Copying Equipment


The equipemt being used at the Murrieta, Ca. Family History Center is:
Canon Microfilm Scanner 300, coupled to an HP compaq computer with an HP Laser Jet 1320 Printer.
Almost any PC can be used, including laptops. A memmory stick or a CD can be used to take the records home and viewing them at your leisure on your own PC.

Noria de San Pantaleon/El Durazno/San Antonio de Belen, Zacatecas

I've just uploaded 4 maps to the albums/maps area of the group primarily
for Ken Alva showing his Ranchos: Noria de San Pantaleon. But I seem to
remember someone else talking about El Durazno and San Antonio de Belen

Digital Cameras Instead of Copies

I just wanted to share a recent experience in my research with the group.

Until recently when I wanted a copy of a document, I would take the film off the viewing machine, sometimes wait to use one of the copiers and then usually get mediocre results from the printer. Some films will not print at all at my FHC because they don't have enough contrast and the printer does not like that.

General Digest Vol 3 Issue 15 - a disaster

I don't mean to complain - but the General Digest Vol 3 Issue 15 that I received was a DISASTER. It seemed to be filled with a lot of repeitive text that I am sure is clogging up our site. I know Joseph posted some instructions not long ago on how to delete the body of a message before hitting reply to a query, etc. I don't remember what day that was posted (and I couldn't find the message to provide reference here) - but it is a message that may need repeating - and READ CAREFULLY for guidance in this matter - and if you don't understand, then ask for additional help. I am not very good with computer techy stuff, but believe me, if I can do it you can too, it isn't hard to do.

Antonio Liendo Senior vs. Junior

This arrival would be for Juan Antonio LIENDO, senior since it is before the birth of the junior. But the time frame seems correct given that you believe the junior was born around 1700. This Antonio LIENDO came unmarried to the new world... Guatemala, which is not quite Nueva Espana but very close and certainly within easy migrating distance to Zacatecas a decade later...