Christobal de Medina and Maria de Avila

Christobal de Medina married Maria de Avila (Abila) on May 2 1666 in Aguascalientes. In their marriage record their parents are not listed, and unfortunately the images of Marriage Licenses (Informacion Matrimonial) in the LDS Pilot site begin that year, but two months latter. So, I've hit a road block. However, there is some additional information that may help.
They had a daughter Beatriz de Medina de Avila b. 16 April 1687 married on March 11 1709 to Joseph de Reyes her cousin in 3rd degree, son of Antonio de los Reyes and Isabel de Esparza. The 'informacion matrimonial' refers to their relationship, they receive a 'dispensa' but no more details of how they are related. I've also in a road block with the Reyes-Esparza marriage, as I am unable to locate their marriage record.
There is also a Bernabe Medina, son of Christobal Medina and Maria Avila, who married Maria Theresa Romo Vibar on 12 April 1722 in Asientos, Aguascalientes.
Maybe someone in the group is related to these families and has additional information that will be greatly appreciated.

Jaime Alvarado

Christobal de Medina se caso con Maria de Avila (Abila) en Mayo 2 de 1666 en Aguascalientes. En su acta matrimonial no hay informacion de los padres y desgraciadamente las imagenes de informacion matrimonial en el portal Pilot de LDS no cominenzan sino hasta dos meses despues. Estoy atorado. Sin embargo, tengo informacion adicional que puede servir.
Tuvieron una hija, Beatris de Medin de Avila nacida 16 de Abril 1687 que se caso el 11 de Marzo de 1709 con Joseph de Reyes, su primo en tercer grado, hijo de Antonio de los Reyes e Isabel de Esparza. La informacion matrimonial hace referencia a la dispensa por su consanguinidad, pero no da mas informacion de su parentesco. De igual forma no tengo mas informacion de los ancestros de Antonio de Reyes e Isabel de Esparza, asi que estoy atorado ahi tambien.
Aparece tamien un Bernabe Medina, hijo de Crisotobal de Medina y Maria Avila que se caso con Maria Theresa Romo Vibar el 12 de Abril de 1722 en Asientos, Ags.
Quiza alguno miembro del grupo este relacionado ha estas familias y tenga informacion adicional de la que estare muy agradecido.

Jaime Alvarado


Thank you for the reply. As you have concluded, I also think that Isabel Ramires and Isabel Esparza are the same person.

I looked in the IGI, doing a search for all children of Antonio and Isabel (without last names). In the period of interest, most are children of Isbael Ramires, and only one of Isabel Esparza (this is Luis de los Reyes), but that one fits right in with the others. There is also a child of Antonio de los Reyes and Isabel "Jamines," I did not have time to look at the record today, but I would not be surprised if this were a transcription error.

I've looked in the IGI for a marriage to Antonio de los Reyes and Isabel Ramires or Esparza, but did not find one.

I would appreciate it if you could send the jpg of the Information Matrimonial for Joseph de los Reyes and Beatriz de Medina (Thank you!). My e-mail is

George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA

Regarding Isabel de Esparza or Ramirez, and more on the Reyes-Medina family, today I found some very interesting information.
Luis de Reies (Reyes) was born April 27 1693 in Aguascalientes (christened May 6 1693; Batch C604763 Source 299423; JPG available) son of Antonio de Reyes and Isabel de Esparza.
Then I found the marriage of Luis de Reyes to Gabriela de Medina 25 Nov 1714 in Aguascalientes (Batch M604846 Source 0299824). Parents of groom listed as Antonio de Reyes and Isabel Ramirez! Parents of bride: Christobal de Medina and Leonor de Abila (Avila). Unfortunately, the 1714 volume of "Informacion Matrimonial" for el Sagrario, Aguascalientes is missing from the Pilot LDS site, and thus additional information could not be obtained. That was relevant because the mother of the bride is Leonor de Abila, and not Maria, as her name (or at least the wife of Christobal) appears in other records. Also, while Isabel is listed as dead, Leonor is not, but we know that Maria de Abila was already dead by 1709 by the time Beatriz married. Could it be that Christobal de Medina re-married to a Leonor de Abila?

