I had to post this and share it with you all because I am so thrilled! No one had been able to find any information on the Hacienda de Los Campos, Aguascalientes where my grandmother was born. I searched and searched under all configurations, and FINALLY when switching from Yahoo's engine to Google's, I found an oral history narrated by an elderly man from El Molino, municipality of Asientos, Aguascalientes. In his narrative he tells how his pueblo of El Molino was once part of La Hacienda De Los Campos! He said that the Hacienda once had huge holdings of land in a place in the northeast that was disputed by three states but which became part of Aguascalientes (Asientos). He said that in the middle of the century there was muich rain which eventually destroyed the hacienda (or the lands - my Spanish translation is so-so on this because he seems to ranmble a bit) and one of the vestiges that was left was the water powered mill with which the hacendados made wheat flour, so
the pueblo became known as El Molino. The oterh payoff from this is that while looking at the names of haciendas in Asientos, I found Ojo de Agua de Rosales, my grandfather's birthplace! This makes Asientos my 'family home' so to speak. Another breakthrough...do you all feel as elated as I do when you make an exciting find like this??
Claro que si! Of course!
john robles
with which the hacendados made wheat flour, so
the pueblo became known as El Molino. The oterh payoff from this is that while looking at the names of haciendas in Asientos, I found Ojo de Agua de Rosales, my grandfather's birthplace! This makes Asientos my 'family home' so to speak. Another breakthrough...do you all feel as elated as I do when you make an exciting find like this??
- Log in to post comments
Alicia and John,
I enjoyed reading your messages very much. They brought back those feelings
of elation when I have made a new discovery in my ongoing search for my
I wanted to share a search engine that I sometimes use: http://dogpile.com/
Dogpile uses several search engines to perform its searches (including
Google, Yahoo, MSN). I thought of it when I read about how John switched to
a different search engine and found the answer he had been searching for.
Alicia when I read your story about not finding the birth record for your
father-in-law I remembered having the same problem with my paternal
grandfather's baptismal record. Everyone I had talked to about where he was
born and baptized (including my father and several of my Tias) assured me my
grandfather had been baptized in Ixtlahuacan del Rio. I found his siblings
baptismal records on the microfilm, but not my grandfather's. I take prints
on direct line ancestors and write down the data on collateral lines and go
through every film slowly, so I knew I hadn't missed it. When I got through
the entire roll of film where he should've been found something clicked in
my mind and told me to order the film for Guadalajara. Since it's a big
city, there are several churches there, but my intuition told me to check a
specific parrish. With nothing more than a hunch, I went through the film
and found his baptismal record there! My father was incredulous when I told
him where I had found it, but seeing the record in print convinced him. To
this day, I don't know what made me so sure I would find my grandfather's
record on the Guadalajara film, but I was not the least bit surprised when I
found it on that film.
> Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 22:10:29 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Alicia Carrillo
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] A Geographical Breakthrough!
> To: general@nuestrosranchos.org
> Message-ID: <20060928051029.52834.qmail@web83012.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> John,
> Thank you for sharing that breakthrough!! I feel very happy for you and
> yes we have all been there. It begins with a small whisper somewhere in our
> subconcious and before we know it we start to put a voice to that small
> whisper that asks many questions and has few answers. We begin putting
> together the stories and legends we've heard from our relatives.
> Some of us feel it as a hunger to know where we came from and why are we
> here. In my case I was born in Mexico and was brought to the US at 2 years
> of age as an undocumented alien as some would now call us. As relatives
> would arrive my parents would say this is your tio or tia....Oooh so many
> tias and tios that I would ask why or how is it my aunt or uncle. Some were
> clearly aunts and uncles but most I could not see the connection and was
> told, "No seas tan preguntona" "Don't be so nosy" as if that would satisfy
> my curiosity.
> The years went by, I married a third cousin that I did not know was my
> cousin. We had our children, they married anglos and I felt a sense of loss
> and detachment from my culture. Something kept pulling me back to my
> ancestors and I answered the call. Mostly I wanted to know something about
> my father-in-law's family as my husband never knew anything about his
> paternal relations.
> In January of 2004 I announced to my family that I was gifting myself a
> trip to Salt Lake as a birthday gift, to begin my genealogical research in
> earnest. When In Salt Lake, I found the birth record of my father-in-law's
> brother, Julian Carrillo Jauregui. I know the earth stopped spinning for a
> fraction of a second in jubilation for this the first of many great finds.
> To date I still have not found a birth or baptism record for my
> father-in-law Antonio Carrillo Jauregui who was believed to have been born
> around 1901 in Nochistlan, Zacatecas. This has not dampened my spirit, on
> the contrary, it's what keeps me going. It's like a drug, each find compells
> you to keep digging and sends you off into new areas of research.
