Digest Etiquette

Digest Etiquette


If you are subscribed to the email lists via the Digest mode there are
two important things you must do EVERY TIME:

1) change the subject to reflect the message you are sending. . .do not
send a message to the whole list with the subject being "Digest"

2) do not click reply and send BECAUSE you will include the whole DIGEST
message in with your message. You should find the very specific part of
the DIGEST message you are replying to and cut out the rest of the
DIGEST or cut and paste the appropriate part into another email. That
way you will send a message with only that very specific part so we'll
know the context of your reply but WON'T have the whole DIGEST which
isn't related to your reply.

[Some are not leaving a snip of the message they are replying to. Please
do leave a snip so we'll know exactly what your answer was in reference to]

