I need some help with the following marriage:
Luis de Salinas and Catharina de Biana married on aug 27, 1687 in Colotlan, Jalisco. I found the entry in the book Antiguas Familias de Tlaltenango (Arturo Ramos). I didn't see the actual record. According with the book the groom was from CIENEGA (the entry doesnt include the name of his parents). The bride was from ACATEPULCO and included the name of her parents (Francisco de Biana e Isabel Garcia).
After some research I found the bride's baptism in Aguascalientes, Aguas. But just the baptism, no brother and sisters or marriage of the parents.
1. Where would you search for Luis de Salinas if he was from CIENEGA? I'm not clear if it could be Cienega de Mata (Lagos) or the region of Cienega (in Jalisco). I already looked in Familysearch (regular films already indexed only)
2. On the Bride's side (Biana / Viana) she was from ACATEPULCO, in other documents of the family is mentioned TENASCO. It is very possible that this family was linked to NICOLAS MAYORGA VIANA (He was also from Tenasco or his mother). Where would you look for her?
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Susana L
Necesito ayuda con el siguiente matrimonio:
Luis de Salinas y Catharina de Biana se casaron el 27 de agosto de 1687 en Colotlán, Jalisco. Encontré la entrada en el libro Antiguas Familias de Tlaltenango (Arturo Ramos). Personalmente no he visto el documento. De acuerdo con el libro, el novio era de CIENEGA (la entrada no incluye el nombre de sus padres). La novia era de ACATEPULCO e incluía el nombre de sus padres (Francisco de Biana e Isabel García).
Después de algunas investigaciones encontré el bautizo de la novia en Aguascalientes, Aguas. Pero solo el bautismo, no hay hermanos y hermanas o el matrimonio de los padres.
1. ¿Dónde buscarías a Luis de Salinas si es de CIENEGA? No estoy segura si podría ser Cienega de Mata (Lagos) o la región de Cienega (en Jalisco). Ya busqué en Familysearch (films normales ya indexadas)
2. Por el lado de la Novia (Biana / Viana) era de ACATEPULCO, en otros documentos de la familia se menciona a TENASCO. Es muy posible que a esta familia este relacionada NICOLAS MAYORGA VIANA (también era de Tenasco o su madre). ¿Dónde los debo buscar?
Cualquier informacion la agradeceria mucho
gracias de antemano
Susana L
Hi Prima Susana (it's been a long time since we talked!),
Just so you know, the older Colotlan records from the book were some unfilmed records from the local convent in Colotlan. I know those records are unavailable on Family Search; I believe my primo Arturo had a contact down there so he was able to see the records.
To answer what I can, Cienega in this case is Cienega de Santa Rosa, a ranch currently in the area of Totatiche. I believe the oldest Colotlan records (the Totatiche church isn't as old as that)would be the convent records, which Arturo transcribed. If the baptism isn't there, the next oldest church is Tlaltenango. However, I have been unsuccessful in looking for similar records-- I believe they either don't exist or have been lost or destroyed in some way.
I have a lot of dead ends in the area! I hope this helps.
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Hello Prima Rosalinda,
Thank you so much for the information. I'm on the same boat. I have several lines stuck in the area. From Colotlan/Totatiche they emigrated to Jerez years later. I found some records from Tenasco (jurisdiction of Totatiche o Teochaltiche don't remember which) in Aguascalientes. I guess the church was close and people sometimes would go to Aguascalientes. I will keep you posted if I find anything. Thank you again
tu prima susana
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If by Nicolas Mayorga Viana you mean the one married to Agustina Carlos, he's my ancestor. I haven't seen a source naming him as the son of Nicolas Mayorga cc Juana de Viana. Is there one? Otherwise I thought it might be possible it's the same guy with two marriages.
Anyway, for anyone collecting records for Luis and Catalina's family, I found their son Mateo in Villanueva. He says he was born in Jerez about 1702:
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Thank you so much for Matheo's record. I didn't have that child. Great find!
Now regarding the Viana family, I suspect that Juana de Viana (married to Nicolas de Mayorga) could be sister of Catharina de Viana (wife of Luis Salinas). But I don't have proofs. Catharina was born in 1665, and Juana was having children around 1682.
If I find any more information, I will make sure to post it.
Thank you again
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luis salinas y catharina de biana (viana) colotlan/ tlaltenango/