>From this it appears that the Medina sisters married Reyes brothers. Also, it appears that Isabel Ramirez and Isabel de Esparza are the same person.

Jaime Alvarado

----- Original Message -----
From: "gpf13"
Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2009 7:26:38 PM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Christobal de Medina and Maria de Avila


I also have a descent from Beatriz de Medina and Joseph de los Reyes, but my information is slightly different.

According to my sources (Aguascalientes church records), Joseph de los Reyes' parents are Antonio de los Reyes and Isabel Ramirez. I have only looked at the baptismal/marriage/death records for for my line and not all the others. I have not yet looked at the informacion matrimonial.

What record identifies Isabel as Isabel de Esparza? Is it the informacion matrimonial? Can you place her in the Ruis de Esparza family?

How do you identify Beatriz as the daughter of Christobal de Medina and Maria de Avila? The marriage record (11 Mar 1709) does not name her parents. There is a marginal note "velose en 28 de Abril de 1709," but I have not yet looked to see if there is a separate entry for this.

George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA

Hi Jaime the patriarch of the Ávila family is Luís de Ávila who married Clara de Anaya

and had at least the following children María who married Pablo Montes de Oca and Nicolás de Ávila who married Gertrudis López de Elizalde (granddaughter of the Juan "el primero". I have long speculated Leonor to be a daughter of this Nicolás but havent had a chance to get into the pilot site because (this month was extremely busy) Nicolás at least had Juan, Nicolás (II) and (Clara de Anaya (II)) de Ávila. As far as Isabel Esparza o Ramírez, I think she might be daughter of Cristóbal Ruiz de Esparza but need to actually check some films on the pilot site. Just some thoughts DO NOT TAKE THIS AS WORD!!!!! -Daniel

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The information came from following records:
1) Beatriz Medina (baptismal record), April 16 1687, Aguascalientes; parents Christobal de Medina and Maria de Avila. JPG available.
2) "Informacion Matrimonial" for Beatris de Medina and Joseph de los Reyes (3 JPG files also available) a month prior (13 Feb 1709) to their wedding date (11 March 1709) .

It reads as follows (in the original spelling): "En la Ciudad de Nuestra Sra de los Sacatecas a treze de febrero de mill setecientos y nuebe años su ? el señor Dr. Don Diego Camacho y Avila Arsobispo Obispo de Guadalajara Nuevo Reyno de la Galicia del Consi? de su Majestad, y su Predicador ? señor estando en su actual visita haviendo visto el los autos de Informacion de la verdad de echos para el Matrimonio que pretenden contraer Joseph de los Reyes hijo legitimo de Antonio de los Reies y de Isavel de Esparza ya difunta, y Beatris de Medina hija legitima de Christobal de Medina y Maria de Avila ya difunta, ambos pretensos originarios y vezinos de la Villa de Aguascalientes y el Impedimento de Tercero Grado de Consanguinidad que entre ellos resulta y causas que representan para la dispensacion que piden del dicho impedimento... "

Regarding your question about Isavel de Esparza relationship to Ruis de Esparza family, I have not established a connection.
Regarding Isabel Ramirez versus Isabel de Esparza as mother of Joseph de los Reyes, it could be explained by 1) The baptismal record of the Joseph you found is that of another Jph Reyes, or 2) Isabel Ramirez may have used more than one surname. Something not uncommon. Although to a certain extent a headache for genealogists, it provides additional information to establish relationships: families de Esparza Ramirez or Ramirez de Esparza as possibilities to keep on searching.

If you want copies of JPG files, let me know

Jaime Alvarado

----- Original Message -----
From: "gpf13"
Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2009 7:26:38 PM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Christobal de Medina and Maria de Avila


I also have a descent from Beatriz de Medina and Joseph de los Reyes, but my information is slightly different.

According to my sources (Aguascalientes church records), Joseph de los Reyes' parents are Antonio de los Reyes and Isabel Ramirez. I have only looked at the baptismal/marriage/death records for for my line and not all the others. I have not yet looked at the informacion matrimonial.

What record identifies Isabel as Isabel de Esparza? Is it the informacion matrimonial? Can you place her in the Ruis de Esparza family?

