Romos de Vivar

Found an article in a newspaper from Encarnacion de Diaz dated 1973 written by Manuel J. Aguirre. He states that someone found some old papers that stated 2 brothers came from Spain in 1548 Pascual Romo de Vivar age 28 and Benito Romo de Vivar 25 yrs old. Pascual was Capitan de Infanteria del Colegio Militar de Castilla la Vieja and Benito, Alferez de la Real Armada de su Majestad el Rey asignado al barco capitan Albatros "3o". I have been trying to research the info in the article but have not found anything on a Pascual or Benito Romo de Vivar from that time period. Has anyone heard of these brothers? Both my husband and I descend from Diego Romo de Vivar.
Aurora De Anda Romo.