
Hello my name is Maria and I am new to the program.

I have a question. I am searching for my great great grand parent from which I think they were born in Matansas Jalisco which they would be registered in Ojuelos De Jalsico. I think my great great grandparents were born around 1888 their names are as follow.

Jose Refugio Cortez –married to Alejandra Hernandez--------- Son was Antonio Cortez Hernandez born in 1909 who is my grandfather

Lorenzo Alvarado---married to Francisca Ortiz ----------- Daughter was Ma Manuela Alvarado Ortiz which was my grandmother

If any names sound familiar....please let me know. Also I have reasearch the Ojuelos films and the earliest films are from 1879 wondering if there are any from 1888 to current.
