
Hi Alicia and Pam:

I was in Nochistlán last November and was lucky to find a book : "Nochistlán de Zacatecas". Cuatro siglos de su vida. By Cleotilde Evelia Quirarte. I found it at the church library.

I saw your e-mail to Pam, where you talked about the Jáuregui from Nochistlán and thought that you might be interested in this bit of information.. This is what I found in the book about the Jauregui:

On page 110; " Existe una tradicion entre varias familias nochistlecas que asegura fueron doce los españoles fundadores, y se conserva memoria de algunos de esos apellidos: Sandoval, Ruvalcaba, Ruiz, Frias, Mejía, Duran y Chavez. "

Next paragraph:

"Aunque los archivos parroquiales de Nochistlán comienzan en 1622 con la visita del obispo Don Fray Francisco de Rivera, es hasta 1627 cuando aparecen en diversas actas bautismales numerosos apellidos españoles" A long list is included. "En las actas del primer libro de bautismo se leen los nombre : (there is a list) included in this list are: Matheo de Rovalcaba, and the Mendozas...

On page 112:

" En el primer tercio del siglo XVIII, surgen en los archivos los apellidos: Cervantes, Quirarte, Negrete, de Quezada,de La Dueña, y poco mas despues, el de JAUREGUI, (y JAURE), de Laura, de Contreras, y Flores. "

The second half of the page has an incomplete list of Ranchos. "Estancia de Los Xáureguis" is mentioned. Missing are: "La Estancia", " La Estancia de Nochistlán" , "Rancho de San Roque". That doesn't mean that they don't exist, they were probably just left out from the list or were created at a much later date, I don't know.

I was looking for another book, I believe the title is "Nochistlán, su historia a travez de archivos parroquiales" I went to "Libreria Nochistlan" and talked to the owner. He said that the author does not want that book to go into print again. The bookstore owner told me that he is willing and had offered to pay for the cost of the printing, but the author still refused.

Are you interested in Teocaltiche?
I also visited Teocaltiche last November, my wife has quite a few relatives there. I met Nicolas de Anda Sanchez, Historian, Author he has published about four books on Teocaltiche. I talked with him for about 4 hours. I bought his latest book : Historia de Teocaltiche, Pueblo de la Region Caxcana, Nueva Galicia. I found this book very useful because it lists:

People from Teocaltiche who fought in the war for independence.
Ranchos del Municipio (50)
Ranchos del Ayuntamiento de Mexticacán (22)
Ranchos del Distrito del Ayuntamiento Paso de Sotos (Villa Hidalgo) (40)
Nombre de los padres que confirmaron a sus hijos en 1634 y nombres de los niños.
Confirmaciones 27 de Junio, 1648 Nombres de padres e hijos. (about 120 families).
Confirmaciones 6 de Enero, 1654. (80 couples)
Relacion de personas que poseian esclavos, o utilizaban indigenas como sirvientes, segun los registro parroquialesque existen del siglo XVII.( about two and a half pages)
Padron de Teocaltiche de la 2da mitad del siglo XVII. (11 pages)
Esclavitud y servidumbre en Teocaltiche en el siglo XVIII.
Padron de 1708 a 1722 Relacion de padres y padrinos españoles tomada de los bautismos. (about 8 pages)

I highly recommend this book. I bought mine in Teocaltiche and it is probably available through some other sources.
I hope you and Pam will find some of the information useful.

I wasted a lot of time lloking for books in the bookstores in Aguascalientes. I found one, "Breve Historia de Aguascalientes" and like the title implies, it is brief. It was on our last day in Teocal when I found out that the best place for books is the Universidad de Aguascalientes bookstore. I am making sure I'll visit there on my next trip to Los Altos.

In Jalostotitlán you can find books at the pharmacy at the main plaza, they had about 5 different ones, including : Jalostotitlán a Travez de Los Siglos.

In Santa Ana you can find books on Santo Toribio Romo González.

Have a nice day in San Jose (I was raised there)

John Gonzalez
Wildomar, CA