
Hello, my name is Judy Jauregui-Rodriguez, I had started doing my family tree research and when it came to records from Mexico I was having difficulty and found your research group. My deceased husband Pablo Jauregui-Romo was from Teocaltiche , Jalisco as well as his parents & grandparents. Here are the names of family members that I am doing research on. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Father - Jauregui-Delgadillo still living
Paternal GFather - Mateo Jauregui
Paternal GMother- Priscilliana Delgadillo Maternal GGFather Cornelio Delgadillo
Paternal GGFather Eusebio Jauregui born 1920 (I found a 1923 border crossing into El Paso Texas)
Paternal GGMother Petronilla
Children of Mateo & Priscilliana: Jose, Josefina, Justina, Maria, Pedro, Salvador, Siriaco, Tadeo, Tomasa, Enemorio. All from area of Teocaltiche and surrounding Ranchos

Mother - Romo-Martinez still living
Maternal GFather - Domingo Romo
Maternal GMother - Augustina Martinez
Maternal GGFather Regugio Romo
Maternal GGMoter Trinidad Mora
Children of Domingo & Augustina: Antonio, Asuncion, Elena, Esteban, Francisca, Juanita, Marcos, Mara del Carmen, Patricia, Raymundo, Victoriano, Micaela. All from area of Jalsotitlan and surrounding Ranchos

Thank you