Okay folks. Sorry about the sloppy uploads. Joseph was kind enough to show me how exactly to upload my files to my folder only. I also took this opportunity to put together the rest of my great grandmothers pedigree trees. Please look through them and see if we can make a connection.
GALARZA LOPEZ Ma de Jesus.pdf
GARCIA DE LEON Ma Macedonia.pdf
PEDROZA ROMO Timotea Pedgree.pdf
ALBA CUEVA Elena.pdf
MOCTEZUMA Petrolina Pedigree.pdf
I have other loose trees in my database that I will also be posting soon. They include my surname along with other surnames that appear above. I have not been able to connect to them but hopefully they might help someone else.
ESPANOL: Favor de bajar y revicar estos archivos para ver si podemos acer una conexcion de familia. Tambien tengo otros troncos familiares sueltos con mi apellido y con diferentes apellidos que no e podido conectar a mi tronco familiar. Espero que esta informacion le pueda servir a alguien mas.
You skipped one generation. Juan Marin de la penalosa married to ana Herrera are the parents of our Melchor marin de la penalosa that is married to Lucrecia Ocampo (Perez)-[half brother surnamed perez and father seems to be surnamed perez have not continued this line of research though I have the data to follow up on it, lack of time] This Juan Marin de la penalosa is the son of Juan Marin de la Penalosa and Cathalina Arenas. I don't have my notes in front of me but i have a little more info.
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Rick, I don't have any family connections with you or the Altos group except for Daniel who is my cousin through his Mendez side.
You are a wealth of information and share so openly and freely that I just wanted to thank you since I enjoy reading the posts and seeing others find ancestors because of you! I don't always understand since I don't see the questions that you answer but I still pay attention..
just wanted to thank you
Linda Castanon-Long in Everett
--- On Fri, 2/20/09, R.A.Ricci
From: R.A.Ricci
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Marin de la Pena losa
To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
Date: Friday, February 20, 2009, 8:56 AM
You skipped one generation. Juan Marin de la penalosa married to ana Herrera
are the parents of our Melchor marin de la penalosa that is married to Lucrecia
Ocampo (Perez)-[half brother surnamed perez and father seems to be surnamed
perez have not continued this line of research though I have the data to follow
up on it, lack of time] This Juan Marin de la penalosa is the son of Juan Marin
de la Penalosa and Cathalina Arenas. I don't have my notes in front of me
but i have a little more info.
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Thank you for your comments. I will try to provide the questions that I am answering in the future. What happened in the last post is that they had skipped on generation because the father and son had the same name. They had no record of the son Juan Marin de la Pena Losa married to Ana Herrera and had mistakenly referred to the grandparents as the parents
I have many possible books in my notes, my research , and in my head but I doubt that I will ever write them all. I may as well share my information in this way.
I will write a family book soon that would probably be more of an interest to cousins more closely related to me, I guess to 5 th cousins since a lot of the information is focused on the nearer relatives. I will include my relationship to Saint Toribio Romo and to Juan Franco the great teacher of the ranchos between san miguel el alto, valle de gpe and Jalos. and my grandfather Hermeregildo Romo whom many people consider a saint (He was toribio's 3rd cousin.
I am also working on a book on thefernandez/rodrigez de hihar connection to los altos and southern california. this book was also supposed to be a more limeted interest book but it has expanded because of the wealth of material that I have that is not in many other books so cousins from farther away, like the nuestros ranchos community will probably be interested in it. It will include lines of descent that aren't often recorded in other people's work like the 5 moorish lines from europe and north africa to los altos de jaliscos. There is a 6th line i just remembered but this line is more recent to los altos in the 1700's. People tended to erase moor lines of descendency so that they could claim to be what we call "white"
A third book is going to take a little longer becase i need to learn Italian to understand the material that I have. It has not been translated and not seen the light of day until recently. This book will be on the lomellini family and I will not answer questions on this book because it is stored in the back of my brain and in notes. I keep getting emails for info on the lomellini but I will only answer questions on the descendents of luis and carlos Lomelini and not their parents or ancestors until I have learned a little italian.
The reason you see these posts without the questions is that people email at me email address instead of posting through this site but I have tried to address the concerns here so that I may clarify the previous posts for anyone else reading.
