Visiting Salt Lake City Spring of 2009

Thanks Maureen,

Just thought it would be nice to meet up with some Ranchos members but it will be tough to get it to coincide with everyone's busy schedules. I just know that I want to go sometime in the spring and who knows, it may end up being a spur of the moment two or three day trip for me.

Thanks for your reply

From: Maureen Bejar
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 6:00:27 AM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City Spring of 2009

Dear Alicia and Rick:
    You know I would love to meet with you, but the only reason I am making the trip is because my husband has a meeting in Reno, Nevada in June.  Since we are in the area, we were going to plan on renting a car and driving to Salt Lake for a week to do some research.  Sort of killing two birds with one stone.  My date in June is not set yet.  Now if for some reason the June date is canceled, I may still plan a trip out west to visit my sister for a while and then head up to Salt Lake.  My schedule would be quite a bit more flexible.  I will keep you two posted.  Thank you for the offer.
