Help with with a word? Were marriage "testigos" always male?
Hi, to everyone. Just a small question about a name. If someone can look at this marriage document:…
Hi, to everyone. Just a small question about a name. If someone can look at this marriage document:…
Hi everyone,
Just thought I would let you know is having a sale until
next Monday.
Has anyone come across post facto notes recorded on baptism records, for instance, say, a note on the baptism record about a person's later marriage?
I am looking for any information, baptisms, marriages, etc. for Nicolas Jaimes de Herrera and Juana Barron, who had a son named Melchor Jaimes de Herrera circa 1666 at Guanajuato, Mexico.
Hola de nuevo: estoy buscandno datos de nacimiento de un personaje que participo en la toma de Zacatecas en 1914 de nombre Juan Torres Rosales y fallecio en San Pedro Piedra Gorda, Zacatecas el 16 de
The line I am documenting goes through Joseph Ramón Campos, bap. 29 Apr 1779 in San Jacinto, Poncitlán, as were at least three of his siblings.
Hi Groupe, so I started indexing the informacion matrimonial for Nochistlan I did my best to spell the names correctly, and sorry if I did a mistake this is my first time indexing.One more thing I sk
Re: Familia Manriquez
Reposted: Please need help group!
By gaby7 - Posted on 25 March 2013
Hi everyone, For those of you who have Santiago Pedroza married to Maria de la Cruz Martin del Campo in there tree and do not know when he died.
AKA La llorona de Los Altos.
La titulada La Vieja del Concilio que narra la desventura de una hermosa
mujer española muy rica (que se cree fue doña Ana González Florida quien
vivió en el siglo XVII); quien fue atacada por un leoncillo que le desfiguró
Estimados don Guillermo Tovar de Teresa y Enrique Agraz,
anyone in the group have this haplogroup? If so there is a gentleman
that has some info to share.
My great-great-great grandfather, José Lorenzo de Jesús Chavez, christened on the twentieth of August, 1809 was listed "Indio de Tolotlán" on his birth record.
Hi there group,
En Español:
Hola Gina:
Muchas Gracias por escribirme, antes que nada dime como te enterste
de mi y de mi busqueda por el apellido de mi varonia, Los Villegas, dime
tambien que edad tienesy donde y aque te dedicas.
Does anyone have Vicente Carlos Servantes in their tree?
I estimate his birth circa 1735-45 in Tlaltenango de Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas.
Although I don't have the Medina surname in my tree, I have also been curious about it because the name is common in northwestern Durango.
Hello Nuestros Ranchos members, I have a general question. I want to know where the Medina family comes from.
My great-grandfather was Emigdio Medina. In the 1880's he resided in El
Paso del Norte and antagonized the USA in the famous Cutting Case.
Hi Fellow Nuestro Ranchos Familia, Since we are on the Surname Origin where does the Acevedo, Valdovinos, Guerrero, Barragan, Espinoza, Maciel/Masiel come from.
Buscando a los Sanchez-Castellanos en Sevilla encontre a Pedro Sanchez de Porras que era habitante de Sevilla en aquellos años, los Sanchez de Porras los he visto por Cuquio, Jalisco pero he visto lo
I am stuck on my great great grandfather Manuel Castaneda.
Hello everyone,
I'm looking for information on the parents of my 7th Great Grandmother Maria de la Merced Tiscareno.
Hi there,