For Rick Ricci and others researching MARTINEZ CALVILLO
First let me correct the list of children for Juan MARTINES CALBILLO and Josepha AGUILERA De Sandi given in my previous posting:
Anttonia, c. 1671, is not their child, she was the daughter of Ygnasio MARTINEZ CALVILLO and Juana SOTELO de Jaen.
And yes Cristobal RUIZ ESPARZA Lozano is the son of Bernardo RE and Catalina LOZANO. [thank you Bill Figueroa for both facts].
I don’t know anything about Vicente MARTINEZ CALVILLO or Da. Geronima XIMENEZ de Alvarado.
I have the following two notes, which may be about him:
--a Sotero CALVILLO was a testigo to the marriage of Jose Maria MACIAS Calvillo and Anna Maria DIAS Medina, Jun 1791.
--Entry copied by my father from a genealogical dictionary by Fernando Muñoz Altea, in Mexico, in the 60’s or 70’s, I can’t find name of dictionary: “Entre los insurgentes que lucharon por la Independencia de Mexico se encuentran los hermanos don José Pablo y don Sotero CALVILLO, vicario el primero de ellos de Colotlán, Jal., anteriormente cura de Huajacar [sic], donde al parecer naciera, población que hoy lleva el nombre de Villa de Calvillo."
Back to Phelipe Judas MARTINES CALVILLO:
Here’s his baptism, from a rather botched extraction:
BAPTISM: #226647B, IGI on line
Phelipe Judas MARTINES
hijo de Eugenio CULUILLO Martines
y Donagimudes RUISO
C042746, no dates
NOTE: parents are
y doña Gertrudes RUIS-ESPARSA
And here’s his Marriage Dispensation: He was age 20, not 24.
Aguas. Aguas. 24 Nov 1729
Exp 99. Dispensa de cuarto grado de consanguinidad.
Phelipe CALVILLO, español de 24 años
hl de Eugenio CALVILLO, difunto
originario y vecino de esta villa
Theresa MUNOZ de HERMOSILLO, española de 22 años
originaria y vecina de esta feligresía
hl de Andres MUNOZ, ya difunto
y Lorenza de TISCAREÑO
Declaracion del pretenso: Por ser la dicha Gertrudis RUIZ DE ESPARZA, mi madre y la referida Lorenza de TISCAREÑO, madre de la dicha mi pretensa, primas segundas, hijas de dos primos hermanos que lo fueron mi abuelo Cristobal RUIZ DE ESPARZA y Juan de TISCAREÑO, abuelo de la pretensa, y estos dos fueron hijos de dos hermanos que lo fueron Bernardo RUIZ DE DESPARZA, mi bisabuelo y Lorenza RUIZ DE ESPARZA, bisabuela de mi pretensa. Se otorgó la dispensa en al Villa de Aguascalientes, en 27 de noviembre de 1728. 16 fojas
Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara, Rollo
167996 OAH 2357 pt. 2, Matrimonios
Hojas Sueltas, 1728, 24 de noviembre
de 1728
And his death:
!DEATH: #299861, LDS Pilot Site
hijo de Eugenio CALBILLO
y Gertrudis ESPARSA
Burial Aguascalientes, Ags.
B0399355, also B038637
Do you have the documents for his father Eugenio MARTINES CALVILLO’s baptism and marriage? If not I will be requesting them in about a week, and can send you copies when they arrive from the LDS. Send me your mailing address in a private email if you want copies. Thank you.
Let me start off by saying thank you for sharing.
I have a many questions.
How do I look up your e-mail address?
How do i look up aguascalientes films online?
andres munoz and lorenza ticascareno's marriage record shows his parents as alonso munoz de hermosillo and Luisa de Nava. Are they the same couple married on 11/aug/1669 in aguascalientes listed as Alonso Peres and Luisa de Nava?
sotero calvilo's son Juan Evangelista Calvillo is married to simona Corro Silva, daughter of Jose antonio Corro Escandon and Josefa Mariana de Silba y Norona
they were married on 13 /jul1788 in aguas film # 29832. Have you heard of these names. I was hoping to be able to go online to look up their records.
