
Puesto, as a place, post, or small town, makes it all clear to me. That
would be why it is used interchangeably.
I can imagine these enormous haciendas having their own outpost, like the
trading posts of the Old West with supplies and such and where families of
the hacienda workers lived, even having their own little chapel. That could
eventually become a town and the scattered places on the hacienda, where
clusters of families lived, could become ranchos when the hacienda was
divided up over time. Well, I don't know how it really was, but I imagine
this could be so.
Well, thank-you, for the help.

Corrine Ardoin
Santa Maria, California

you are talking of the port, not the posts, port sites were established a group of soldiers, to avoid the last of the Indians, it is usually a high place, you can see the two sides or a plateau that distinguishes the distance, in jerez zacatecas for example, the port of Nava, of Rodarte

usted esta ablando de los puerto, no de los puestos, puerto eran lugares donde se establecia un grupo de soldados, para evitar la pasada de los indios, por lo general es un lugar alto, que se pueda ver para los dos lados o tambien una planicie que se distinga a la lejania, , en jerez zacatecas por ejemplo, existen el puerto de los nava, de los rodarte

hELLO Corrine, you're absolutely right! Each hacienda had several ranchos or puestos basically like you said small communities like the old West, on my family's hacienda, La Luz, my family only owned it from 1850-1918 before that it was more to the Aguascaliente, but borders change due to inheirtance and government and such, their was a contrevarsy with our hacienda since it is on the border line between
Aguas and Zacas. They eventually had to split in half which today the western portion on zac is known la hacienda vieja "or old part" and aguas the newer city. There are about 9 communities on the hacienda, we lost it to the governament in 1918 in the revolution that is why we emmigrated to the US we wer left broke with onlyenough for private school ("ggm Sara Camino"). Each hacienda was like its only city, post office, many building, churches, schools, parks and other things! Everyone pictures an hacienda as a rancho type, but its like a city really, usually somewhere seculed or atop the "loma" is the main house where my family lived. "La Casa de la familia haciendal"
-Daniel Mendez del Camino
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In reply to by mendezdetorres

Well, thanks again. I guess my imagination about the function of a puesto
was not so imaginary after all!
Thanks everyone,
Corrine Ardoin
Santa Maria, California