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My notes have him as Carlos' brother. He is also the ancestor of one of miguel Hidalgos lines. Miguel Hidalgo Costilla descends from both brothers. The Lomelin's from Puebla and Mexico City descend from Luis. Back then the records show lomelin. Before that it is Lomellini or lomelini. It wasn't until later that people started dropping the n. In Portugal the lomelin line added an o to make Lomelino. And the stories are true about one branch leaving Genoa , going to Spain and cornering the slave trade there. There rest of the family was into more legitimate businesses.
There is a famous book that uses the Lomelini as the main characters in the book. I have own a copy of the book but I lent it to my niece and she hasn't returned it yet. I have not read it because she was visiting when it arrived and immediately asked to borrow it.
From: research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org on behalf of Daniel M?ndez del Camino
Sent: Fri 2/20/2009 11:46 PM
To: Patty Hoyos
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Thank You
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I need to check my notes but I believe that I may have information on you C arenas Marin de la pena losa. She is may ancestor. I believe i have her parents and grandparents. My wife is calling so i can't look it up for you right now. I also have dates and locations. Tell me what the c stands for.
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Juan marin and Elbira Juarez de Penalosa are the parents of another Juan Marin who married 9/Jan/1583 in Mexico City to Cathalina Arenas the daughter of Juan Gonzalez and Luisa De la Cuevas.
Juan Marin and Cathalina Arenas were the parents of at least 2 children:
Juan Marin De la Pena losa and Catharina (Cathalina) Marin de la Penalosa
Catharina de la penalosa married Joseph de Alba Retamosa, son of Alonso De Alba and Leonor de Retamosa
Leonor de Retamosa was the daughter of Nicolas Macias Valadez and, her namesake Leonor Reramosa.
Joseph de alba and catharina Marin de la penalosa Arenas (she sometimes reversed the surnames) were the parents of at least 2 siblings, Cristobal de alba y arenas and Ildefonso (Alonso) De Alba
You already have Cristobal's info. Ildefonso married jacinta juana Jimenez on the 17/may/1653 in Aguascalientes source299421. I have not had a chance to pull it up yet. if you do can you please let me know what it says.
Ildefonso and jacinta Juana are the parents of Juan antonio de alva who married Maria Valdivia daughter of Manuel alderete Valdivia and Maria de la mora (Zamora) Ihave this line if you need it
Juan antonio and maria valdivia were the parents of Teresa De Alba who married her distant cousin Manuel Marin de la pena losa, son of Nicolas Marin de la pena losa and Teresa de Chavez
Nicolas was the son of Melchor Marin de la pena losa and Lucrecia Ocampo (Perez) (Lucrecia has a half brother, same father with the last name Perez- I will follow up on this lead later to get her parents.)
Melchor was the son of Juan Marin de la pena losa and ana herrera.
Juan Marin de la Pena losa is the brother of Catharina Marin de la Pena Losa and son Of Juan Marin de la pena losa and Cathalina Arenas
Manuel and teresa were the parents Maria Joseph Potenciana Marin de la pena losa arenas (she is mistakenly referred to Martin in one record- she went a wide variety of last names)
Ma.Jpha Potenciana married Jose Manuel Cardenas son of Juan Marcos Cardenas y Mendoza and Gertudis Esquibias ( I have the ancestry worked out, it is extensive and is part of the book that I am writing on the rodriguez de hijar family
Jose Manuel Cardenas and Josefa were the parents of Maria Thomaza Cardenas Arenas Marin de La Pena Losa who married Jose Antonio Franco Casillas, son of Carlos Juan Antonio Franco de paredes and Ma. Magdalena de santa rita Cassilas y Cabrera (y de la torre)
They had many children who are my ancestors over and over again.
I am sorry i did not provide more dates and locations, as time permits I will learn to upload my data to my file folder.
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Juan Marín de Peñaloza y Catalina de Arenas también tuvieron una hija llamada Elvira de Arenas, quien casó en Guadalajara con Martín Casillas y Cabrera el 03 de enero de 1607. Martín es hijo del Alarife Martín Casillas y su mujer Mencia González de Cabrera.
