Indexed info available for some Obispado de Michoacan records.


In a previous post, I asked the question of how much interest existed for indexed information from the Obispado de Michoacan records. Given the replies offline, there is interest. While I was not aware that Katy Albrect was already thinking of doing the same... I had already gone ahead (A couple of weeks ago) and have a website and some records already indexed. For the time being and until I figure out how I can collaborate with Katy on this, you can view the indexed records I have here:

It has a whopping total of 4 1/2 (almost finished with the fifth) indexed films. It's a humble start, but, as we figure out how to collaborate, I hope it will grow in one way or another. There are over a 1000 films to index! The task will take more than any one person to get through.

In the first batch of indexes, I already see records for Ocotlan, Poncitlan, and La Barca, that I hope will be useful to this group, along with the other info for families that originated in Michoacan, Guanajuato, and San Luis Potosi.

In the meantime, enjoy!

P.S. if you have any feedback on the website, I'm all ears. (

Thanks for your time and your attention,

Daniel Serna Valencia

Just wanted to say thank you to all of you who have signed up to help! We're following up with you offline to get the ball rolling. If you wish to help, please send an email to

Deedra, when you get a chance, can you send us email to that above address and we'll get you added to the group?

Thank You,

Daniel Serna Valencia


It's been a little over a year since I first posted about starting the Valladolid (Morelia, Michoacan) dispensa project. I'm very happy to report that we've just indexed our 100th film!

I wanted to publicly thank all the volunteers that have made this possible so quickly! We have a long way to go, but, we've made good progress and for that I thank each and every one of you who have helped!

For everyone else, if you haven't checked out the website, please check it out. While your focus might be on the states of Jalisco, Zacatecas, and Aguascalientes... You'll be surprised to find out that some of our/your ancestors from Jalisco, etc had roots in the Obispado de Michoacan, i.e. modern-day Michoacan, Colima, San Luis Potosi, Guanajuato, and Guerrero. Please come on over and as we have a nice selection of indexed films from the 1600s, 1700s, and 1800s.

Here's the link to website:

Thank You,

Daniel Serna Valencia

We all appreciate it, Daniel. This will help everyone with their research.

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On Tuesday, June 26, 2018, 5:38 PM, wrote:

It is a labor of love and I owe a huge part to our volunteers who have done
an amazing job of helping out. They made it possible to get to 100 indexed
films so quickly! Daniel Serna Valencia

Lo haremos primo!


Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 3, 2017, at 3:20 PM, "" wrote:
> Count on me! I also shared your project on my Facebook page "Historias y
> Genealogía" and invited my subscribers to join in. Good luck, Enrique Agraz

Count me in, I have tried to get a group together on to finish extracting the Guadalajara and Valladolid dispensas and other pertinent records.

Daniel Méndez de Torres y Camino