> John Robles, I wish you continued success in your research and know that
> this is just the first of many breakthroughs. Now you can do the happy dance
> as most of us have done.
> Alicia Avelar Olmos de Carrillo
> San Jose, Calif
> I had to post this and share it with you all because I am so thrilled! No
> one had been able to find any information on the Hacienda de Los Campos,
> Aguascalientes where my grandmother was born. I searched and searched under
> all configurations, and FINALLY when switching from Yahoo's engine to
> Google's, I found an oral history narrated by an elderly man from El Molino,
> municipality of Asientos, Aguascalientes. In his narrative he tells how his
> pueblo of El Molino was once part of La Hacienda De Los Campos! He said that
> the Hacienda once had huge holdings of land in a place in the northeast that
> was disputed by three states but which became part of Aguascalientes
> (Asientos). He said that in the middle of the century there was muich rain
> which eventually destroyed the hacienda (or the lands - my Spanish
> translation is so-so on this because he seems to ranmble a bit) and one of
> the vestiges that was left was the water powered mill with which the
> hacendados made wheat flour, so
> the pueblo became known as El Molino. The oterh payoff from this is that
> while looking at the names of haciendas in Asientos, I found Ojo de Agua de
> Rosales, my grandfather's birthplace! This makes Asientos my 'family home'
> so to speak. Another breakthrough...do you all feel as elated as I do when
> you make an exciting find like this??
> John
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To All That Share...
Thank you for sharing your 'touching,' stories of finding your ancestors. I
too had a very similiar situation, on two occasions... it's a feeling of
being given a 'special gift.' I no longer try to explain the why or what
made it happen, but simply accept these remarkable 'finds,' as a sign that
my ancestors are guiding my way, though some continue to play 'hide and
seek'. Many thanks to all...
Pat Silva Corbera
Tracy CA
- Log in to post comments
Nice note...I like to think that on some level, the spiritual essence of our ancestors are aware that we are trying to find them and are happy knowing that they are not forgotten. Sometimes I like to imagine I hear them whispering a word, a clue to lead me to the next find...this is all very romanticized I am sure but it makes me feel good!!
John Robles
To All That Share...
Thank you for sharing your 'touching,' stories of finding your ancestors. I
too had a very similiar situation, on two occasions... it's a feeling of
being given a 'special gift.' I no longer try to explain the why or what
made it happen, but simply accept these remarkable 'finds,' as a sign that
my ancestors are guiding my way, though some continue to play 'hide and
seek'. Many thanks to all...
Pat Silva Corbera
Tracy CA
- Log in to post comments
John and Pat,
Only people who do genealogy would understand that feeling of finding ancestors under the guidance of the "Muse's." I've collected records that only had a name in common to have that whisper in my heart that tells me to go back and review what I already have. I even woke out of a dead sleep because I heard a name in my head and had to get up and check the records, sure enough it opened the door I was looking for.. I once mentioned to this group that I'd found records from Jalisco that were incorrect on the IGI in that they read they were born in the Carribean when in fact it was San Vicente, district of Tamazula Jalisco.. I couldn't remember the name of the person who's record said that since it wasn't my family.. 2 nights later I awoke to the name Osceguera in my head.. I got up and put it in the computer, and found it was the grandmother of the child who's birth was said to be in the Carribean. It might be just a fluke but I think we don't do this work alone...
Somosprimos had an unknown quote that each generation someone is picked to remember the ancestors, to paraphrase it... this generation its those of us in this group...
Linda C.
john robles
Nice note...I like to think that on some level, the spiritual essence of our ancestors are aware that we are trying to find them and are happy knowing that they are not forgotten. Sometimes I like to imagine I hear them whispering a word, a clue to lead me to the next find...this is all very romanticized I am sure but it makes me feel good!!
John Robles
To All That Share...
Thank you for sharing your 'touching,' stories of finding your ancestors. I
too had a very similiar situation, on two occasions... it's a feeling of
being given a 'special gift.' I no longer try to explain the why or what
made it happen, but simply accept these remarkable 'finds,' as a sign that
my ancestors are guiding my way, though some continue to play 'hide and
seek'. Many thanks to all...
