I think I made a Connection

Thank you, I am saving all the info on Ornelas and Vaca surnames. I am not far advanced so it will be sometime before I get there.

-Esther Jordan

I think I made another royal connection for you Ornelas, Vásquez de BAca (The
New Mexico Lineage). After long research (Not really just abt 3 hours.) An
ancestor of the Vasquez de BAca is Leonor de Orozco and an ancestor of Ornelas
is Petronila de Orozco are sister as we know. They descend from ELvira Tovar y
Enriquez, according to the New Mexico Genealogical Society but they said
Elvira's parents are unknown but she is a close relative to the Dukes of Frias
and Marquesses of Berlanaga. I found a Couple in the same time peiord that of
Juan Tovar, Lord of Berlanga and Constanza Enriquez. If these are Elvira's
parents, not only would she be a cousin to the Dukes of Frias but this would
also answer a long question that the society has had. Im pretty positive that
these are her parents but no proof. She also has Jewish ancestry back to King
David! -Any suggestons? -Daniel Méndez del Camino