de Ulloa, hija legitima de Francisco de Contreras y de Mariana de Ulloa, vecinos del pueblo de Zapotlan
Testigos: 1) Ana de Contreras, viuda de Pedro Perez, hermana de Maria de Ulloa; 2) Pedro Perez (signed Pedro Garcia de Aguilar), conoce a la dicha Maria de Ulloa de seis años porque es tia de la mujer de este; 3) Jeronimo Ventura, habra tiempo de cuatro años que conoce al dicho Francisco Velloso; 4) Miguel Perez, ha veinte años que lo conocio en Tlaxcala y despues aca hasta hoy…cuando le conocio este en Tlaxcala el dicho Francisco Velloso era muy mozo
Hope this helps.
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Austin thank you for the translation. Knowing how difficult it is to read these records of the 1600, it is true art when someone can. Thank you again.
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You are very welcome, glad I could help.
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Maria de Ulloa with Francisco