FW: The next step for Nuestros Ranchos - El pr

"Incorporation" is a formal/legal manner of organizing and managing an
entity (con personalidad juridica) that is something very similar to the
Mexican SDRL (Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada) and is highly
recommended when one wishes to shield the participants from
"individual/personal" liability that may otherwise occur for acts of the
organization or other members, and it also provides a path for continuity
or "permanency" of the organization even when shareholders (or in the
contemplated case, "members") change along the way.

When "Non-profit" (sin proposito de lucro) status is recognized, the
corporation does not incur "income taxes" and financial donors can "deduct"
their donations from their Income Tax Reports.



> From: Leticia Leon
> To:
> Date: 4/12/2009 4:22:39 PM
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos]FW: Re: The next step for Nuestros
Ranchos - El pr