Source for Ornelas For those interested

So far my new lost cosuin Stevan and I are researching the Ornelas with detail and trying to find documents proving Alvaro from Lagos de Moreno came from Madeira Islands. I got this from rootsweb. but the link to the actual source appears broken. I will upload the will of Alvaro I later in the week I am busy today!
I think thats where it specifically states them being of La Casa Real de Joao I.

Registao says the family is descended from the king
In the short time of twenty six years after the beginning of Madeira, Port
ugal's colonization, the islanders got themselves involved in the compl
ex dispute for the Canary islands, servicing the master, the Infant Henr
y. Such conditions defined the Madeiran presence in this slave market, eme
rging, in the first half of the fifteenth century, some incursions which r
esulted in the imprisonment of slaves. Of these. three are referred as hav
ing left from Madeira, Portugal (1425, 1427, 1434). Later, with the expedi
tion to the African coast in 1445, the Madeiran Alvaro de Ornelas went o
ff course to the island of La Palma where he took some indigenous to bri
ng to Madeira, Portugal. In the numerous trips organized by the Portugue
se between 1424 and 1446, slaves come, that are later sold in Madeira, Por
tugal or in Lagos
It is said that its first “discoverer” was Jos d' Utra, capitão donatár
io (commander of the province) of Faial, who was also capitão donatár
io of Pico. However, the first capitão donatário of Pico Island was Álva
ro de Ornelas from Madeira, Portugal Island, the son of Lopo Esteves de Do
rnelas and Maria de Ayala e Vasconcelos, relatives of Diogo de Silves, 1
st Count of Portalegre
Grande numero de fazendas de importancia houve o Canico, sobressain
do a de Alvaro de Ornelas. da casa do Infante D. Henrique e navegadoe, q
ue teve em 1465 sesmaria desde a Ponta do garajau are a Ribeira, Seu filh
o, Alvaro de Ornelas Savedra, instituiu com sua segunda mulher Branca Fern
andes de Abreu, o grande morgado chamado Canico, por testamento de mao-com
um, em 1495.

Heres the rootsweb source:…

I have a Alvaro Ornelas as being the son of his first wife Constanca de Mendoza de Vasconcellos and not from his second wife Branca Fernandez de Abreu.

I also have a wife for this Alvaro Ornelas. Do you have any new information on Alvaro Ornelas?




It is so helpful to see such a comprehensive trail of where the family came and went along with why they went where they did. I just recently found a connection to the Ornelas as I am directly related on my maternal grandmother's side to the Diaz de Sandi line below who married into the Ornelas Villasenor line.

Juana Díaz de Sandi y Tejeda[1] de los Monteros. Contrajo matrimonio con Francisco Tello de Lomas. abt. 1680

Miguel Díaz Montañez[2] fue hijo de Diego Montañez y de Jacinta Carrillo de Sandi.

Caso con María Tejeda de los Monteros, abt. 1650 hija legítima de Nicolás Tejeda de los Monteros y de Galavíz y de María de Ornelas Villaseñor.

Does the Ornelas Villasenor line tie into any Ornelas line that you have?


Does anyone know if the Villasenor line here ties into the Villasenor or Villasenor y Jazo lines in Zapotlan el Grande/Ciudad Gusman, or Tamazula, Jalisco Mexico?  My earliest record for a Villasenor line has them in Angamacutiro De La Union,Michoacan, Pedro Villasenor Orosco and wife Maria Jazo who had a son, Felix Gerardo Villasenor y Jaso living in Tamazula Jalisco by 1725 with his wife Leonor Munguia.  I have not been able to find where the Munguia family came from before arriving in the 1600's in Tamazula.
Is anyone working these lines?
Linda in Everett

--- On Fri, 3/27/09, miri12 wrote:

From: miri12
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] ornelas and villasenor?
Date: Friday, March 27, 2009, 8:31 AM


It is so helpful to see such a comprehensive trail of where the family came and
went along with why they went where they did. I just recently found a connection
to the Ornelas as I am directly related on my maternal grandmother's side to
the Diaz de Sandi line below who married into the Ornelas Villasenor line.

Juana Díaz de Sandi y Tejeda[1] de los Monteros. Contrajo matrimonio con
Francisco Tello de Lomas. abt. 1680
Miguel Díaz Montañez[2] fue hijo de Diego Montañez y de Jacinta
Carrillo de Sandi.
Caso con María Tejeda de los Monteros, abt. 1650 hija legítima de Nicolás
Tejeda de los Monteros y de Galavíz y de María de Ornelas Villaseñor.
Does the Ornelas Villasenor line tie into any Ornelas line that you have?


I've been busily downloading images from

Does anyone know how to bypass the adobe flash player and find the
image files directly? If I could do this I could automate the process
and reduce a several-month project to a few days.

