limpieza de sangre

I did get a response back from Joseph and it looks like the information for
the bishphoric of Guadalajara is filmed by the LDS.

I suppose one day I may decide to take a look at it and see what is in there.

I would still love to see what is in your books however.

From: mmg8938
Date: Thu Jun 01 22:33:46 CDT 2006
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] limpieza de sangre

Have you gotten any info on your question?

I have a book; have not seen it in a long time....but I could find it if
needed. It had the priest and his ancestors listed. I may have gotten that
in Spain.

When you ask where could they be found....probably in the Franciscan
Archives....wouldn't you think? Most probably there because I do not think
they would be at the Archivo de la Nacion.

Now, I need to find that book. It will give the info that you need.
