Luz Montejano's Book

Hello Everyone,I live in Claremont ,Calif. about 30 miles east of Los Angeles.Does anybody know what local library carries Luz Montejano 's book in my area? Thank you
Ronnie Reynoso

A college or university library might also have a copy. If so, you might be able to use it in the library, even though you are not enrolled as a student (that is the case with the local nearby university where I live). Call the library and inquire about the policy regarding non-student use of the library.

nc coleman
researching: CASTRO, DUENAS, GARCIA from Valparaiso district of Zacatecas

Put in your county and the word library on google. Then go to card catalogue under title put the name of the book or you can search author. If it is in any library it will tell you which one and if it is a permenant houseing or transferable to one nearest you. Must have a library card to transfer. goodluck

----- Original Message ----
From: Ronald Reynoso
To: ""
Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2008 10:36:58 AM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Luz Montejano's Book

Hello Everyone,I live in Claremont ,Calif. about 30 miles east of Los Angeles.Does anybody know what local library carries Luz Montejano 's book in my area? Thank you
Ronnie Reynoso

Hola Arturo ,thanks for the info. I tried a while back and ordered it but was told that they were out of stock . I am going to try again.
Thanks once again
Ronnie Reynoso pariente acasi todos de Los Altos> To:> From:> Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2008 10:20:55 -0700> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Luz Montejano's Book> > > You can also purcahse Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara from Borderlands Books (George Farias' online bookstore)> >> > Item 1042> > It costs $160 but is worth every penny.> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- > Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List> > To post, send email to:> research(at)> > To change your subscription, log on to:>

Hi guys, they are still out :-)

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: Ronald Reynoso

Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2008 10:29:00
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Luz Montejano's Book

Hola Arturo ,thanks for the info. I tried a while back and ordered it but was told that they were out of stock . I am going to try again.
Thanks once again
Ronnie Reynoso pariente acasi todos de Los Altos> To:> From:> Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2008 10:20:55 -0700> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Luz Montejano's Book> > > You can also purcahse Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara from Borderlands Books (George Farias' online bookstore)> >> > Item 1042> > It costs $160 but is worth every penny.> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- > Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List> > To post, send email to:> research(at)> > To change your subscription, log on to:>