Pat Silva Corbera
Tracy CA
- Log in to post comments
You have expressed my feelings exactly! I mentioned to Lymann Platt at the
FHC in Salt Lake City once about the "dreams and events" that happen to me
and he told me that it is all directly tied in to our ancestors.......that
"they" do "select" someone to continue searching for "them"......believe me,
I certainly felt better after it was explained to me! I have had these
"things" happen to me for several years and for a while I thought I was
"losing it" because I was so obsessed with my genealogy! I never told
anyone about all this...... except for one cousin who was also into
genealogy because I knew he would understand......then I read the books by
Henry Z. Jones, "Psychic Roots" and "More Psychic Roots" and I now
understand that this does happen to other people!
It is indeed a wonderful feeling to know that our ancestors are helping us
by "opening doors".......and only people who do genealogy will understand
this feeling!
Thanks Linda for reminding me of how great I feel when this happens!
Josie in San Antonio
-----Original Message-----
From: general-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
[mailto:general-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] On Behalf Of Erlinda
Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2006 10:22 AM
To: general@nuestrosranchos.org
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] A Geographical Breakthrough!
John and Pat,
Only people who do genealogy would understand that feeling of finding
ancestors under the guidance of the "Muse's." I've collected records that
only had a name in common to have that whisper in my heart that tells me to
go back and review what I already have. I even woke out of a dead sleep
because I heard a name in my head and had to get up and check the records,
sure enough it opened the door I was looking for.. I once mentioned to this
group that I'd found records from Jalisco that were incorrect on the IGI in
that they read they were born in the Carribean when in fact it was San
Vicente, district of Tamazula Jalisco.. I couldn't remember the name of the
person who's record said that since it wasn't my family.. 2 nights later I
awoke to the name Osceguera in my head.. I got up and put it in the
computer, and found it was the grandmother of the child who's birth was said
to be in the Carribean. It might be just a fluke but I think we don't do
this work alone...
Somosprimos had an unknown quote that each generation someone is picked to
remember the ancestors, to paraphrase it... this generation its those of us
in this group...
Linda C.
john robles
Nice note...I like to think that on some level, the spiritual essence of
our ancestors are aware that we are trying to find them and are happy
knowing that they are not forgotten. Sometimes I like to imagine I hear them
whispering a word, a clue to lead me to the next find...this is all very
romanticized I am sure but it makes me feel good!!
John Robles
To All That Share...
Thank you for sharing your 'touching,' stories of finding your ancestors. I
too had a very similiar situation, on two occasions... it's a feeling of
being given a 'special gift.' I no longer try to explain the why or what
made it happen, but simply accept these remarkable 'finds,' as a sign that
my ancestors are guiding my way, though some continue to play 'hide and
seek'. Many thanks to all...
Pat Silva Corbera
Tracy CA
- Log in to post comments
I'd read his books some years ago and kept rereading them because I
loved them. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Jones at a genealogy
conference in Hutchinson, Kansas, in 2005. I had bought a lot of
things there that day but didn't have enough money to buy his two
books. He told me to go ahead and take them and send him the money!
Wasn't that kind of him? I sent him a check within the week...then he
sent it back because I forgot to sign it! I promptly signed and
returned it...how kind of him. Marge, who has been "chosen" by
ancestors to "bring them back to life" for future generations. :)
On Sep 30, 2006, at 2:06 PM, Josie T. Trevino wrote:
> Linda,
> You have expressed my feelings exactly! I mentioned to Lymann Platt
> at the
> FHC in Salt Lake City once about the "dreams and events" that happen
> to me
> and he told me that it is all directly tied in to our
> ancestors.......that
> "they" do "select" someone to continue searching for
> "them"......believe me,
> I certainly felt better after it was explained to me! I have had these
> "things" happen to me for several years and for a while I thought I was
> "losing it" because I was so obsessed with my genealogy! I never told
> anyone about all this...... except for one cousin who was also into
> genealogy because I knew he would understand......then I read the
> books by
> Henry Z. Jones, "Psychic Roots" and "More Psychic Roots" and I now
> understand that this does happen to other people!
> It is indeed a wonderful feeling to know that our ancestors are
> helping us
> by "opening doors".......and only people who do genealogy will
> understand
> this feeling!
> Thanks Linda for reminding me of how great I feel when this happens!
> Josie in San Antonio
> -----Original Message-----
> From: general-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
> [mailto:general-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] On Behalf Of Erlinda
> Castanon-Long
> Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2006 10:22 AM
> To: general@nuestrosranchos.org
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] A Geographical Breakthrough!
