Diaz de Tiscareño


I belive the compounded surname "Diaz de Tiscareño" began in 1659, when
Baltazar Diaz married Beatriz de Tiscareño. I don't know who Baltazar's
parents were, but Beatriz's parents were Luis Tiscareño de Molina and
Lorenza Ruiz de Esparza. Beatriz was a grandaughter of Lope Ruiz de Esparza
and Ana Francisca Gabai de Moctezuma.

I know that Baltazar Dias and Beatriz de Tiscareño had a son named Joseph
Diaz de Tiscareño, but I have not been able to find any of his siblings.
However, there was a Francisco Diaz de Tiscareño who married Juana de
Tiscareño Aguilera in 1720. Francisco is probably a close descendant of
Baltazar and Beatriz (maybe a son or grandson) but I don't know for sure.
Francisco and Juana had a number of children born between 1720 and 1738.
They carried the surname Díaz de Tiscareño for obvious reasons. In the
first place, their father's surname was Diaz de Tiscareño, and in the
second, their mother's surname was Tiscareño Aguilera. They may have been
cousins or close relatives. This is not my line, so I really haven't done
any serious research on these families. I'm connected to Luis Tiscareño de
Molina and Lorenza Ruiz de Esparza through their daughter Maria, Beatriz's
older sister who married Capt. Juan Romo de Vivar.

I believe that most people with the surname Tiscareño who lived in
Aguascalientes in the 17th and 18th centuries are descendants of Luis
Tiscareño de Molina and Lorenza Ruiz de Esparza. Bear in mind that some
servants and slaves were also given the priviledge to carry their master's
surname, so you'll find some who are really not their descendants. Luis
Tiscareño de Molina and Lorenza Ruiz de Esparza had many slaves and indian
servants, but if they are listed as "españoles" they probably are their
legitimate descendants.

I did find an IGI record for Nicolás Díaz de Tiscareño, who married María
Dionicia de Pedroza on 05 Apr 1731 in Santa María de los Lagos, Lagos de
Moreno, Jalisco. They had a son Nicolás Miguel Diaz de Pedroza, baptized 23
January 1734 at Cienega de Mata, Ojuelos, Jalisco. Just like you, I don't
know who the parents of Nicolas Diaz de Tiscareño were.

I noticed that Connie Dominguez promised to look into this matter over the
weekend. I know she spent a lot of time researching the Tiscareños a few
years ago. She can probably be of great help to you to find your link to
Lope Ruiz de Esparza and Francisca Gabai.

This is all for now, Daniel. Hope you find your connection soon. I'll let
you know if I find anything else that may be of interest to you.


Bill Figueroa

r family. ----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Mendez"
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2007 2:18 PM
Subject: Diaz de Tiscareno

> Hello Bill! Thanks for letting me know you saved me about $6.25! and I
> could use that for a film that is more helpful in my present research!
> Forgive but I kinda did not use Don Nicolas' name name i just used his
> short name, which i know i shouldnt in this case. THis is the record im
> trying to prove. The only reason he used Diaz de Tiscareno was because his
> maternal grandmother's surname was i guess more important? She was Diaz,
> theres no other explanation for this Diaz de Tiscareno merge. I think she
> was also a Tiscareno. Margie Esparza is the one who has helped with this
> line and she says this record is no doubt my Nicolas. But the thing we
> have been able to find a marriage for Nicolas and Dona Deonicia de la
> Pedroza. So i still might have luck in Ojuelos, Jalisco as 5 of there
> kids were born in Ojuelos but baptized in Cienega de MAta, Jalisco. I have
> been told these two municipios are now presently joined as Cienega de
> Ojuelos. Originally they were broken up in two as Ojuelos de Jalisco,
> Jalisco, Mexico and Cienega de Mata, Jalisco, Mexico. For awhile I got
> confused until I found his kids on IGI. I just hope their grandparents are
> there. Have you done research here? This is my first line in focus and
> determination to connect and prove. If this is in fact him then I can
> connect the rest with Margie Esparza. I will connect to Lope Ruiz de
> Esparza and EMperor Moctezuma through this line. Im just crossing my
> fingers its him. Thanks for all your help in the past Bill! your a
> lifesaver. -Primo Daniel Mendez del Camino
> IGI Individual Record FamilySearchT International Genealogical Index v5.0
> Mexico
> Search Results | Download
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Male
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Event(s):
> Birth:
> Christening: 02 MAR 1706 Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico
> Death:
> Burial:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Parents:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Messages:
> Form submitted by a member of the LDS Church. The form lists the
> submitter's name and address and may include source information. The
> address may be outdated. Details vary. To find the form, you must know the
> batch and sheet number.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Source Information:
> Batch Number: 7513438
> Sheet: 10
> Source Call No.: 0884503 Type: Film
> _________________________________________________________________
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