How do you identify Beatriz as the daughter of Christobal de Medina and Maria de Avila? The marriage record (11 Mar 1709) does not name her parents. There is a marginal note "velose en 28 de Abril de 1709," but I have not yet looked to see if there is a separate entry for this.

George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA

In any of those records, is there a mention of a Clara de los Reyes or
any Villavicencios? Thanks, Marge:)

On Feb 22, 2009, at 1:27 AM, wrote:

The information came from following records:
1) Beatriz Medina (baptismal record), April 16 1687, Aguascalientes;
parents Christobal de Medina and Maria de Avila. JPG available.
2) "Informacion Matrimonial" for Beatris de Medina and Joseph de los
Reyes (3 JPG files also available) a month prior (13 Feb 1709) to
their wedding date (11 March 1709) .

It reads as follows (in the original spelling): "En la Ciudad de
Nuestra Sra de los Sacatecas a treze de febrero de mill setecientos y
nuebe años su ? el señor Dr. Don Diego Camacho y Avila Arsobispo
Obispo de Guadalajara Nuevo Reyno de la Galicia del Consi? de su
Majestad, y su Predicador ? señor estando en su actual visita haviendo
visto el los autos de Informacion de la verdad de echos para el
Matrimonio que pretenden contraer Joseph de los Reyes hijo legitimo de
Antonio de los Reies y de Isavel de Esparza ya difunta, y Beatris de
Medina hija legitima de Christobal de Medina y Maria de Avila ya
difunta, ambos pretensos originarios y vezinos de la Villa de
Aguascalientes y el Impedimento de Tercero Grado de Consanguinidad que
entre ellos resulta y causas que representan para la dispensacion que
piden del dicho impedimento... "

Regarding your question about Isavel de Esparza relationship to Ruis
de Esparza family, I have not established a connection.
Regarding Isabel Ramirez versus Isabel de Esparza as mother of Joseph
de los Reyes, it could be explained by 1) The baptismal record of the
Joseph you found is that of another Jph Reyes, or 2) Isabel Ramirez
may have used more than one surname. Something not uncommon. Although
to a certain extent a headache for genealogists, it provides
additional information to establish relationships: families de Esparza
Ramirez or Ramirez de Esparza as possibilities to keep on searching.

If you want copies of JPG files, let me know

Jaime Alvarado

----- Original Message -----
From: "gpf13"
Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2009 7:26:38 PM GMT -06:00 US/Canada
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Christobal de Medina and Maria de Avila


I also have a descent from Beatriz de Medina and Joseph de los Reyes,
but my information is slightly different.

According to my sources (Aguascalientes church records), Joseph de los
Reyes' parents are Antonio de los Reyes and Isabel Ramirez. I have
only looked at the baptismal/marriage/death records for for my line
and not all the others. I have not yet looked at the informacion

What record identifies Isabel as Isabel de Esparza? Is it the
informacion matrimonial? Can you place her in the Ruis de Esparza

How do you identify Beatriz as the daughter of Christobal de Medina
and Maria de Avila? The marriage record (11 Mar 1709) does not name
her parents. There is a marginal note "velose en 28 de Abril de 1709,"
but I have not yet looked to see if there is a separate entry for this.

George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA

   Regarding your question about Clara de los Reyes or Villavicencios, no mention that I am aware of.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marge Vallazza"
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 2:23:05 PM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Christobal de Medina and Maria de Avila

In any of those records, is there a mention of a Clara de los Reyes or  
any Villavicencios?  Thanks, Marge:)

On Feb 22, 2009, at 1:27 AM, wrote:

The information came from following records:
1) Beatriz Medina (baptismal record), April 16 1687, Aguascalientes;  
parents Christobal de Medina and Maria de Avila. JPG available.
2) "Informacion Matrimonial" for Beatris de Medina and Joseph de los  
Reyes (3 JPG files also available) a month prior (13 Feb 1709) to  
their wedding date (11 March 1709) .