> John and Pat,
> Only people who do genealogy would understand that feeling of finding
> ancestors under the guidance of the "Muse's." I've collected records
> that
> only had a name in common to have that whisper in my heart that tells
> me to
> go back and review what I already have. I even woke out of a dead
> sleep
> because I heard a name in my head and had to get up and check the
> records,
> sure enough it opened the door I was looking for.. I once mentioned
> to this
> group that I'd found records from Jalisco that were incorrect on the
> IGI in
> that they read they were born in the Carribean when in fact it was San
> Vicente, district of Tamazula Jalisco.. I couldn't remember the name
> of the
> person who's record said that since it wasn't my family.. 2 nights
> later I
> awoke to the name Osceguera in my head.. I got up and put it in the
> computer, and found it was the grandmother of the child who's birth
> was said
> to be in the Carribean. It might be just a fluke but I think we don't
> do
> this work alone...
> Somosprimos had an unknown quote that each generation someone is
> picked to
> remember the ancestors, to paraphrase it... this generation its those
> of us
> in this group...
> Linda C.
> john robles
> Nice note...I like to think that on some level, the spiritual
> essence of
> our ancestors are aware that we are trying to find them and are happy
> knowing that they are not forgotten. Sometimes I like to imagine I
> hear them
> whispering a word, a clue to lead me to the next find...this is all
> very
> romanticized I am sure but it makes me feel good!!
> John Robles
> papagaia2
> wrote:
> To All That Share...
> Thank you for sharing your 'touching,' stories of finding your
> ancestors. I
> too had a very similiar situation, on two occasions... it's a feeling
> of
> being given a 'special gift.' I no longer try to explain the why or
> what
> made it happen, but simply accept these remarkable 'finds,' as a sign
> that
> my ancestors are guiding my way, though some continue to play 'hide and
> seek'. Many thanks to all...
> Pat Silva Corbera
> Tracy CA
- Log in to post comments
Marge......I may also have the pleasure of meeting Henry Z. Jones in
November here in San Antonio! I just found out he will be the keynote
speaker at a genealogy conference to be held here on Nov. 4th and I am
planning on going......I am looking forward to hearing him speak and hope he
might have written a new book.....Isn't it great to be one of the
"chosen"........? Wish me luck on finding a "special" ancestor that keeps
hiding from me somewhere in Zacatecas.....I will be in SLC next week and
plan to focus on finding him! He keeps slipping through my fingertips!
Josie in San Antonio
-----Original Message-----
From: general-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
[mailto:general-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] On Behalf Of M. Vallazza
Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2006 11:49 AM
To: general@nuestrosranchos.org
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] A Geographical Breakthrough!
I'd read his books some years ago and kept rereading them because I loved
them. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Jones at a genealogy conference in
Hutchinson, Kansas, in 2005. I had bought a lot of things there that day
but didn't have enough money to buy his two books. He told me to go ahead
and take them and send him the money!
Wasn't that kind of him? I sent him a check within the week...then he sent
it back because I forgot to sign it! I promptly signed and returned
it...how kind of him. Marge, who has been "chosen" by ancestors to "bring
them back to life" for future generations. :) On Sep 30, 2006, at 2:06 PM,
Josie T. Trevino wrote:
> Linda,
> You have expressed my feelings exactly! I mentioned to Lymann Platt
> at the FHC in Salt Lake City once about the "dreams and events" that
> happen to me and he told me that it is all directly tied in to our
> ancestors.......that "they" do "select" someone to continue searching
> for "them"......
- Log in to post comments
Hi Josie, Please fill me in on what's going on in SA on Nov. 4. Thanks, ABB
--- josiett3@satx.rr.com wrote:
From: "Josie T. Trevino"
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] A Geographical Breakthrough!
Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2006 21:26:28 -0500
Marge......I may also have the pleasure of meeting Henry Z. Jones in
November here in San Antonio! I just found out he will be the keynote
speaker at a genealogy conference to be held here on Nov. 4th and I am
planning on going......I am looking forward to hearing him speak and hope he
might have written a new book.....Isn't it great to be one of the
"chosen"........? Wish me luck on finding a "special" ancestor that keeps
hiding from me somewhere in Zacatecas.....I will be in SLC next week and
plan to focus on finding him! He keeps slipping through my fingertips!
Josie in San Antonio
-----Original Message-----
From: general-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
[mailto:general-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] On Behalf Of M. Vallazza
Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2006 11:49 AM
To: general@nuestrosranchos.org
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] A Geographical Breakthrough!
I'd read his books some years ago and kept rereading them because I loved
them. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Jones at a genealogy conference in
Hutchinson, Kansas, in 2005. I had bought a lot of things there that day
but didn't have enough money to buy his two books. He told me to go ahead
and take them and send him the money!