On other sites I've been able to right-click and look at properties
and figure out the image filename and address. But I can't figure out
how to do that with this website.
Best regards,

Where and how do you download images? Can everyone go to pilot and download images?
----- Original Message -----
From: Stuart Armstrong
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 6:19 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] pilotfamilysearch images

I've been busily downloading images from

Does anyone know how to bypass the adobe flash player and find the
image files directly? If I could do this I could automate the process
and reduce a several-month project to a few days.

On other sites I've been able to right-click and look at properties
and figure out the image filename and address. But I can't figure out
how to do that with this website.
Best regards,

Yes Miggi, anyone can have access to the images. Simply go to Pilot, click where it reads Canada, USA, Mexico. A list of places by country will appear. At the bottom you will find Mexico, and the sites available to: Browse unindexed images. Click there, and you will get the names of the parishes. Once you choose a parish, you will have a list of records by type (e.g., baptismos) and a year range. Click, and it will open the image of the book, begining with the book's cover. You can then move to the pages of interest. For marriages, confirmations and baptisms, most images appear for most part in chronological order. However, Informacion Matrimoniales are not in order, and finding the one you want may take hours.

Regarding Stuart's question about bypassing Adobe. I do not have that issue. It must be something related to the preferences of your browser. In my Mac I use Camino, and in my PC, I use Mozilla FireFox. In both, the images load rather rapidly without invoking an external browser.



Jaime and Miggi,

The pilot home page is

> Regarding Stuart's question about bypassing Adobe. I do not have
> that issue. It must be something related to the preferences of your
> browser. In my Mac I use Camino, and in my PC, I use Mozilla
> FireFox. In both, the images load rather rapidly without invoking an external browser.

Oh, they load fast enough. When I first went to the website I got this
message: "Record Search requires Flash Player to run. Click the "Install Flash Player" link below to install the latest version.
Follow the instructions. When you are done come back and try again.
Install Flash Player"

After installing the required version of Adobe Flash Player (which was
very quick) I never got the message again, except that for each
session it takes a few seconds for the add-on to load. Flash Player is
integrated with the browser so that it appears to be just part of the
website. It requires the browser be set to allow Active-X controls and
plugins and scripts to run, but other than that it is transparent.

But each image must be loaded manually, that is by clicking on the
appropriate button the way you normally do. I have a utility called
NeoDownload, which can search an entire website and download all the
images while you sleep. But to do that, you must be able to give the
exact web address for each image, and you do so by specifying the
ranges. For example, for the "Diccionario Geográfico, Histórico y
Biográfico de los Estados Unidos Mexicano" the address ranges are[1-468].jpg[1-502].jpg[1-408].jpg[1-480].jpg[1-567].jpg

(Those addresses above are not clickable because they are ranges;
but, for example

will take you directly to the first image, showing only the image and
not the rest of the page)

That downloaded the entire 2425-page dictionary in one session
un-attended, including some images which are normally "hidden". I
figured out the addresses by right-clicking on several images and
looking at properties until I could understand the filename pattern.

I can't do that with pilot.familysearch because right-clicking doesn't
disclose the image address like it does with most websites. If I could
just figure out the image addresses, I could batch-download a group of
collections over-night, assuming they aren't blocked. I'm hoping
someone who understands the internet better than I do can figure out
the image addresses at pilot.familysearch.

Incidentally, I suspect pilot chose Aguascalientes to put online
first, not necessarily because of alphabetical order but because it is
a small state but is more complete than most areas of Mexico and it
just makes a natural starting point for a big project. I would be
tickled pink if Jalisco and Zacatecas were next. These images are
changing the way I do research forever. I have written twice to family thanking them for putting the images online. Forget the
indexes - as useful as they are, I prefer to see the original. Indexes
can be annoyingly inaccurate.

Now if I could just batch-edit some of those faint images to give them
more contrast ... yes, yes, I know it can be done - I just have to
fiddle with it awhile to find a combination that works across a large
group of images without losing anything.
Best regards,

Hi Linda I am working the Villasenor Jazo lines, Pedro Villasenor Orozco is my 9th Great Grandfather. Are you related to the Villasenor Jazo family ??

Rafael Meraz

Hi Mr. Meraz. I have Jazo surnames lines in my genealogy, in the State of
Durango. Es posible que exista paentesco?

Gracias. Have a great day!


> Hi Linda I am working the Villasenor Jazo lines, Pedro Villasenor Orozco is
> my 9th Great Grandfather. Are you related to the Villasenor Jazo family ??
> Rafael Meraz

Hi Mr. Valles I don't think were related because my Jazo lines are in Jalisco and Michoacan.

Rafael Meraz

Thank you very much for answering. Maybe later I'll find a mutualrelative
Jazo. Have a great day.
D.I. Valles


> Hi Mr. Valles I don't think were related because my Jazo lines are in
> Jalisco and Michoacan.
> Rafael Meraz

Hello, not directly, one of my Rolon siblings married into the Villansenor Jazo
family.  They are hard to trace, some went Villansenor and some went Jazzo!