It reads as follows (in the original spelling): "En la Ciudad de  
Nuestra Sra de los Sacatecas a treze de febrero de mill setecientos y  
nuebe años su ? el señor Dr. Don Diego Camacho y Avila Arsobispo  
Obispo de Guadalajara Nuevo Reyno de la Galicia del Consi? de su  
Majestad, y su Predicador ? señor estando en su actual visita haviendo  
visto el los autos de Informacion de la verdad de echos para el  
Matrimonio que pretenden contraer Joseph de los Reyes hijo legitimo de  
Antonio de los Reies y de Isavel de Esparza ya difunta, y Beatris de  
Medina hija legitima de Christobal de Medina y Maria de Avila ya  
difunta, ambos pretensos originarios y vezinos de la Villa de  
Aguascalientes y el Impedimento de Tercero Grado de Consanguinidad que  
entre ellos resulta y causas que representan para la dispensacion que  
piden del dicho impedimento... "

Regarding your question about Isavel de Esparza relationship to Ruis  
de Esparza family, I have not established a connection.
Regarding Isabel Ramirez versus Isabel de Esparza as mother of Joseph  
de los Reyes, it could be explained by 1) The baptismal record of the  
Joseph you found is that of another Jph Reyes, or 2) Isabel Ramirez  
may have used more than one surname. Something not uncommon. Although  
to a certain extent a headache for genealogists, it provides  
additional information to establish relationships: families de Esparza  
Ramirez or Ramirez de Esparza as possibilities to keep on searching.

If you want copies of JPG files, let me know

Jaime Alvarado

----- Original Message -----
From: "gpf13"
Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2009 7:26:38 PM GMT -06:00 US/Canada  
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Christobal de Medina and Maria de Avila


I also have a descent from Beatriz de Medina and Joseph de los Reyes,  
but my information is slightly different.

According to my sources (Aguascalientes church records), Joseph de los  
Reyes' parents are Antonio de los Reyes and Isabel Ramirez. I have  
only looked at the baptismal/marriage/death records for for my line  
and not all the others. I have not yet looked at the informacion  

What record identifies Isabel as Isabel de Esparza? Is it the  
informacion matrimonial? Can you place her in the Ruis de Esparza  

How do you identify Beatriz as the daughter of Christobal de Medina  
and Maria de Avila? The marriage record (11 Mar 1709) does not name  
her parents. There is a marginal note "velose en 28 de Abril de 1709,"  
but I have not yet looked to see if there is a separate entry for this.

George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA

I have Antonio de los Reyes (I cant find him on the IGI for some reason) as son of Luís de los reyes and Juana Tiscareño de Molina. Luís' parents are Luís de Murguía and María de la Cruz. Juana's parents are uknown. -Daniel

When you list Juana's parents as unknown, do you mean we have not been able to locate the information or that her parents were 'desconocidos'?


----- Original Message -----
From: "mendezdelcamino"
Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2009 9:22:42 PM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Christobal de Medina and

I have Antonio de los Reyes (I cant find him on the IGI for some reason) as son of Luís de los reyes and Juana Tiscareño de Molina. Luís' parents are Luís de Murguía and María de la Cruz. Juana's parents are uknown. -Daniel

Contact me....this is my line, maybe I have something you may not have.?

In a message dated 2/20/2009 11:10:05 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Christobal de Medina married Maria de Avila (Abila) on May 2 1666 in
Aguascalientes. In their marriage record their parents are not listed, and
unfortunately the images of Marriage Licenses (Informacion Matrimonial) in the LDS
Pilot site begin that year, but two months latter. So, I've hit a road block.
However, there is some additional information that may help.
They had a daughter Beatriz de Medina de Avila b. 16 April 1687 married on
March 11 1709 to Joseph de Reyes her cousin in 3rd degree, son of Antonio de
los Reyes and Isabel de Esparza. The 'informacion matrimonial' refers to
their relationship, they receive a 'dispensa' but no more details of how they are
related. I've also in a road block with the Reyes-Esparza marriage, as I am
unable to locate their marriage record.
There is also a Bernabe Medina, son of Christobal Medina and Maria Avila,
who married Maria Theresa Romo Vibar on 12 April 1722 in Asientos,
Maybe someone in the group is related to these families and has additional
information that will be greatly appreciated.

