To whom it may concern,

Hello, my name is Juanita G. Delgado. I live on the Texas-Mexico border.
I have been researching my late husband's family name for several years now. Of course, I started with the information beginning with the people I knew had come from
Nuevo Leon, and then traced them to San Matias, Pinos, Zacatecas. I am fortunate because I was able to get much information at the public library where I am a volunteer.

I would like to "complete" my work on the family name, so I am desperately seeking information on the name in Pinos. The only date I have is a 1701 between Bartolome
Delgado and Francisca Melcalin y Chavaria. I am assuming they married in Zac.
Their son, Juan Manuel Delgado did marry in Pinos, in 1728, in Pinos.

Thank you for allowing me in this group. I am confident that I will be able to obtain
more information on this family.

Thank you,

Juanita G. Delgado

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