I dont know how to link to PARES but to find the document, you search FRANCISCO DE COVARRUBIAS under Archivo General de Indias -> CONTRATACION. The document is dated 1563.
The description states "Expediente de información y licencia de pasajero a indias de Francisco de Covarrubias, sedero, natural de Granada, hijo de Gaspar de Covarrubias y Margarita Quijada, con su mujer María Ramírez, natural de Ecija, hija de Martín Bermudo y Catalina de Osuna, a Nueva España"
I don't know spanish and Im having a hard time trying to read the record. I was hoping someone could transcribe or extract information from the record for me. Here's what I'm looking for, if it is in the record:
Approximate age of Francisco
Where he was born and living
Parents names
where they are living
a "gist" of what the record is about
Any other genealogically relevant information
(I know some of the info is in the description above but I would like to verify that's what is written in the record)
Also any info regarding Maria Ramirez or her parents isn't too important to me. Its beacuse descend from Francisco's second wife, Maria Colio, so I prefer any efforts into helping me go to Francisco. FYI this the arrival record for Francisco Covarrubias, future contador of Jalisco who married Diego Garcia de Colio's (first wave of conquistadors) granddaughter Maria.
Thank you so much for any assistance
It is indeed very hard to read, I can recognize words here and there, but not really read it. The gist? This is a Contratación, so they were getting all the permits to in order to travel from Sevilla, Spain to New Spain, América.
On pages 1 and 3 you can read some of the information:
1/24 Franco. de Cobarribias, veco. de Sevilla y su mujer Maria Ramirez a N.E.
(Francisco de Cobarrubias, neighbour of Sevilla and his wife Maria Ramírez, going to New Spain)
3/2 Me, Francisco de Cobarrubias, neighbour from this city, and Maria Ramirez my wife, want to go the province of New Spain.
My understanding is that whatever they put in the description of the document was taken from it. You may try to find individual words (like Granada, Gaspar, Margarita) and take it from there.
Victoriano Navarro
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Thank you for the assistance! I have been able to locate the parents names on the 13th and 14th lines of Pg 5/24. Other than that all I see are scribbles!
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Please help me read a