Laredo research update

The parish is probably San Agustin. Call your local Archdiocese. The person in charge of the ARchives should have a listing of current parishes for Laredo. THe archivist should be able to help you get a copy of the baptism. THe 1930's may not be in the LDS microfilms.

Marriage records for Laredo to 1890s have been extracted. Books are sold at Borderlands Books.

Esther A. Herold

-------------- Original message from Arturo Ramos : --------------

> Chris:
> You write:
> My grandfather was born 1930 in Laredo, Texas where I'm not sure the baptism
> records are as in-depth as I've found them to be in Mexico. What's also
> interesting is that my grandfather was born when Nicanor Pineda was age 46
> and as far as we know, my grandfather was his first child.
> If your grandfather was baptized in a catholic church, the records are
> definitely as detailed as those in Mexico. The listing of great-grandparents
> was a requirement under some sort of council and was mandated by the Vatican
> beginning in 1810 or so.
> Do you know what parrish in Laredo your grandfather was baptized in?