I did post everything I have on but have not worked on this line in
a couple of years.
good luck in your search
Linda Castanon-Long

From: ""
Sent: Sat, March 12, 2011 6:33:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] ornelas and villasenor?

Hi Linda I am working the Villasenor Jazo lines, Pedro Villasenor Orozco is my
9th Great Grandfather. Are you related to the Villasenor Jazo family ??

Rafael Meraz

Hi guys,

Maybe you have already tried this but the name youre looking into is spelled Jasso . Like many other names the priest that wrote the name did it the way it sounded to him at the time . Try looking for the name Jasso in your searches.


> Hello, not directly, one of my Rolon siblings married into the Villansenor Jazo
> family. They are hard to trace, some went Villansenor and some went Jazzo!
> I did post everything I have on but have not worked on this line in
> a couple of years.
> good luck in your search
> Linda Castanon-Long
> Hi Linda I am working the Villasenor Jazo lines, Pedro Villasenor Orozco is my
> 9th Great Grandfather. Are you related to the Villasenor Jazo family ??
> Rafael Meraz

Linda thanks for helping me !! You have a lot of information on my ancestors. I am waiting for Family Search to add Tamazula Jalisco images online before I start searching again. Do you have any idea when Family Search plans to add more images of Jalisco records online ??

Rafael Meraz

Rafael, glad I could be of help.  Daniel may have more information on when
Tamazula and Ciudad Guzman, Jalisco will be online on the pilot program. Daniel
and I share the Mendez line.  Like you I will be very happy to see it to
complete my records.  Until then I continue to work on my Zacatecas lines.

From: ""
Sent: Sun, March 13, 2011 6:48:11 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Villasenor Jazo

Linda thanks for helping me !! You have a lot of information on my ancestors. I
am waiting for Family Search to add Tamazula Jalisco images online before I
start searching again. Do you have any idea when Family Search plans to add more
images of Jalisco records online ??

Rafael Meraz

Good to know hopefully I we could share a line with Daniel and be related. Do
you know anybody else from Nuestros Ranchos
that is has family in Tamazula Jalisco or surrouding towns ??

Rafael Meraz


From: Erlinda Castanon-Long
Sent: Mon, March 14, 2011 8:33:02 AM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Villasenor Jazo

Rafael, glad I could be of help.  Daniel may have more information on when
Tamazula and Ciudad Guzman, Jalisco will be online on the pilot program. Daniel
and I share the Mendez line.  Like you I will be very happy to see it to
complete my records.  Until then I continue to work on my Zacatecas lines.

From: ""
Sent: Sun, March 13, 2011 6:48:11 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Villasenor Jazo

Linda thanks for helping me !! You have a lot of information on my ancestors. I
am waiting for Family Search to add Tamazula Jalisco images online before I
start searching again. Do you have any idea when Family Search plans to add more

images of Jalisco records online ??

Rafael Meraz


I too have a ties to Tamazula, Ciudad Guzman and other surrounding towns.
I've hit a roadblock with the Ciudad Guzman records - they are just not very
informative in the time period I'm currently looking at. I'm hoping that the
"informaciones matrimoniales" will be more helpful; so, like you, I'm
anxious for those films to be released on the website.



I am researching the towns of Tamazula and Tecalitlan JAL. The surnames that I
am researching in those areas are Jimenez, Olivera, Garibay, Jazo, Ramos, Mora,
Barron and Adame.

Rafael Meraz

From: Angelina Markle
Sent: Tue, March 15, 2011 7:01:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Villasenor Jazo


I too have a ties to Tamazula, Ciudad Guzman and other surrounding towns. I've
hit a roadblock with the Ciudad Guzman records - they are just not very
informative in the time period I'm currently looking at. I'm hoping that the
"informaciones matrimoniales" will be more helpful; so, like you, I'm anxious
for those films to be released on the website.



Unfortunately, we don't have any of those surnames in common. However, I
will watch for them.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rafael Meraz
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Villasenor Jazo


I am researching the towns of Tamazula and Tecalitlan JAL. The surnames that
am researching in those areas are Jimenez, Olivera, Garibay, Jazo, Ramos,
Barron and Adame.

Rafael Meraz

Jaime Obregon Mimbela. que tal , me pongo a sus ordenes desde aguascalientes ,desconosco la ascendecia de maria micaela de urbina villaseñor y jasso , esposa de ildelfonso obregon aguilar y ventosillo y busto,..encontre el matrimonio de catalina villaseñor delgadillo ( hija de pedro villaseñor ) con pedro de urbina y zaldivar , no se si tenga relacion , mucho agradeceria si me ilustran en este tema . feliz dia ..