El Papalote in San Juan de los Lagos, Jal. research Digest, Vol 7, Issue 5

Hola Nelida,
I have ancestors from the ranch El Papalote in San Juan de los
Lagos through my Maternal Grandmother, Juana Padilla, but I believe it
is through her Gutierrez or Padilla lines. I'll double check with my

Yo tengo ancestros que vivieron en el Rancho El Papalote en San
Juan de los Lagos por parte de mi abuela materna, Juan Padilla, pero
pienso que eran Gutierrez o Padilla. Tendre que averiguar esto con mi

Irma Gomez Gtz de Lucero
Sacramento, CA

I would like to know if anyone has any information regarding el RANCHO
EL PAPELOTE IN JALISCO. My grandmother was from there. I don't know if
that would belong to San Julian Jalisco or San Juan de Los Lagos
Jalisco. My grandmother Camila Estrada was from that area. I can't
seem to find anything on the web regarding this rancheria. Can anyone

Nelida Vazquez Estrada


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2006 20:11:06 -0500
From: Joseph Puentes
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Rancho EL PAPELOTE EN JALISCO
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Message-ID: <44D541AA.3000805@nc.rr.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed

go here: http://biblio2.colmex.mx/bibdig/dicc_cubas/base3.htm
and under p and then Papelote it says:

"Rancho de la Municipalidad de San Juan de los Lagos, segundo canton,
estado de Jalisco. Otro de la municipalidad de Union."
