Looking for information on Surnames: Ornelas, Garnica, Zarate, Guzman, and Villaseñor. Are they mentioned in the Book "Retoños de España en la Nueva Galicia?" Does anyone have a digital copy of this book?
Thank in Advance
Francisco Escobar
You can use the website worldcat to find libraries that have this set of books. There is an older edition (1981 edition?) that may be more widely available, but this is only one volume.
George Fulton
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It's not one book, it is a set of books. Some of the books are thick. The books just came out a few years ago so it would be illegal for someone to make a digital copy and post all of the contents. You may post passages as long as you cite the book and author, but not whole sections.
If you had the author's permission then it would not be illegal. If you did it without his permission, I guarantee you that Mariano Gonzalez Leal would go after you, and your assets, with the full force of law.
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R.A.Ricci, do you have direct contact with Mariano Gonzalez Leal? I was not able to purchase the collection when it came out, and I understand it is sold out. A few months ago, someone posted a message about reprinting the collection, but I thougth it sounded fishy, or probably illegal.
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Dear Steve,
I haven't had contact with him in many years, and it was only through e-mail.
I saw the same post and came to the same conclusion that it was either a scam or illegal. The person may have naively thought that they could reprint it.
Mariano Gonzalez Leal would aggressively defend his copyrights.
Steve F. Hernandez is working on some surnames that are not part of "Retoños".
I have extended some of the lines that Mariano has in his books.
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Since you have his email address, would you ask him why has not he made a digital copy available to buy?
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There are copies for sell in San Diego. The cost is more expensive than it was years ago but still well worth the purchase. I believe that the current cost for the set of ten volumes is $760.00.
I hope to see Mariano Gonzalez Leal in August 2020 at an event here in Southern California. You could probably buy a set then.
The set is also available for borrowing through libraries.
Retoños de España en la Nueva Galicia
Tomo 1 Estudios Histórico, antropológico, genealógico y biográfico sobre la población española de la zona oriental de la Nueva Galicia, desde su establecimiento en la región hasta nuestros días
> Tomo 2 Diccionario Genealógico de las familias alteñas (ABALZA-CANO)
> Tomo 3 Diccionario Genealógico de las familias alteñas (CARLIN-GARCIA DE CUEVAS)
> Tomo 4 Diccionario Genealógico de las familias alteñas (GARCIA DE HERMOSILLO-GONZALEZ DE LARIS)
> Tomo 5 Diccionario Genealógico de las familias alteñas (GONZALEZ DE RUVALCABA-GUILLEN)
> Tomo 6 Diccionario Genealógico de las familias alteñas (GUTIERREZ-HURTADO DE MENDOZA)
> Tomo 7 Diccionario Genealógico de las familias alteñas (HURTADO DE MENDOZA-MANSO DE ZUÑIGA)
> Tomo 8 Diccionario Genealógico de las familias alteñas (MARENTES-NANDIN DE SOTO)
> Tomo 9 Diccionario Genealógico de las familias alteñas (NAVARRETE Y ARGOTE-RAMIREZ DE MENDOZA)
> Tomo 10 Diccionario Genealógico de las familias alteñas (RAMIREZ DE OLIVAS-ZUBIETA)
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