Any ideas on how to access church records that aren't posted on
familysearch? I need matrimonial records for Cuquio, Jalisco that predate
1741, which is the earliest posted. I emailed the archdiocese and they
referred me back to Cuquio. There are baptisms posted prior to 1741.
I believe my ancestors, Diego Ruiz and Catarina Perez, were married there
in the early 1730s. I have found them listed as padrinos there in 1736 and
several children born there, starting in 1737. Unfortunately, so far, no
grandparents nor origens are noted. There are not a lot of Ruizes at this
period, so I don't think there is much of an extended family based there
(there are lots later on), so I'm guessing that within a generation back
they will elsewhere. Diego died between Dec 1785 and Dec 1789. Catarina
died after Dec 1789. Their children I've found so far are: Maria Luisa,
24 Aug 1737, Joseph Anastacio c1739, Joseph Joachin Maria and Joseph Miguel
Maria, 23 Nov 1745, Manuela 1749, Maria de la Candelaria, 24 Jul 1760, and
Any ideas or leads would be much appreciated.
Maria, Thank you so much for pointing out my oversight! I had assumed I was
looking at listings for matrimonial records. But please educate me about
how to use batch numbers to find records. I have not been successful in
locating any extracted marriage records for this event the usual way, via
familysearch or familysearchlab. But I will be requesting the film anyway,
as I like to search through for other family marriages. Again, thanks!
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If you are looking for a marriage record in Cuquio pre 1741 then, I believe
you'll find it in FHL INTL Film 617581 which covers Matrimonios
1711-1742,1744-1762. There are no Información Matrimonial records prior to
1741 as you stated, but those are not the records of the actual marriage.
Informacion Matrimonial contains the interview by the priest of the bride
and groom to be. The marriage event would be documented in the Matrimonios
film. Film 617581 has been extracted and you'll find most of the marriages
on the IGI. They are on batch #M604673. I hope this information will help
Maria Cortez
Sacramento, CA
> From: Raquel Ruiz
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Cuquio Records
> To:
> Message-ID:
> <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> I seem to have poorly communicated my problem. I mean that matrimonial
> films don't seem to exist for that period, not that they are not catalogued
> or posted.
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I agree with María, just because marriage records lack in an area if they have información matrimonial much earlier they can be treated as a marriage to some extent at least for information wise. -Daniel Camino
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>From what Ive asked family search is planning to release bit by bit on the pilot site before the final 2012 completion to the new website (the pilot will be taken off when the new FS comes out). Aguascalientes was the first actual image because it is smaller in records which I disagree its huge 400 something films but anyway. Most likely they'll release some Jalisco films soon. The church has been copying for the pilot website 3 years now. -Daniel> Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 10:12:36 -0500> From:> To:> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Cuquio Records> > Any ideas on how to access church records that aren't posted on> familysearch? I need matrimonial records for Cuquio, Jalisco that predate> 1741, which is the earliest posted. I emailed the archdiocese and they> referred me back to Cuquio. There are baptisms posted prior to 1741.> > I believe my ancestors, Diego Ruiz and Catarina Perez, were married there> in the early 1730s. I have
found them listed as padrinos there in 1736 and> several children born there, starting in 1737. Unfortunately, so far, no> grandparents nor origens are noted. There are not a lot of Ruizes at this> period, so I don't think there is much of an extended family based there> (there are lots later on), so I'm guessing that within a generation back> they will elsewhere. Diego died between Dec 1785 and Dec 1789. Catarina> died after Dec 1789. Their children I've found so far are: Maria Luisa,> 24 Aug 1737, Joseph Anastacio c1739, Joseph Joachin Maria and Joseph Miguel> Maria, 23 Nov 1745, Manuela 1749, Maria de la Candelaria, 24 Jul 1760, and> Manuel.> > Any ideas or leads would be much appreciated.> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --> Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List> > To post, send email to:> research(at)> > To change your subscription, log on to:>
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I seem to have poorly communicated my problem. I mean that matrimonial
films don't seem to exist for that period, not that they are not catalogued
or posted. I can't call for films that don't exist. According to the
archdiocese, the marriage would have occurred in the parish of San Felipe in
Cuquio. I have seen a posting for a marriage pre1741 for Cuquio on, but the submission is an old one and thir email is no
longer functioning. But thanks for responding.