Wasn't that kind of him? I sent him a check within the week...then he sent
it back because I forgot to sign it! I promptly signed and returned
it...how kind of him. Marge, who has been "chosen" by ancestors to "bring
them back to life" for future generations. :) On Sep 30, 2006, at 2:06 PM,
Josie T. Trevino wrote:
> Linda,
> You have expressed my feelings exactly! I mentioned to Lymann Platt
> at the FHC in Salt Lake City once about the "dreams and events" that
> happen to me and he told me that it is all directly tied in to our
> ancestors.......that "they" do "select" someone to continue searching
> for "them"......
- Log in to post comments
Hi Alice!
Nice to hear from you again! The San Antonio Genealogical Assoc. (or
Society) is hosting a genealogical seminar (or conference) at the Marriott
downtown on Nov. 4th. I obtained the info from my local FHC on Midcrown St.
where they have little leaflets making the info available to the public.
You can visit the website at:
Let me know if you are interested and if you plan to go.......perhaps we can
meet up, ok?
Josie in SA
-----Original Message-----
From: general-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
[mailto:general-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] On Behalf Of AliceBB
Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2006 9:40 PM
To: general@nuestrosranchos.org
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] A Geographical Breakthrough!
Hi Josie, Please fill me in on what's going on in SA on Nov. 4. Thanks,
--- josiett3@satx.rr.com wrote:
From: "Josie T. Trevino"
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] A Geographical Breakthrough!
Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2006 21:26:28 -0500
Marge......I may also have the pleasure of meeting Henry Z. Jones in
November here in San Antonio! I just found out he will be the keynote
speaker at a genealogy conference to be held here on Nov. 4th and I am
planning on going......I am looking forward to hearing him speak and hope he
might have written a new book.....Isn't it great to be one of the
"chosen"........? Wish me luck on finding a "special" ancestor that keeps
hiding from me somewhere in Zacatecas.....I will be in SLC next week and
plan to focus on finding him! He keeps slipping through my fingertips!
Josie in San Antonio
- Log in to post comments
Best of luck, Josie!!!! He's really a nice man...and his talks are
very interesting. And you are so lucky to be going to SLC next week.
Let's hope we both find our elusive ancestors from Zacatecas.:)
On Oct 1, 2006, at 9:26 PM, Josie T. Trevino wrote:
> Marge......I may also have the pleasure of meeting Henry Z. Jones in
> November here in San Antonio! I just found out he will be the keynote
> speaker at a genealogy conference to be held here on Nov. 4th and I am
> planning on going......I am looking forward to hearing him speak and
> hope he
> might have written a new book.....Isn't it great to be one of the
> "chosen"........? Wish me luck on finding a "special" ancestor that
> keeps
> hiding from me somewhere in Zacatecas.....I will be in SLC next week
> and
> plan to focus on finding him! He keeps slipping through my fingertips!
> :-)
> Josie in San Antonio
> -----Original Message-----
> From: general-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
> [mailto:general-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] On Behalf Of M.
> Vallazza
> Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2006 11:49 AM
> To: general@nuestrosranchos.org
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] A Geographical Breakthrough!
> I'd read his books some years ago and kept rereading them because I
> loved
> them. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Jones at a genealogy
> conference in
> Hutchinson, Kansas, in 2005. I had bought a lot of things there that
> day
> but didn't have enough money to buy his two books. He told me to go
> ahead
> and take them and send him the money!
> Wasn't that kind of him? I sent him a check within the week...then he
> sent
> it back because I forgot to sign it! I promptly signed and returned
> it...how kind of him. Marge, who has been "chosen" by ancestors to
> "bring
> them back to life" for future generations. :) On Sep 30, 2006, at
> 2:06 PM,
> Josie T. Trevino wrote:
>> Linda,
>> You have expressed my feelings exactly! I mentioned to Lymann Platt
>> at the FHC in Salt Lake City once about the "dreams and events" that
>> happen to me and he told me that it is all directly tied in to our
>> ancestors.......that "they" do "select" someone to continue searching
>> for "them"......
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Funny you should mention Henry Z Jones, Jr. I have his book "Psychic Roots, Serendipity and Intuition in Genealogy". A signed copy by Hank himself. It was published in 1993, I worked with a women who was friends with his sister I believe. It's a very good book.
- Log in to post comments
The link below is not working. FYI.
Esther A. Herold
-------------- Original message from "Josie T. Trevino"
> Hi Alice!
> Nice to hear from you again! The San Antonio Genealogical Assoc. (or
> Society) is hosting a genealogical seminar (or conference) at the Marriott
> downtown on Nov. 4th. I obtained the info from my local FHC on Midcrown St.
> where they have little leaflets making the info available to the public.
> You can visit the website at:
> http://genealogyblog.com/seminars-genealogy-education/hank-jones-to-spe…
> -san-antonio-5512
> Let me know if you are interested and if you plan to go.......perhaps we can
> meet up, ok?