Jaime Alvarado

Christobal de Medina se caso con Maria de Avila (Abila) en Mayo 2 de 1666 en
Aguascalientes. En su acta matrimonial no hay informacion de los padres y
desgraciadamente las imagenes de informacion matrimonial en el portal Pilot de
LDS no cominenzan sino hasta dos meses despues. Estoy atorado. Sin embargo,
tengo informacion adicional que puede servir.
Tuvieron una hija, Beatris de Medin de Avila nacida 16 de Abril 1687 que se
caso el 11 de Marzo de 1709 con Joseph de Reyes, su primo en tercer grado,
hijo de Antonio de los Reyes e Isabel de Esparza. La informacion matrimonial
hace referencia a la dispensa por su consanguinidad, pero no da mas informacion
de su parentesco. De igual forma no tengo mas informacion de los ancestros
de Antonio de Reyes e Isabel de Esparza, asi que estoy atorado ahi tambien.
Aparece tamien un Bernabe Medina, hijo de Crisotobal de Medina y Maria Avila
que se caso con Maria Theresa Romo Vibar el 12 de Abril de 1722 en Asientos,
Quiza alguno miembro del grupo este relacionado ha estas familias y tenga
informacion adicional de la que estare muy agradecido.

Jaime Alvarado


I also have a descent from Beatriz de Medina and Joseph de los Reyes, but my information is slightly different.

According to my sources (Aguascalientes church records), Joseph de los Reyes' parents are Antonio de los Reyes and Isabel Ramirez. I have only looked at the baptismal/marriage/death records for for my line and not all the others. I have not yet looked at the informacion matrimonial.

What record identifies Isabel as Isabel de Esparza? Is it the informacion matrimonial? Can you place her in the Ruis de Esparza family?

How do you identify Beatriz as the daughter of Christobal de Medina and Maria de Avila? The marriage record (11 Mar 1709) does not name her parents. There is a marginal note "velose en 28 de Abril de 1709," but I have not yet looked to see if there is a separate entry for this.

George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA

In a message dated 2/20/2009 11:10:05 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Christobal de Medina married Maria de Avila (Abila) on May 2 1666 in
Aguascalientes. In their marriage record their parents are not listed, and
unfortunately the images of Marriage Licenses (Informacion Matrimonial) in the LDS
Pilot site begin that year, but two months latter. So, I've hit a road block.
However, there is some additional information that may help.
They had a daughter Beatriz de Medina de Avila b. 16 April 1687 married on
March 11 1709 to Joseph de Reyes her cousin in 3rd degree, son of Antonio de
los Reyes and Isabel de Esparza. The 'informacion matrimonial' refers to
their relationship, they receive a 'dispensa' but no more details of how they are
related. I've also in a road block with the Reyes-Esparza marriage, as I am
unable to locate their marriage record.
There is also a Bernabe Medina, son of Christobal Medina and Maria Avila,
who married Maria Theresa Romo Vibar on 12 April 1722 in Asientos,
Maybe someone in the group is related to these families and has additional
information that will be greatly appreciated.

Jaime Alvarado

Christobal de Medina se caso con Maria de Avila (Abila) en Mayo 2 de 1666 en
Aguascalientes. En su acta matrimonial no hay informacion de los padres y
desgraciadamente las imagenes de informacion matrimonial en el portal Pilot de
LDS no cominenzan sino hasta dos meses despues. Estoy atorado. Sin embargo,
tengo informacion adicional que puede servir.
Tuvieron una hija, Beatris de Medin de Avila nacida 16 de Abril 1687 que se
caso el 11 de Marzo de 1709 con Joseph de Reyes, su primo en tercer grado,
hijo de Antonio de los Reyes e Isabel de Esparza. La informacion matrimonial
hace referencia a la dispensa por su consanguinidad, pero no da mas informacion
de su parentesco. De igual forma no tengo mas informacion de los ancestros
de Antonio de Reyes e Isabel de Esparza, asi que estoy atorado ahi tambien.
Aparece tamien un Bernabe Medina, hijo de Crisotobal de Medina y Maria Avila
que se caso con Maria Theresa Romo Vibar el 12 de Abril de 1722 en Asientos,
Quiza alguno miembro del grupo este relacionado ha estas familias y tenga
informacion adicional de la que estare muy agradecido.

Jaime Alvarado