On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 3:35 PM, Daniel M�ndez del Camino <> wrote:
> >From what Ive asked family search is planning to release bit by bit on the
> pilot site before the final 2012 completion to the new website (the pilot
> will be taken off when the new FS comes out). Aguascalientes was the first
> actual image because it is smaller in records which I disagree its huge 400
> something films but anyway. Most likely they'll release some Jalisco films
> soon. The church has been copying for the pilot website 3 years now.
> -Daniel> Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 10:12:36 -0500> From:
>> To:> Subject:
> [Nuestros Ranchos] Cuquio Records> > Any ideas on how to access church
> records that aren't posted on> familysearch? I need matrimonial records for
> Cuquio, Jalisco that predate> 1741, which is the earliest posted. I emailed
> the archdiocese and they> referred me back to Cuquio. There are baptisms
> posted prior to 1741.> > I believe my ancestors, Diego Ruiz and Catarina
> Perez, were married there> in the early 1730s. I have
> found them listed as padrinos there in 1736 and> several children born
> there, starting in 1737. Unfortunately, so far, no> grandparents nor origens
> are noted. There are not a lot of Ruizes at this> period, so I don't think
> there is much of an extended family based there> (there are lots later on),
> so I'm guessing that within a generation back> they will elsewhere. Diego
> died between Dec 1785 and Dec 1789. Catarina> died after Dec 1789. Their
> children I've found so far are: Maria Luisa,> 24 Aug 1737, Joseph Anastacio
> c1739, Joseph Joachin Maria and Joseph Miguel> Maria, 23 Nov 1745, Manuela
> 1749, Maria de la Candelaria, 24 Jul 1760, and> Manuel.> > Any ideas or
> leads would be much appreciated.> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -->
> Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List> > To post, send email to:>
> research(at)> > To change your subscription, log on to:>
> _________________________________________________________________
> Windows Live Hotmail now works up to 70% faster.
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Again, I advise you to look in surrounding municipios for records prior to 1741, they probably had to travel some distance to get married.
San Jose, Ca
From: Raquel Ruiz
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 3:13:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Cuquio Records
I seem to have poorly communicated my problem. I mean that matrimonial
films don't seem to exist for that period, not that they are not catalogued
or posted. I can't call for films that don't exist. According to the
archdiocese, the marriage would have occurred in the parish of San Felipe in
Cuquio. I have seen a posting for a marriage pre1741 for Cuquio on, but the submission is an old one and thir email is no
longer functioning. But thanks for responding.
On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 3:35 PM, Daniel M�ndez del Camino <> wrote:
> >From what Ive asked family search is planning to release bit by bit on the
> pilot site before the final 2012 completion to the new website (the pilot
> will be taken off when the new FS comes out). Aguascalientes was the first
> actual image because it is smaller in records which I disagree its huge 400
> something films but anyway. Most likely they'll release some Jalisco films
> soon. The church has been copying for the pilot website 3 years now.
> -Daniel> Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 10:12:36 -0500> From:
>> To:> Subject:
> [Nuestros Ranchos] Cuquio Records> > Any ideas on how to access church
> records that aren't posted on> familysearch? I need matrimonial records for
> Cuquio, Jalisco that predate> 1741, which is the earliest posted. I emailed
> the archdiocese and they> referred me back to Cuquio. There are baptisms
> posted prior to 1741.> > I believe my ancestors, Diego Ruiz and Catarina
> Perez, were married there> in the early 1730s. I have
> found them listed as padrinos there in 1736 and> several children born
> there, starting in 1737. Unfortunately, so far, no> grandparents nor origens
> are noted. There are not a lot of Ruizes at this> period, so I don't think
> there is much of an extended family based there> (there are lots later on),
> so I'm guessing that within a generation back> they will elsewhere. Diego
> died between Dec 1785 and Dec 1789. Catarina> died after Dec 1789. Their
> children I've found so far are: Maria Luisa,> 24 Aug 1737, Joseph Anastacio
> c1739, Joseph Joachin Maria and Joseph Miguel> Maria, 23 Nov 1745, Manuela
> 1749, Maria de la Candelaria, 24 Jul 1760, and> Manuel.> > Any ideas or
> leads would be much appreciated.> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -->
> Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List> > To post, send email to:>
> research(at)> > To change your subscription, log on to:>
> _________________________________________________________________
> Windows Live Hotmail now works up to 70% faster.
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Cuquio Records