> Thanks!
> Josie in SA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: general-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
> [mailto:general-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] On Behalf Of AliceBB
> Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2006 9:40 PM
> To: general@nuestrosranchos.org
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] A Geographical Breakthrough!
> Hi Josie, Please fill me in on what's going on in SA on Nov. 4. Thanks,
> --- josiett3@satx.rr.com wrote:
> From: "Josie T. Trevino"
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] A Geographical Breakthrough!
> Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2006 21:26:28 -0500
> Marge......I may also have the pleasure of meeting Henry Z. Jones in
> November here in San Antonio! I just found out he will be the keynote
> speaker at a genealogy conference to be held here on Nov. 4th and I am
> planning on going......I am looking forward to hearing him speak and hope he
> might have written a new book.....Isn't it great to be one of the
> "chosen"........? Wish me luck on finding a "special" ancestor that keeps
> hiding from me somewhere in Zacatecas.....I will be in SLC next week and
> plan to focus on finding him! He keeps slipping through my fingertips!
> :-)
> Josie in San Antonio
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Hi Esther!
I have not forgotten about you! I am getting ready to leave for the next
couple of weeks but when I return around Oct 19th I will work on the GEDCOM
I promised you.....thanks for being patient with me!
Sorry about the link I sent previously.....what I did was Google "San
Antonio Genealogical" and got the website below:
Then I clicked on the info for Henry Z. Jones and got the website I sent out
previously......try the new link.....if not, just go through Google......
Thanks for letting me know it did not work!
Josie in San Antonio
-----Original Message-----
From: general-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
[mailto:general-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 9:58 AM
To: general@nuestrosranchos.org
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] A Geographical Breakthrough!
The link below is not working. FYI.
Esther A. Herold
-------------- Original message from "Josie T. Trevino"
> Hi Alice!
> Nice to hear from you again! The San Antonio Genealogical Assoc. (or
> Society) is hosting a genealogical seminar (or conference) at the
> Marriott downtown on Nov. 4th. I obtained the info from my local FHC on
Midcrown St.
> where they have little leaflets making the info available to the public.
> You can visit the website at:
> http://genealogyblog.com/seminars-genealogy-education/hank-jones-to-sp
> eak-in
> -san-antonio-5512
> Let me know if you are interested and if you plan to go.......perhaps
> we can meet up, ok?
> Thanks!
> Josie in SA
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Yes, Rose......his two books are wonderful! I am looking forward to meeting
him in person next month.....Good luck in your genealogy searches!
Josie in San Antonio
-----Original Message-----
From: general-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
[mailto:general-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] On Behalf Of Rose Hardy
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 8:18 AM
To: general@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] A Geographical
Funny you should mention Henry Z Jones, Jr. I have his book "Psychic Roots,
Serendipity and Intuition in Genealogy". A signed copy by Hank himself. It
was published in 1993, I worked with a women who was friends with his sister
I believe. It's a very good book.
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I just found out about the event below......wish I had known
earlier.....could have arranged to be in Salt Lake a couple of days earlier
to include this in my trip! Oh well, maybe NEXT YEAR!
Josie in San Antonio
Major Genealogy Event Coming to Ogden, Utah October 6-7, 2006
Have you ever told yourself, "I'd like to learn more about my roots"? The
time has arrived and help is right at your door!
My Ancestors Found, a local Utah business, has pinpointed Ogden, Utah as the
place to be Oct 6-7, 2006. Family history and genealogy enthusiasts will not
be disappointed with the more than 70 classes being offered to help you jump
start the process. The great thing about this is and you don't even have to
have Utah roots. Presentations for beginning or expanding your family
history have an "International Flare!"
Come learn how to find your African American, American Indian, Chinese,
English, German, Mexican, Italian, and/or U.S. Ancestors.
Discover more about Migration Patterns, Tracing Ladies, Early Virginia
Research, Wagon Trains and Indian Fights, U.S. Civil War Records,
Homesteading, Regional Approaches to Research, Tax Records with an Uncommon
Value, U.S. Census Records, Early LDS Ancestors, Immigration and
Naturalization, just to name a few.
Increase your skills by attending the hands-on computer lab and other
technology based presentations including: Mailing Lists, Message Boards,
Blogs, RSS, and Podcasts; Organizing Computer Files; GPS and the
Genealogist; PDAs for Genealogists; and that is only the beginning. Simple
Research Tools for Beginners and Learning to Plan a Family Reunion will also
be available.