>From the dispenstion you sent me I was able to connect Teresa munoz de hermosillo with the rest of the ruiz de esparz and tiscareno families in my tree.
jose sotero's wife is Maria gertrudis Avila Diaz de trevino daughter of jose antonio de avila and maria ines diaz de tiscareno i do not any one beyond these two parents.
Thanks again for all your help,
From: on behalf of Gloria
Sent: Mon 3/9/2009 8:50 PM
To: Ranchos
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] MARTINEZ CALVILLO,Phelipe Judas MARTINEZ CALVILLO, Sotero CALVILLO
For Rick Ricci and others researching MARTINEZ CALVILLO
First let me correct the list of children for Juan MARTINES CALBILLO and Josepha AGUILERA De Sandi given in my previous posting:
Anttonia, c. 1671, is not their child, she was the daughter of Ygnasio MARTINEZ CALVILLO and Juana SOTELO de Jaen.
And yes Cristobal RUIZ ESPARZA Lozano is the son of Bernardo RE and Catalina LOZANO. [thank you Bill Figueroa for both facts].
I don't know anything about Vicente MARTINEZ CALVILLO or Da. Geronima XIMENEZ de Alvarado.
I have the following two notes, which may be about him:
--a Sotero CALVILLO was a testigo to the marriage of Jose Maria MACIAS Calvillo and Anna Maria DIAS Medina, Jun 1791.
--Entry copied by my father from a genealogical dictionary by Fernando Muñoz Altea, in Mexico, in the 60's or 70's, I can't find name of dictionary: "Entre los insurgentes que lucharon por la Independencia de Mexico se encuentran los hermanos don José Pablo y don Sotero CALVILLO, vicario el primero de ellos de Colotlán, Jal., anteriormente cura de Huajacar [sic], donde al parecer naciera, población que hoy lleva el nombre de Villa de Calvillo."
Back to Phelipe Judas MARTINES CALVILLO:
Here's his baptism, from a rather botched extraction:
BAPTISM: #226647B, IGI on line
Phelipe Judas MARTINES
hijo de Eugenio CULUILLO Martines
y Donagimudes RUISO
C042746, no dates
NOTE: parents are
y doña Gertrudes RUIS-ESPARSA
And here's his Marriage Dispensation: He was age 20, not 24.
Aguas. Aguas. 24 Nov 1729
Exp 99. Dispensa de cuarto grado de consanguinidad.
Phelipe CALVILLO, español de 24 años
hl de Eugenio CALVILLO, difunto
originario y vecino de esta villa
Theresa MUNOZ de HERMOSILLO, española de 22 años
originaria y vecina de esta feligresía
hl de Andres MUNOZ, ya difunto
y Lorenza de TISCAREÑO
Declaracion del pretenso: Por ser la dicha Gertrudis RUIZ DE ESPARZA, mi madre y la referida Lorenza de TISCAREÑO, madre de la dicha mi pretensa, primas segundas, hijas de dos primos hermanos que lo fueron mi abuelo Cristobal RUIZ DE ESPARZA y Juan de TISCAREÑO, abuelo de la pretensa, y estos dos fueron hijos de dos hermanos que lo fueron Bernardo RUIZ DE DESPARZA, mi bisabuelo y Lorenza RUIZ DE ESPARZA, bisabuela de mi pretensa. Se otorgó la dispensa en al Villa de Aguascalientes, en 27 de noviembre de 1728. 16 fojas
Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara, Rollo
167996 OAH 2357 pt. 2, Matrimonios
Hojas Sueltas, 1728, 24 de noviembre
de 1728
And his death:
!DEATH: #299861, LDS Pilot Site
hijo de Eugenio CALBILLO
y Gertrudis ESPARSA
Burial Aguascalientes, Ags.
B0399355, also B038637
Do you have the documents for his father Eugenio MARTINES CALVILLO's baptism and marriage? If not I will be requesting them in about a week, and can send you copies when they arrive from the LDS. Send me your mailing address in a private email if you want copies. Thank you.
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