Creo que debe haber un error en la información que nos proporcionas de acuerdo a fechas ya que Manuel de Aldrete y María de la Mora y Mendoza casaron el 02 de febrero de 1698, por tanto su hija María debió nacer después de esta fecha. Y Teresa de Alba (hija de María Valdivia y Juan Antonio de Alba) casó con Manuel Marín de Peñaloza el 22 de septiembre de 1718. El rango de años que hay entre abuela y nieta es muy poca y no puede ser así. Por ahí debe haber un error.
Jorge Luis Ramírez Gómez.
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hay que investigar este asunto . yo me base en acta de dispensa de matrimonio
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De donde sacaste la fecha de matrimonio de 22/sep/1718, donde se casaron y que es el numero del rollo para investigar. yo no he visto esta acta
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Maria josepha marin de la pena losa arenas se caso en 23/sep/1768 en Guadalajara, Jalisco y tuvo hijos. no creo que sus padres se casaron en 1718.
Maria Thomaza Cardenas y Mendoza y Marin se bautizo el 25/sep/1771 en Guadalajara
la distancia es muy grande de 1718 a 1771 par estas circunstancias puede ser pero no probable. Por eso creo que la fecha de 1718 no esta bien. R.A.Ricci
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Hola Jorge,
revise tu familia, yo tambien desciendo de jose domingo padilla y Perez de Paredes y maria juliana cobarubias Gonzalez Rubio. Tambien desciendo de Salvador Ygnacio Ramirez de Hermosillo y Gutierrez de Laris Y Josefa martin del Campo y Perez de Paredes
Me podrias decir se tienes informacion sobre Josef Antonio Cobarubias casado con Ynes Gpe Gomez el 30 de marzo 1750 en Guad El es el abuelo paterno de Juliana
Tambien quiero juntar toda la informacion de los descendietes de Salvador Ramirez y Josefa Martin. Muchas de las familias Vallalupenses y familias de Pegueros que se venieron a California descienden de esta pareja.
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Yo tengo apuntado 8 hijos en mis notas para Ygnacio salvador Ramirez y Josefa martin del Campo. Tengo infomacion matrimonial de mas de la mitad. quiero juntar la infomacion de todos los descendietes de esta pareja.
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I also have Melchor Marín de Peñaloza as son of Juan and Catalina de Arenas. This Melchor was spouse of Lucrecia ???? and had Nicolás M. d. Pñz. who was baptized 3 sep 1648 in Aguas who had Manuel M. d. Pñz baptized 14 sep 1687 in Teocaltiche who married Teresa de Alba (oviously a distant cousin) who had Antonio M. de Pñz who married Teresa Gert. Anda Altamirano there marriage took place in 20 oct 1750 in Jalos. This is as far as I have gotten down on this line. Hope this helps. I got all of this on familysearch, for Melchor there isnt a film number just apprx. dates. Not really helpful but it works for me.
-Daniel Camino
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You skipped one generation. Juan Marin de la penalosa married to ana Herrera are the parents of our Melchor marin de la penalosa that is married to Lucrecia Ocampo (Perez)-[half brother surnamed perez and father seems to be surnamed perez have not continued this line of research though I have the data to follow up on it, lack of time] This Juan Marin de la penalosa is the son of Juan Marin de la Penalosa and Cathalina Arenas. I don't have my notes in front of me but i have a little more info.
From: research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org on behalf of Daniel M?ndez del Camino
Sent: Thu 2/19/2009 11:34 PM
To: Patty Hoyos
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Marin de la Pena losa
I also have Melchor Marín de Peñaloza as son of Juan and Catalina de Arenas. This Melchor was spouse of Lucrecia ???? and had Nicolás M. d. Pñz. who was baptized 3 sep 1648 in Aguas who had Manuel M. d. Pñz baptized 14 sep 1687 in Teocaltiche who married Teresa de Alba (oviously a distant cousin) who had Antonio M. de Pñz who married Teresa Gert. Anda Altamirano there marriage took place in 20 oct 1750 in Jalos. This is as far as I have gotten down on this line. Hope this helps. I got all of this on familysearch, for Melchor there isnt a film number just apprx. dates. Not really helpful but it works for me.
-Daniel Camino
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Marin de la Pena losa