Gain a deeper understanding of major family history collections available to
us such as: Records in the Granite Mountain Vault, Digital Family History
Collections, Pedigree Resource File; Ancestry.com, BYU Library, Ogden
Regional Family History Center and the world largest genealogy library - The
Family History Library in Salt Lake City.
Benefits include learning how to Organize, Preserve and Share your Family
History, Write a Personal History, Scrapbook Historical Events, Care and
Repair for Photos, Mapping Your Family's History, Search the Web.
Presenters are flying in from all over the U.S. from New York City to
The Exhibitors will be first class with products and services including
Professional Research Assistance from My Ancestors Found, The Genealogical
Institute, and Dee's Genealogy Service. Family History Software including:
RootsMagic, Legacy, Passage Express, LifeStory, and PAF Insight. Genealogy
books, CDs, scrapbooking supplies and gift ideas include: Rootstamps,
Generation Maps, Dee's T-shirts, Legacy & Light, GenCharts for PAF, and
other terrific stuff for genealogists.
Exhibitors are coming in from Arizona, California, Hawaii, New Jersey,
Texas, and Washington, with several local vendors from right here in Utah!
Friday and Saturday evenings enjoy a live production performed in the
beautiful Peery Egyptian Theatre. "Remember the Tears" offers original
vignettes, music and art telling the stories of tragedy, humor, romance, and
triumph of the belated Mormon pioneer companies of 1856. This presentation
was written by Jolene Allphin and Sherryl Fowers and composed by Peter and
Mary Danzig.
For full details about this fantastic event, visit
http://www.MyAncestorsFound.com or call 801.829.3295.
Happy family tree climbing!
Myrt :)
227 Bellevue Way NE PMB 544
Bellevue, WA 98004
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Thanks for the link!
Esther A. Herold
-------------- Original message from "Josie T. Trevino"
> Hi Esther!
> I have not forgotten about you! I am getting ready to leave for the next
> couple of weeks but when I return around Oct 19th I will work on the GEDCOM
> I promised you.....thanks for being patient with me!
> Sorry about the link I sent previously.....what I did was Google "San
> Antonio Genealogical" and got the website below:
> http://www.rootsweb.com/~txsaghs2/
> Then I clicked on the info for Henry Z. Jones and got the website I sent out
> previously......try the new link.....if not, just go through Google......
> Thanks for letting me know it did not work!
> Josie in San Antonio
> -----Original Message-----
> From: general-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
> [mailto:general-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] On Behalf Of
> eaherold@att.net
> Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 9:58 AM
> To: general@nuestrosranchos.org
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] A Geographical Breakthrough!
> Josie,
> The link below is not working. FYI.
> --
> Esther A. Herold
> -------------- Original message from "Josie T. Trevino"
> : --------------
> > Hi Alice!
> >
> > Nice to hear from you again! The San Antonio Genealogical Assoc. (or
> > Society) is hosting a genealogical seminar (or conference) at the
> > Marriott downtown on Nov. 4th. I obtained the info from my local FHC on
> Midcrown St.
> > where they have little leaflets making the info available to the public.
> > You can visit the website at:
> >
> >
> > http://genealogyblog.com/seminars-genealogy-education/hank-jones-to-sp
> > eak-in
> > -san-antonio-5512
> >
> > Let me know if you are interested and if you plan to go.......perhaps
> > we can meet up, ok?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Josie in SA
> >
> >
> >
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Thank you for sharing that breakthrough!! I feel very happy for you and yes we have all been there. It begins with a small whisper somewhere in our subconcious and before we know it we start to put a voice to that small whisper that asks many questions and has few answers. We begin putting together the stories and legends we've heard from our relatives.
Some of us feel it as a hunger to know where we came from and why are we here. In my case I was born in Mexico and was brought to the US at 2 years of age as an undocumented alien as some would now call us. As relatives would arrive my parents would say this is your tio or tia....Oooh so many tias and tios that I would ask why or how is it my aunt or uncle. Some were clearly aunts and uncles but most I could not see the connection and was told, "No seas tan preguntona" "Don't be so nosy" as if that would satisfy my curiosity.
The years went by, I married a third cousin that I did not know was my cousin. We had our children, they married anglos and I felt a sense of loss and detachment from my culture. Something kept pulling me back to my ancestors and I answered the call. Mostly I wanted to know something about my father-in-law's family as my husband never knew anything about his paternal relations.
In January of 2004 I announced to my family that I was gifting myself a trip to Salt Lake as a birthday gift, to begin my genealogical research in earnest. When In Salt Lake, I found the birth record of my father-in-law's brother, Julian Carrillo Jauregui. I know the earth stopped spinning for a fraction of a second in jubilation for this the first of many great finds. To date I still have not found a birth or baptism record for my father-in-law Antonio Carrillo Jauregui who was believed to have been born around 1901 in Nochistlan, Zacatecas. This has not dampened my spirit, on the contrary, it's what keeps me going. It's like a drug, each find compells you to keep digging and sends you off into new areas of research.
John Robles, I wish you continued success in your research and know that this is just the first of many breakthroughs. Now you can do the happy dance as most of us have done.
Alicia Avelar Olmos de Carrillo
San Jose, Calif
I had to post this and share it with you all because I am so thrilled! No one had been able to find any information on the Hacienda de Los Campos, Aguascalientes where my grandmother was born. I searched and searched under all configurations, and FINALLY when switching from Yahoo's engine to Google's, I found an oral history narrated by an elderly man from El Molino, municipality of Asientos, Aguascalientes. In his narrative he tells how his pueblo of El Molino was once part of La Hacienda De Los Campos! He said that the Hacienda once had huge holdings of land in a place in the northeast that was disputed by three states but which became part of Aguascalientes (Asientos). He said that in the middle of the century there was muich rain which eventually destroyed the hacienda (or the lands - my Spanish translation is so-so on this because he seems to ranmble a bit) and one of the vestiges that was left was the water powered mill with which the hacendados made wheat flour, so
the pueblo became known as El Molino. The oterh payoff from this is that while looking at the names of haciendas in Asientos, I found Ojo de Agua de Rosales, my grandfather's birthplace! This makes Asientos my 'family home' so to speak. Another breakthrough...do you all feel as elated as I do when you make an exciting find like this??
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Thanks Alicia for that wonderful letter, it is inspiring!
Alicia Carrillo
Thank you for sharing that breakthrough!! I feel very happy for you and yes we have all been there. It begins with a small whisper somewhere in our subconcious and before we know it we start to put a voice to that small whisper that asks many questions and has few answers. We begin putting together the stories and legends we've heard from our relatives.
Some of us feel it as a hunger to know where we came from and why are we here. In my case I was born in Mexico and was brought to the US at 2 years of age as an undocumented alien as some would now call us. As relatives would arrive my parents would say this is your tio or tia....Oooh so many tias and tios that I would ask why or how is it my aunt or uncle. Some were clearly aunts and uncles but most I could not see the connection and was told, "No seas tan preguntona" "Don't be so nosy" as if that would satisfy my curiosity.
The years went by, I married a third cousin that I did not know was my cousin. We had our children, they married anglos and I felt a sense of loss and detachment from my culture. Something kept pulling me back to my ancestors and I answered the call. Mostly I wanted to know something about my father-in-law's family as my husband never knew anything about his paternal relations.
In January of 2004 I announced to my family that I was gifting myself a trip to Salt Lake as a birthday gift, to begin my genealogical research in earnest. When In Salt Lake, I found the birth record of my father-in-law's brother, Julian Carrillo Jauregui. I know the earth stopped spinning for a fraction of a second in jubilation for this the first of many great finds. To date I still have not found a birth or baptism record for my father-in-law Antonio Carrillo Jauregui who was believed to have been born around 1901 in Nochistlan, Zacatecas. This has not dampened my spirit, on the contrary, it's what keeps me going. It's like a drug, each find compells you to keep digging and sends you off into new areas of research.
John Robles, I wish you continued success in your research and know that this is just the first of many breakthroughs. Now you can do the happy dance as most of us have done.
Alicia Avelar Olmos de Carrillo
San Jose, Calif
I had to post this and share it with you all because I am so thrilled! No one had been able to find any information on the Hacienda de Los Campos, Aguascalientes where my grandmother was born. I searched and searched under all configurations, and FINALLY when switching from Yahoo's engine to Google's, I found an oral history narrated by an elderly man from El Molino, municipality of Asientos, Aguascalientes. In his narrative he tells how his pueblo of El Molino was once part of La Hacienda De Los Campos! He said that the Hacienda once had huge holdings of land in a place in the northeast that was disputed by three states but which became part of Aguascalientes (Asientos). He said that in the middle of the century there was muich rain which eventually destroyed the hacienda (or the lands - my Spanish translation is so-so on this because he seems to ranmble a bit) and one of the vestiges that was left was the water powered mill with which the hacendados made wheat flour, so
the pueblo became known as El Molino. The oterh payoff from this is that while looking at the names of haciendas in Asientos, I found Ojo de Agua de Rosales, my grandfather's birthplace! This makes Asientos my 'family home' so to speak. Another breakthrough...do you all feel as elated as I do when you make an exciting find like this??
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A Geographical Breakthrough!